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Wed May 29 02:00:50 . Port Kar
Nura said:
Port Kar
She listened and then spoke out of respect, "I don't think you need a healer as much as you need someone in the realm of safety." she chuckles, then she winces and covers her mouth and then tries not to laugh.. "I would venture your men need better foremen to keep their work habits safe and use proper methods and using proper work procedures." It was of course not her place to be that person but she could appreciate what he was saying

"You put a very, difficult offer on the table for me. I do apologize, I really don't take notice of ship yards or what it is they do there. I with all my heart thank you for considering me a physician but if another of my caste were to discover you calling me that, i can get into a lot of trouble and loose my status.. very quickly. You see, there is a time honored way of doing things in my caste. Sometimes, it doesn't make a lot of sense to people who my caste works, but in the long run, we have to follow process. I'm half way there, and if a day comes I am blessed to have my second bracelet removed, then my journey takes me to far off lands to complete the process of gaining my physician status and doing so with honor and respect to the caste and those that practice it. I have to stay the course, and the ship, nice and all but its just one chapter of my medical field. You see, for many years, I was a caravan healer, which took me all over the world. I have been to every little corner of it, see many wonderful things and at the same time, not so good things. I like to express that, my knowledge base is extensive, but I am also restricted in my work. I cannot break protocol, just as warrior cannot break his caste codes of conduct. Yes, we can choose to do it but, in the end we are only hurting ourselves. My current employer will be away for still some length of time, and I have been offered other work but, I don't know what that entails exactly. Are you opposed me working for others while working for you?"

This was important to know, as there were so many people in the world that needed help, and she wondered just how much of her attention he would desire or need for this. Of course, she would be staying in Port Kar, even though she thought about going to Lydius for a little while but, perhaps that little journey can be put on hold, there was no rush to get there or real reason other than to visit an old friend. So, she hoped his answer would be favorable. She didn't wish to deny anyone her healing hands, just some might need the more than others.

Wed May 29 02:00:34 . Port Kar
Stalker said:

Wed May 29 01:58:17 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
katy perry said:
oh those aren't usually sometyhing you take because you need them, but because you want them, if you don't want it anymore that's okay

Wed May 29 01:57:23 . transsexual picture gallery
Ms Eleanor said:

Wed May 29 01:56:03 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
Seven said:
"Yeah, actually coffee."

Shrugs with a slight frown.

"I figure I can give you back the small card you signed for me, and you can give it to someone who needs it."

Nods, looking very proud of herself for a moment. Then it passed and she took another sip of coffee.

Wed May 29 01:54:30 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
katy perry said:
nice to meet you again Seven.

chuckles a bit actually coffee? or just trying to get me alone?

Wed May 29 01:52:08 . Z2 Corkboard
Delilah said:
That is such amazing, wonderful news! Thinking though....wouldn't the name 'Destiny' suit either a female OR a male? Sounds like a very unisex name to me.

Wed May 29 01:50:53 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
Seven said:
"Hello. My name is Seven. You're katy perry. You signed something for me once."

Sudden smile. Another sip of coffee taken as she looks between the coffee and you.

"Hey, do you want some coffee at my place?"

Wed May 29 01:50:04 . Port Kar
Stalker said:
*listening to your counter offer, eventually putting down my cup of blackwyne as you continue, and when you finish I speak in a slow, even voice as I gather my thoughts*

I hear what you are saying, and on the surface it sounds like a good, reasonable offer. I will go into why I want you however, full time, no matter which of the two offers it is you take. Without divulging too much information of course.

First, I dont know if you have noticed or not, but my drydocks are suddenly becoming quite busy. That is because I need to bring each of my ships in the fleet in for repair and refit. That is why I need a full time healer, even if on a temporary basis. *giving you a smile* Being on a medical ship, you are familure with the types of injuries my hands will get. When I build this fleet, I lost a lot of good men because I couldnt fine a healer at all..

Second, as for your qualifications.. *nodding to the ship in the harbor* That is your resume for me. If you were not any good as a healer, we would have never met. That crew would have seen to that. And for that, as far as I'm concerned you are a full Physician.

*smiling as I pick up my blackwyne again, perhaps I went on too long* The choice is yours of course, but I think you are selling yourself short. *with that I stopped talking for the moment*

Wed May 29 01:48:29 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
katy perry said:
how very nukish of you

Wed May 29 01:46:03 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
Seven said:
Sits at the bar with her coffee. How long had she been there? Who knows? Time was a weird thing sometimes.

"And I am become death, the destroyer of worlds..."

Said as she looked at the back wall behind the bar and sipped her coffee a little.

Wed May 29 01:43:35 . South Town Night City RPG
MILLIE said:
Yeah, well Eternity Spiral was now Mortal Coil — Bony Benji's still on Bass though.

"Yeah I mean shame what happened to my sister's car. I bet if we didn't wreck it we'd have gotten flush with Eddies, though…" she laughed it off like she'd have plenty of more opportunities to rob her family.

…though it wasn't an entirely sincere laugh, reflecting your own slight fade. She was meaning to bring up that entire moment, though hearing instead about your job appeared to give her both permission and fuel to distract them with additional questions.

"Daaaamn, like some kinda ninj—wait from the badlands?" MILLIE blinked, carefully holding the cherry away from her hair as she used the same hand to scratch at the corner of her brow. "Whoa, and she had like cloaking gear? Brooo, that's straight-up."

Restless, she didn't take a seat and instead set into a slow pace as the band in the club took a short break and the music briefly abated before starting into a lower-volume, pre-recorded set over the speakers.

"You get a contact for this 'Night Sister'? Sounds like a bitch that's got it put together, we could use people from up in Southie, like… expand the network or summin…" she gestured with her hands, spilling a tiny drop of sour orange in doing so before taking another drink. She thought she was invoking fancy Corpo-talk.

At least for now, lobbying towards the idea that she pulled you away from the music and mosh pit to innocently just ask you about the last job

Wed May 29 01:43:34 . transsexual picture gallery
Ms Eleanor said:
art lovers like yourself are always welcome. *s*

Wed May 29 01:42:50 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
katy perry said:
drinks some more to calm myself down

Wed May 29 01:42:08 . transsexual picture gallery
Ms Eleanor said:

Wed May 29 01:41:41 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
{simplicity} said:

simplicity has started a new game with the following players:

Wed May 29 01:40:25 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
OlderGentleman said:
You too.

Good night.

Wed May 29 01:39:48 . transsexual picture gallery
BiGuyInWA said:
Well, I gotta run. I will check back later for some more artwork.

Wed May 29 01:39:23 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
katy perry said:
have a good night then

Wed May 29 01:39:05 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
{simplicity} said:

simplicity has started a new game with the following players:

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