The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sun Jun 09 00:23:51 . BJ's Diner
Holly Blanc said:
"Well I don't know, if they were supporting you and that got rugpulled when you disobeyed, or… do you think you're making progress with them? If cooking classes were intolerable in high school but they later let you go to Juilliard, I'd count that as a step up."

Holly hesitated, backtracked a little. "…yknow, like that's pretty typical. My older brother basically got into athletics because that's what my Dad wanted him to do, was willing to pay for school. I wanted a car, Dad said he'll help me with payments if I bought American… parents just do that, exert their influence while you're reliant on them. I don't mean to paint it as, like evil…"

With a deep breath, she shrugged and snagged Lulu's attention with a small wave, passed her her card.

"…I'm the one that's missing something. With your art at the center of your life, with someone like Elodie and her family supporting you, with you just recently hearing that your pal Holly will add to your personal safety net, no strings attached… I don't know. Actually, I get it."

Holly mirrored your characteristic rueful grin as she leaned back again, pivoted awkwardly in her chair, crossed her legs.

"…the world's still on fire and society's still on the brink of collapse, so I'm with you on being a little hesitant to inventory your blessings. I can't know what's going on in your head, but locking it up is going to cost you your health," she circled back to her original point about you, your health, and the play.

Sun Jun 09 00:23:52 . A Game of Words
wasjc(m) said:


Sun Jun 09 00:18:48 . Fireside Chat
Budo Wolf said:
What is your view on face stripping?

I believe that back in the day face stripping had more impact as writers followed the books more closely. Free women wore veils back then especially when there were less rooms and an abundance of players. Nowadays it is rarely seen that free women wear veils in many parts of Gor, some regions insisted on veils like the Tahari while they were not necessary in the North. With popularism wearing veils just fell away. That is my opinion based on my observations over the past few years. I don't believe that face stripping bears the kind of impact it had back then.

How do you as a Free Man view Free Women? If a slave how do you view them?

A necessary evil I believe (hahaha) just kidding. I do believe that they are integral to the Gorean society where women tend to play between the difficult rules that are set up in a Gorean world. Free women do tend to state their minds, careful not to offend and yet witty enough to point out opinions that sometimes men do not see or overlook. I believe that it is good to share with someone who can speak their mind without a submissive mindset. Let me explain, a slave will always agree with her Master as she knows the consequences should she not. A free woman has no fear of that and so often the truth can be said without the fear of punishment as long as she is not offensive.
However, it has always been my belief that most women do have submissive tendencies based on our society's influences. (men being breadwinners yada yada yada)

I love slave women, I always have. Some are more vulnerable than others and that is the attraction to me, a woman that needs a man to protect her, I guess it appeals to the macho in me. There are times when you meet a slave that tends to gel with your personality and helps you write better to project your character. They can be loving and supportive more openly than a free woman if that is what you want. I personally believe that a slave sometimes carries more honor and courage than some men in Gor. It takes courage to have to put up with others, putting them first and still being loyal despite degradation at times. I as a warrior enjoy having a slave who is selfless as it can complement my character which I have noticed that many men on Gor have realized. Respect them as you wish to be respected by others and you will have a slave worth keeping.

Is there a real need for Free Women? Why?

I think that I have already touched on this topic earlier, a free woman can be honest in her portrayal of her character and how she interacts with men of Gor. They can set storylines and integrate easily in different parts of Gor. They can operate at a higher level than slaves without fear of disfavor of a Master. They are capable in most things except the strength of a man on Gor. They can be supportive and run home in the absence of the man while he is away. It is said that they can run a home without men which in a Gorean society only happens in certain cities depicted in the books. Yes there is a definite need for free women in a Gorean society. The question is do I believe that a free woman can run a home...No, they are vulnerable.

Although I don't profess to know it all especially Gorean, these are based only on my current beliefs and experiences.

Sun Jun 09 00:15:40 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Jacklyn said:

Sun Jun 09 00:14:12 . BJ's Diner
Leo Sterling said:
The look of worry with those words hsa his brow furrowing, weight shifting to lean his forearms against the table, leaning in toward you as he absorbs your words.
"Wait, I don't think I follow - I get the logic of if every direction is wrong, stop taking their directions. Do you mean you were worried I was still following their directions because I need money?"

You clearly think you're onto something here, and now he wants to know what that is.

"Yeah, the parents do come with Elodie..." He doesn't argue with the word soulmate. It seems appropriate enough.

You can see the way he's watching you, like he's going to divine what you want him to get at if he looks hard enough.

"C'mon, Holl, there's clearly more there. What am I missing here?"

Sun Jun 09 00:11:28 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Jacklyn said:

Jacklyn has started a new game with the following players:

Sun Jun 09 00:11:11 . BJ's Diner
Leo Sterling said:
The look of worry with those words hsa his brow furrowing, weight shifting to lean his forearms against the table, leaning in toward you as he absorbs your words.

"Wait, I don't think I follow - I get the logic of if every direction is wrong, stop taking their directions. Do you mean you were worried I was still following their directions because I need money?"

You clearly think you're onto something here, and now he wants to know what that is.

"Yeah, the parents do come with Elodie..." He doesn't argue with the word soulmate. It seems appropriate enough.

You can see the way he's watching you, like he's going to divine what you want him to get at if he looks hard enough.

"C'mon, Holl, there's clearly more there. What am I missing here?"

Sun Jun 09 00:07:12 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Jacklyn said:

Jacklyn has started a new game with the following players:

Sun Jun 09 00:04:40 . Z2 Corkboard
Ava@jag said:
I am so sorry to read this. May everyone one of those One Thousand hundred and 40 days live on in your memory a bring you peace and joy for the rest of yours days. Just as she would wish it for you. God Bless

Sun Jun 09 00:02:54 . BJ's Diner
Holly Blanc said:
"…okay? So fuck it," she offered, though she was missing that dismissive and cavalier slant that would normally accompany such a pithy reply. Instead, she looked a little worried — maintaining that concern she began to lean forward with. "I'm 'externalizing my locus of control' — that's what Lilly would tell me if I told her this same thing. If every direction is wrong, then stop taking their directions. That's why I asked if it was a money thing."

But, well, now she had a clearer picture of what all of this looked like… or she believed she did, anyway.

"And that's all, sorta…" Holly interdigitatedm, gesturing her hands together. "…all part of the whole package of Elodie. She's, like… your soulmate."

Oh good heavens, she said it.
But she didn't say it like it was some discovery, some novel observation that should give you hope.

…because what she observed didn't reflect all that you talked about, but… that unvoiced question lingered in her aura, instead. Your expression warmed, but what what was holding it back?

Sun Jun 09 00:02:51 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Jacklyn said:

Jacklyn has started a new game with the following players:

Sun Jun 09 00:02:44 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Jacklyn said:

Sat Jun 08 23:56:06 . The fox and hounds
Grebe said:
sits at a table

Sat Jun 08 23:53:38 . BJ's Diner
Leo Sterling said:
You debunk the military thing, like, immediately, and he has to laugh at himself. "Point well made. I'm sure my dad would love to try."

A quiet sigh. "Nothing I do with my life is going to please them, no matter which way you swing it."

There wer a multitude of issues with his parents. Trust him on that one. "I'm just... never going to be enough for them. I'm not the right kind of man. And they stand for so much that I hate, that should be a point of pride, right?"

A brow lifts. "Yeah, Dee's kitchen." His expression warms, an ease entering it that doesn't exist with his own parents. "They're great. The parents I wish I had, pretty much. Totally cool with her being bi/pan/whatever, supported all my weird lifechoices, they're like, my second family. They adopted me. And when we lived close together, that was a dream, having parents who were interested in what I was doing, supporting me, as much as Dee. Dee's parents are basically the best."

Sat Jun 08 23:47:34 . BJ's Diner
Holly Blanc said:

Holly flipped her phone around to bring up a picture of Chef Andre Rush. "…army. Chef. Worked for the President. Look at the size of this man. I dare your dad to look down on him."

Not that you explicitly were trying to mimick that giant of a man, but there were massive exceptions to your parents' views everywhere you looked.

"…and even outside of the army, but whatever I'm talking to you, not them. And you're right, if it doesn't come from a logical place, it won't be defeated by logic anyway…" she cooled on pushing the point, especially as there seemed to be more underpinning your relationship with your parents than just this issue.

"…yeah I mean, if you've got good insurance on your kitchen — though I guess that would be Dee's kitchen, huh? What about her parents?"

Sat Jun 08 23:44:25 . Wisteria
titsi~ said:

,img src=>

Sat Jun 08 23:41:44 . BJ's Diner
Leo Sterling said:
He sighsk wishing it was as easy to dismiss them for him as it is for you. "I mean, I know that. Dad's military, and just... has some traditional bullshit in mind for men and women."

Then it dawns on him that you think cooking is sexy, and he flushes, grinning wide for a moment. "That's what I say, too! I mean, if you're interested in learning, that's a thing that can change."

Not knowing how to cook, that is.

"My sisters might be cooler about it all, but I'm not honestly sure at this point."

Sat Jun 08 23:39:13 . Z2 Corkboard
Sweet Transvestite said:
The phone: Tommy Tutone, 867-5309.

Sat Jun 08 23:35:35 . BJ's Diner
Holly Blanc said:
"Your parents sound like morons, like at a fundamental level. Even if their protest was about some imbecilic fear over perceptions, cooking and sexuality has little correlation — outside of the fact that knowing how to cook is extremely sexy."

Holly started to dawn a sly smile, only to then turn it completely around.

"…which is why my un-sexy ass can't do it."

Sat Jun 08 23:32:03 . BJ's Diner
Leo Sterling said:
A wry laugh. "It will be the new fiduciary responsibility." He nods.

You get a teasing grin, just, you made the right choice on that fry, he's pretty sure.

That question stops him dead in his tracks, for a simple question, all told. "Oh, no my sisters are very cis. And I'm not trans, so..." even though he'd literally said non-binary, he's just ghosting over it. "I just know how it would go. I wanted to do, like, these cooking classes when I was, what, in high school I think? My parents indicated how deeply inappropriate it would be for me to do so, what the neighbours would say, that if I want people to stop making assumptions about my sexuality I need to behave... and that was for cooking classes"

[End of Transfer]

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