The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Fri May 31 19:34:43 . A Small Stream on the Plains
larl}{Kliimus}{ said:
she watched His finger slice through the air...pointing to the Bosk and trees...she even saw a butterfly flying effortlessly on the wind...smiling to Him...His hand on my ass..the grope and rub told me He cared..not to mention it felt good to finally know and remember a mans touch...with His hand in my own we reached the stream...she looked to Him seductively and started a minor strip tease...slowly removing the kalmak...breasts falling into view..swaying as she reached to the curla...pushing it down over rounded hips...stepping from it...wiggling her cheeks as she stooped

Fri May 31 19:34:43 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Couch1 said:

Couch1 has started a new game with the following players:

Fri May 31 19:34:23 . OOC CoffeeShop
Holly Blanc said:

Fri May 31 19:34:17 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Couch1 said:

Fri May 31 19:34:10 . OOC CoffeeShop
Brixton Walsh said:
Great movie. Either the first or second best desert-based movie this year

Fri May 31 19:32:16 . OOC CoffeeShop
Holly Blanc said:
I still need to see it. It's one of those "OKAY, we finally got a free minute, let's watch this mov—OH CRAP I GOTTA DO THAT THING!"

Endless loops.

Fri May 31 19:31:33 . Z2 Corkboard
Gioia said:

Fri May 31 19:31:02 . OOC CoffeeShop
Brixton Walsh said:
Dune 2: Hey, what are you 2 Dune?

Fri May 31 19:30:01 . VIP
Tabitha Carr@jag said:
Guess not

Fri May 31 19:29:59 . OOC CoffeeShop
Holly Blanc said:
Dune 2: What We Dune In The Shadows

Fri May 31 19:29:02 . OOC CoffeeShop
Brixton Walsh said:
Florence Pugh was so good in Dune 2

Fri May 31 19:27:34 . Schendi City Port
djinn{RED} said:
Dark orbs take in the huge ship as they climb aboard,booted feet grace the timber plank as the thought of leaving Terra firmament makes her tummy turn over,surely if one was meant to travel on water ,one would have gills or fins or even some floating device ,djinn thinks to herself.
Keeping her serene composure her eyes light up as she sees her Master looking intensely at something or someone but djinn from her spot could not quite see.

Looking to the sky above scanning for any sign of dark clouds or such not and hoping it will be a calm travel as green is definitely not djinns colouring it clashes with her ey

Fri May 31 19:27:17 . South Town Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
It was okay for one of his first efforts. Could've been better.

When the board is left hovering a foot off the ground, Echo lifts both of his feet up to rest on it. Swinging his legs out away from the bar and using it as a high-tech footstool for a moment as he leans back and visibly relaxes for a moment.

It was brutal. But he doesn't comment further on it. It was his responsibility to take care of Haven. At least the emotional parts of her. He'd gotten used to hiding his worry and fear from her.

Echo hands over the vial of microscopic machines when you reach for it. Watching your eyes while you scan it.

"Nanotech is one of my blind spots. Never really delved into it." Mostly because it terrified him. "Right now...and I don't know who you know meatspace vs digispace...Iridia, Nobunaga, and Eir are working on it. You can link up with them if you want."

Aside from the obvious medical issues in play with that gray goo shit, Echo had another concern on his mind. One he expressed last night to Eir.

"I need to know if this was designed to target Haven specifically. Her 'ware is bleeding edge. Nearly prototype. I can't imagine it would fall easy to a nano-swarm. Unless it had a specific edge."

Maybe Richter got lucky. Maybe it was just highly advanced nanites of Richter's own design. Maybe Haven's augments lacked a proper wall defense against nanotech. But...

"She has a lot of enemies in her past. I'm wondering if they were involved here."

Fri May 31 19:26:55 . VIP
Tabitha Carr@jag said:

Fri May 31 19:26:24 . A Small Stream on the Plains
Kliimus said:
~gathers her into me, as my left hand swats her fine butt, giving it a good grope and rub~
"Read my mind mt girl, a bath indeed needed"
~Noting the towels, and her eagerness to please,no words spoken but a slow stroll with her to the stream, as my hand reach up and points to a few things about, the grass swaying in the breeze, the bosk could be seen and hear, a few birds flew upon the breeze~

Fri May 31 19:23:34 . VIP
Tabitha Carr@jag said:
It won't let me in

Fri May 31 19:22:49 . OOC CoffeeShop
Holly Blanc said:
er Florence Pugh, I mean, like in Dune and as Yelena

Fri May 31 19:21:54 . OOC CoffeeShop
Holly Blanc said:
Oh my god that outfit is adorable which is funny because she has those like really badass standout roles

Fri May 31 19:21:37 . A Camp on the Plains
Hondo said:
outsidee of the other edge of the wagons, in the place that has been sit up for the riders to train as I wished them to. My methods had met with some slight resistance that I was expecting too much and they were excellent riders already.

I would grant that they were like the best light land based cavalry on the face of Gor. But there was room for improvement.

I sat astride My kaiila looking down the alley that had been constructed with targets on both sides. It measured just over 400 spear lengths long. and two spears wide. Some of the targets were stationary as they had been before. Only I had added a level. In several places small leather shields swung from lances that had been crossed and bound together. the dangling shield swing back and forth as well in some cases being spun by the breeze

Fri May 31 19:20:13 . OOC CoffeeShop
Poppy Adams said:
needs more avies.

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