The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sat May 18 18:39:39 . sofa Time
Copper said:
Need ya to explain "combobulated "

Sat May 18 18:39:16 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:

Sat May 18 18:39:09 . A Camp on the Plains
}{ Plains Warrior said:
The sound of wagons caught his attention.

Sat May 18 18:38:20 . sofa Time
Copper said:
"ass melting too hot "


Sat May 18 18:38:13 . sofa Time
Jilly said:
Combolated is?

Sat May 18 18:37:50 . Just One
{simplicity} said:

Sat May 18 18:37:49 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
yeppers.....too hot to do lazy day

Sat May 18 18:37:45 . Somewhere on the Plains
larl }{ Kliimus }{ said:
riding in His lap as we rode along the grassy plains to a camp i didnt yet see...l/p

Sat May 18 18:37:31 . sofa Time
Copper said:
Geez, I combobulated those characters

Sat May 18 18:37:19 . sofa Time
Jilly said:
Ok thanks Copper.except ass melting too hot

Sat May 18 18:36:55 . Somewhere on the Plains
Kliimus said:
~grins~ "Aye, indeed a fine day to do so Ha"
The three wagons made there way from the plains inwards to the camp. l/p

Sat May 18 18:36:52 . sofa Time
Copper said:
Hiya Couch1.

Keepn' upright today?

Sat May 18 18:36:47 . Inis Fáil(another name for Ireland)
JynxRuneStone said:
Inis Fail
She returned that squeeze to your hand and when you turned and closed your eyes she gently moved Braiden so he could watch, what you were going to do.

She watched as those tendrils began to emerge from you Braiden stilled as he saw as well how those tendrils writhed and danced around you. She loves to watch you call the shadows, loves to watch what you make with, or just simply walk through them with you, she will always be in awe of who you do that.

Her eyes would watch your hands for a bit as they moved with grace as you weaved the shadows from your own darkness, to look at your face your expressions there making sure you were okay, then looking back again.

She could not help the gasp of breath as your horse materialized first, she blinked for a few seconds cause she never thought you could form shadows to make something that large to say she is in awe of you, would be an understatement. Her blue eyes traveled the horse's form as black as the shadows he was formed from the stallion stood before them with its eyes of oynx that seemed to mesmerize with the light it reflected. She has never seen a more perfect horse not a flaw upon him as the others you have formed the stallion seemed substantial but had an otherworldly feel. Though made from shadow he stood solid quite an imposing figure, she could not help but smile to blur with a little waver much like the surface of dark water would.

She took a quick glance to Braiden who seemed to be in just as much awe of what his Daddy did as she was.

Her eyes were drawn to that shifting of shadows that happened again this time though it was not black, instead, a silvery charcoal hue was seen and it shimmered with the same ethereal glow as the first horse. Her eyes widened more as she saw the mare her mane cascading like moonlight in liquid form, as it flowed gracefully down its neck. She was stunned at the contrast it made with the darker hues of its body and like the first had that solid, ethereal presence. She could see the elegance and strength the horse had.

She kept her eyes on the horses for a few seconds more taken by their grandeur and grace. She could hear them breathing and the way those inky tendrils moved on them shifting and flowing. She looked to you when you opened your eyes

"Oh wow baby they are amazing I did not know you could make something that big...thank you."

She lifted up to place a kiss to your cheek, and Braiden cooed and clapped for his Daddy showing you what he thought about that

Sat May 18 18:36:30 . sofa Time
Jilly said:
Copper thats ric o chet rabbit bing bing bing😄😄😄

Sat May 18 18:36:15 . sofa Time
Copper said:
Jilly Pop Corn.....Saturday treatin' ya well?

Sat May 18 18:36:06 . The Magnet Board
beth25 said:

Sat May 18 18:36:04 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
heya Copper....

Sat May 18 18:35:34 . sofa Time
Jilly said:
Gimmee dat bunnie lol

Sat May 18 18:35:26 . sofa Time
Copper said:
Is that "Exit Stage right clothes"?

Sat May 18 18:35:04 . sofa Time
Jilly said:
Hi copperfield what goes?

[End of Transfer]

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