The Tower Of Babble...(babble)[Mail|SeeAll|Hot|Controls|Bot|]
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Sun Jun 09 22:40:52 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
titsi~ said:

titsi has started a new game with the following players:

Sun Jun 09 22:40:48 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
titsi~ said:

Sun Jun 09 22:38:43 . PaladinSoul's Home
kayeda said:
The House
wanders in

Sun Jun 09 22:37:15 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Eir Ascle said:
Fenix Arsenal
((Ahem... She takes the tissue offered to her by the Spiderbot. The writer is a wee bit tired herself. LOL))

Sun Jun 09 22:36:11 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
katy perry said:
drinks a bit longer seeing if anybody comes along

Sun Jun 09 22:35:30 . Robert M. King Performance Hall
Holly Blanc said:
"I don't know if you're brave, broke, or stupid — if you follow my profiles you would be terrified to get into a vehicle with me."

The merry jingle of metal on chains followed her out.

"…Oh speaking of which I'm gonna be deleting my rarely-used artistic account on IG in favor of Cara, because fuck Zuckerberg."


Sun Jun 09 22:32:23 . Robert M. King Performance Hall
Leo Sterling said:
At some point, he wants to get the story of how you found Poly out of you. It just asn't been the highest priority.

Well, the mpeathy being real, that was real enough. And maybe, someday, you'll gift him with more of the real you. To dig into who you are, for a change, y'know?

You're pretty fabulous as you are, even as not Elodie.''

He looks at the time and makes a face. "Shit, you're right. I need to get home and talk with her."

About last night.

Maybe about this.

"Give me a lift?" Asked as he reaches to snag his backpack, sliding his water bottle into the side panel

Sun Jun 09 22:29:08 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Eir Ascle said:
Fenix Arsenal
Yes. It wasn't a card she was willing to pull if the instances weren't extreme, but she had easier ways to kill someone than stealing a brain to get a favor.

Yeah, sometimes she misses tears. But her nose was running. Eir dragged her sleeve over her nose. You popped up out of your seat and for a moment she almost laughed.

But you pulled her in and she melted against you. Her hands grab your shirt and hold on as she cries her heart out for a minute.

Oooh... She struggled to catch her breath after she felt the tears subside. Ooh I'm so sorry. The whole clan thing tipped me off. I think I'm sleep deprived and stressed out.

She looked around before her pocket unzipped and one of Chucky's legs came out with a tissue. Thank you. She said weepily before she blew her nose.

Sun Jun 09 22:27:45 . Robert M. King Performance Hall
Holly Blanc said:
One's sense of safety was proportional to their experiences. There was a time where feeling like Chris-the-second cheated on her in Senior year felt like a sinking pit in her stomach and she felt physically queasy — then she began to declare herself Poly as well, and she thought she was introducing Brix to its concept and thought she was doing so well with it only to crash straight into reality.

…and then, well, different traumas of a completely different nature of severity, and she never lost sight of how she felt during those darker moments but she couldn't ignore the change in perspective.

So she wanted to empathize with your conundrum, almost saw it as a quality to be cherished and not blasted out of context by seeing you anywhere near her authentic self.

…and conversely, she got to pretend, for at least a little bit at a time, that Holly Blanc was a person whose boundaries were the size of this stageplay — even the size of her public persona, and not the bizarre confluence of aspects that drew a more complete picture.

…if she were only more like Elodie.

"…Oh, yeah…" Holly finally released that poor, poor chair and picked up her bottle before going for her keys.

"Well I mean I don't mean to keep you from her — she's going to be livid if she's gotta go two days in a row with all of this devious delinquency. Come on, before we make a repeat of the previous day?"

Sun Jun 09 22:25:33 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
katy perry said:
chats some with the bartender while alone

Sun Jun 09 22:22:23 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
Fenix Arsenal
"True." They did know a lot of successful murderers. Righteous ones, mostly. They were an extremely morally gray group of amigos. It's why this mission was perfect for them. Killing a man in brutal fashion who absolutely deserved it. And helping themselves in the process.

Echo looks back at you. At your eyes. Then at your shoulders. And your nose. He's assuming there's some sort of allergic reaction...or a cyberware malfunction? He's not a doctor.

He blinks a few times, dark brown eyes opened wide, clearly confused by what you're doing without tears to make it clearer...until you wail. That almost makes him jump out of his seat. But instead, he stands up and reaches out to take hold of your shoulders. Gently.

Unless you push him away, he's going to pull you in for a hug. And hold it until the stress hormone release has completed. He won't ask or pry. It's your business to tell him if you want to.

Tempted to joke about asking Haven or Dylan to shoot you in the stress hormone-producing gland, but now isn't the time. Maybe later.

Echo's spider-bots stop unpacking crates and taking inventory for a second. The smaller one, Diego, scurries over to the counter to bring a box of tissues over. Not for your eyes, but for your nose. You were sniffly.

Sun Jun 09 22:19:41 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
katy perry said:
drinks more while alone

Sun Jun 09 22:13:12 . Robert M. King Performance Hall
Leo Sterling said:
A huff of laughter, and no, it wasn't much of a question. Interest.

On some level, he does get that. You've seen it in the way he negotiates space and self. It's not the same, but who you pretend to be to keep safe is a concept he understands. Even if he's oblivious to the ways in which that is true for you, or at least a number of them.

You know he's enjoying them too. He'd pretty literally said it, and the hope they'd keep spending time together. Making room for talks, even without rehearsal as the excuse.

It's not your analysis or judgement he's contemplating in this moment, so much as the potential for it elsewhere. The prospect of rocking a boat that has been in choppy waters. "Definitely a diversity of people."

It would be fine. Will be fine. Unless it's one thing too many, or the fact you were instrumental in getting him to find the liminality of who he presents as and who he is, the potential dissonance between those things.

A thoughtful sound, the kinetic energy he'd had dissipating. "She's incredibly accepting. Open-minded. I mean, she knows I'm not like most men, and the way I don't fit in with them. So maybe it'll be more inutitive than I think it is? She's never mentioned being with anyone who's non-binary, but like, men and women, so... it should change how into me she is.

"It's just a big adjustment. I mean, I feel like it's a big adjustment and I'm inside my own head. She's known me forever, y'know?"

That's the thing. Elodie is going to have some involuntary feelings. They're probably going to be about how he got to these questions than the questions themselves, but transference is possible.

Sun Jun 09 22:12:57 . Robert M. King Performance Hall
Leo Sterling said:
A huff of laughter, and no, it wasn't much of a question. Interest.

On some level, he does get that. You've seen it in the way he negotiates space and self. It's not the same, but who you pretend to be to keep safe is a concept he understands. Even if he's oblivious to the ways in which that is true for you, or at least a number of them.

You know he's enjoying them too. He'd pretty literally said it, and the hope they'd keep spending time together. Making room for talks, even without rehearsal as the excuse.

It's not your analysis or judgement he's contemplating in this moment, so much as the potential for it elsewhere. The prospect of rocking a boat that has been in choppy waters. "Definitely a diversity of people."

It would be fine. Will be fine. Unless it's one thing too many, or the fact you were instrumental in getting him to find the liminality of who he presents as and who he is, the potential dissonance between those things.

A thoughtful sound, the kinetic energy he'd had dissipating. "She's incredibly accepting. Open-minded. I mean, she knows I'm not like most men, and the way I don't fit in with them. So maybe it'll be more inutitive than I think it is? She's never mentioned being with anyone who's non-binary, but like, men and women, so... it should change how into me she is.

"It's just a big adjustment. I mean, I feel like it's a big adjustment and I'm inside my own head. She's known me forever, y'know?"

That's the thing. Elodie is going to have some involuntary feelings. They're probably going to be about how he got to these questions than the questions themselves, but transference is possible.

Sun Jun 09 22:11:07 . A place for girls who need a push... con
Doctor June said:
sitting up and getting ready to call it a night

Sun Jun 09 22:11:03 . The Phone Booth
MR Bastardo said:

Sun Jun 09 22:08:41 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
katy perry said:
drinks in the quiet bar, looking around

Sun Jun 09 22:08:38 . Rip Masterson's Cabin
Elarra said:
she places a gentle kiss to the Mares Nose bridge biefore she finally turns to face you.

"show me the rest of your place...Rip..."

Elarra felt a rush of warmth from Rip’s touch between her shoulder blades, his reassurance seeping into her very being. She leaned into his presence, finding comfort in his strength. The barn, with its familiar scent of hay and horses, felt like a sanctuary amidst her swirling worries.

She met Rip’s eyes, her own filled with a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty. "I hate to think of what could have been too. You, Zeb, and Ace—what you have now, it’s something special," she said softly, her voice carrying a hint of awe.

As Rip suggested asking the river, a small, hopeful smile tugged at Elarra’s lips.

"I’ve never thought to ask the river for anything, but maybe it’s time I did. If there’s a way for me to stay here with you, even if it means still looking after the oasis, I’d do it."

She glanced down, pondering the implications.

"Having you by my side, helping me... it means more than you know."

Her gaze returned to his, a flicker of determination shining through her uncertainty.

"Maybe the river will listen, maybe it will understand. It’s worth a try."

Elarra took a step closer, her hand finding his.

"I think you’re right. Something will come to us."

Sun Jun 09 22:03:06 . Doms and Their subs
Clifton said:
#r-stan is open for you

Sun Jun 09 22:01:42 . Doms and Their subs
mdnight dreamer said:

[End of Transfer]

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