The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Tue May 21 20:03:16 . The Grimm Home - Fallen Angels RPG
Jacob Grimm said:
Pool & Backyard
Every night can't be like that though, because they'd exhaust themselves.

"You get whatever you want in your office."

That's for you to decorate, not him. They really should look into that.

"I thought you might agree. Though I'm definitely considering an electric replacement for the car that was totaled. You know I have to do all my research first."

Those things blow up. Their truck doesn't even look like a truck, eats body parts.

"I wasn't limiting it to one. He'll go as much as he wants. Might help me too. That way I learn not to convey the wrong expectations of a five year old."

Which he might. Not on purpose, but through just teaching about their family and legacies and things. This is their normal, but he doesn't want the kids to think they have anything to live up to but being themselves. He sure as hell is nothing like any Jakob Ludwig Grimm before him.

Tue May 21 20:03:00 . The City Beach
Leo Sterling said:
"Counterpoint, you totally can be artsy like me and Dee! Practice makes perfect. You have an artistic soul. What is translation but art?"

... you are going to trip, aren't you.

He's not in a position to rescue you this time, so it's a relief when you catch yourself. The sand castle, well, that is a shame, but was inevitable, right?

You adjust the camera, and can hear the laugh that results. You do seem to get the hang of it, though. The questions aren't new ones to him, obviously. So they're just taken in stride.

"I'm on the beach in The City! Wait - what I'm doing -now- are what I was doing earlier? Right now, I'm flying a kraken!" Eyebrows waggle, though that might be lost at the distance you're at. "Today we had our second day of rehearsals for Elodie Stone's brilliant new play, Plus One! Coincidentally, that's also what I care about in life right now."

Tue May 21 20:02:07 . A Camp on the Plains
}{gemm~(Camp) said:
Bosk steak almost still bellowing, Commander ... yes!

She cast Him a glance - then another as she turned to do His bidding.

Tue May 21 20:01:58 . A place for girls who need a push... con
Khandi said:
coming in for an evening drink

Tue May 21 20:01:40 . Jarl GaigiN's Cabin
Jarl GaigiN said:
All is well, heading for My Cabin.

Tue May 21 20:00:16 . New Hope Memorial Hospital...The City RP
Anais Hawke said:
Oh, but she l... adores This Guy.

Even the sound of your truck pulling up brings a rush of relief and gratitude surging up within her. Instantly, she tucks her phone into the pocket of her scrubs and slips out from under the tree.

Despite the discomfort of the events of minutes ago, she's smiling to when you pull up and roll down the window. A little early makes it even better.

As you turn the radio completely off, she still hasn't figured out what band that was or the song, but she's already moving to hop up in the truck. Almost too eagerly. Or, at least, with a different sort of eagerness than she usually has.

Concern and vigilance replace your grin and she gives a little shake of her head to indicate that everything is fine. Which, in terms of immediate safety, it is. As far as she can tell, anyway.

You take hold of her bare arms and she lifts her chin to look up at you. Before she answers, she'll let you guide her to the truck and climb in. Only once you're in will she start to explain.

Some guy just pulled up and asked for directions. Once I gave him some, instead of pulling away, he asked if I knew Logan.

There's concern in her tone, but really only because she knows you'll be concerned, that it'll mean something to you. Nothing bad happened to her.

I was vague and said I knew a few Logans. He asked about your beard, then said to tell you Jimmy Byrne said hi.

An uplift at the end of that sentence and a pause for you to say something, but not a long one.

He had a Boston accent, bad teeth, beard. Kinda burly.

Perhaps that will ring a bell. She didn't think the guy driving was this Jimmy Byrne person, but that's just her instinct.

He didn't do anything to me, just a conversation and then he drove off. I took a picture of the license plate.

Okay, now it's time for you to explain. Or, that's what she's hoping for.

Tue May 21 20:00:11 . Z2 Corkboard
kittenCat {ID} said:

Tue May 21 20:00:08 . Z2 Corkboard
Gabrieli said:
Oh that's fun!

Tue May 21 19:59:52 . A Camp on the Plains
Kliimus@gor said:
~winks as I look over, as the rest of the camp was in banter as well, yipping and laughing heard~

"Aye! Bosk steak, running like the herds,girl"


Tue May 21 19:59:50 . A Camp on the Plains
larl }{ Kliimus }{ said:
yes Mistress...larl had been a little confused to but now things were made clear...larl repeated...Bosk and paga...good choice Mistress

Tue May 21 19:59:22 . Z2 Corkboard
Gabrieli said:
Hi there. Can you see me? **waving**

Tue May 21 19:58:53 . House of the White Wolf
Stalker said:
Hallways and Stairs
*walking out of my room and closing the door behind me, how sarabi hand managed to get me changed and cleaned I will have no idea but somehow she did. I woke up still tired but feeling imensly better, even if I had spent the night on the floor. Though I do vagly recall a soft thigh under my head at some point, but perhaps I was dreaming*

Tue May 21 19:58:37 . A Camp on the Plains
}{gemm~(Camp) said:
She nodded, understanding.

Tue May 21 19:58:11 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Couch1 said:

Couch1 has started a new game with the following players:

Tue May 21 19:58:07 . Z2 Corkboard
kittenCat {ID} said:

stay safe!

Tue May 21 19:57:57 . A Camp on the Plains
Audrey@soi said:
"I meant larl.
My mistake"

Tue May 21 19:57:48 . Z2 Corkboard
kittenCat {ID} said:
happy news

Tue May 21 19:56:51 . A Camp on the Plains
Audrey@soi said:
"What exactly did the Warrior wager?"

The way You spoke of the bet didn't quite match with the stakes spoken aloud thus far
I wondered what the catch was

Tue May 21 19:56:43 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Couch1 said:

Tue May 21 19:56:30 . A Camp on the Plains
}{gemm~(Camp) said:
Did You mean this one, Mistress?

[End of Transfer]

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