The Tower Of Babble...(babble)[Mail|SeeAll|Hot|Controls|Bot|]
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Tue May 28 21:49:03 . A Camp on the Plains
}{gemm~(Camp) said:
And then He leaned - was He going to offer a bit of meat?

Eyes widened when He offered His hand .... with a command.

She looked to the hand - to His face - then back to His hand before slowly leaning forth, the tip of pink tongue dragging slowly across His skin. Then flattening her tongue further, she gazed into His eyes as she licked Him clean - noting the yummy taste of the bosk juice.

When done, the tip of her tongue traced the rim of her mouth - and she smiled.

One hopes she's performed the desired task to Your satisfaction, Master.

Tue May 28 21:47:19 . A Camp on the Plains
Hondo said:
Just know that all these years that I have been away. I have sold My sword arm for Honor, gold, and for what seemed the right thing to do.

I have only spent what I needed to eat and drink and to acquire the best weapons that I could. No fancy houses or strings of slave girls. I saved it so that now I have resources in place that should any mercenary force threaten us. I can likely make them a better offer to go the other way. Especially the major mercenary tarn cavalries

Tue May 28 21:47:01 . A Camp on the Plains
Oyun )( said:
you are free to greet girl

Tue May 28 21:46:33 . A Camp on the Plains
}{fashion~(Camp)@soi said:
Rocking back slightly
Rounded ass against my heels
Listening to every word spoken

Tue May 28 21:44:58 . A place for girls who need a push... con
Khandi said:
stepping in

Tue May 28 21:42:35 . A Camp on the Plains
Hondo said:
chews on the Bosk, wipes the juice from My mouth with the back of My hand. Lean extends it to the girl to lick clean

Tue May 28 21:41:54 . A Camp on the Plains
Oyun )( said:
*Glaring at You*

This One is not a Soothsayer....

But You are direct,
And perhaps correct
About Turia

*With the words spoken I settle down on a fur, not in FW tower,
But with legs crossed and elbows resting on things, and chin cupped in slender hands*

So Commander, it seems You have many stories to tell,
Perhaps Your words will sell..
And those of this camp..
Will treat You well.

Tue May 28 21:37:46 . A Camp on the Plains
}{gemm~(Camp) said:
Anticipating His reach for the platter, she offered a smile that turned to a soft intake of breath as His hands instead parted the kalmak - exposing her to His eyes. As quick as He did so, her body responded just as fast, tips started their pucker at His gaze...

Darn if deep inside His letting the leather return to cover her softness didn't disappoint - just a bit.
But she remained in position - gazing upon His face as He ate.

She couldn't help that she had a fascination with the mouths of Men.

Yes Master

Tue May 28 21:36:42 . A Camp on the Plains
Hondo said:
I do not fortell the future. I am guessing that is your specialty .

I know men and how they thing. Nothing is sure. Most of the time it comes down to who is willing to pay the most gold.

To our good fortune. Ar and Cos are still at it and pulling in everyone they can. So only Turia is a real threat. But then Turia is always a threat to us

Tue May 28 21:35:56 . Love of the Cane
Owen said:
looking in

Tue May 28 21:34:04 . A Camp on the Plains
Oyun )( said:
Noting you beside Me, the question heard, but ignoring it for the moment as I continue to speak to the Stranger*

Tue May 28 21:32:10 . A Camp on the Plains
Oyun )( said:
Many come here with such claims
Saying they can give all the names,
But all they have is misknowledge
And no for knowledge.

Tue May 28 21:31:22 . A Camp on the Plains
Hondo said:
noting that the kajira whom I sent for meat had returned while I was speaking with the woman. I let My eyes roam over her. she was nicely curved indeed. As she offered the meat, I reached down and opened her kalmak to admire her breastworks, very nice. letting the leather fall back in place. This wagon girl could envy most of the girls in the Pleasure Gardens of Ar or Cos.

Taking the meat from the plate as she holds it still. rips off a piece with My teeth, savoring the flavor and juices

Only the Tuchuk know how to roast bosk

Tue May 28 21:30:40 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
dove cameron said:
looking around and thinks of getting an uber, but stays around longer

Tue May 28 21:30:19 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Shadeara said:

Tue May 28 21:27:00 . A Camp on the Plains
}{fashion~(Camp)@soi said:
i continue towards the fire
Charka swaying between dark, bare thighs
Dark eyes alert
Yes, curious
i step clearly into the light
L99king at the new arrival
Then at You
Sinking to my knees to one side of You
Thighs spread

"May i serve You, Mistress?:

Tue May 28 21:26:15 . A Camp on the Plains
}{gemm~(Camp) said:
With the platter firmly in hand, the lil beast moved 'cross the trampled grass.
Her steps were light - yet they still sent a puff of dust to powder her feet.
The movement of her body enticing - yet not purposely so - the slave seeming to be made for the eyes of Men.

As she approached, she glanced quickly 'round before sinking slowly to her knees a bit to His side - thighs spreading - a glimpse of her softness at their apex - soft leather molding to her flesh - the outline of her sex displayed.

A lift of her voice as she offered the platter

Master - this slave called gemm, brings You bosk to calm Your hunger. May it please You.

Tue May 28 21:26:02 . A Camp on the Plains
Hondo said:
What can I say. I was good at what I did and so was the gold.

But more then that. leans closer remember who this woman was

I have seen and been behind the walls of all the major cities. I know all the key leaders of the armies and the mercenaries. So should the need arise the Tuchuk will have the sharpest edge

Tue May 28 21:25:37 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Shadeara said:

Shadeara has started a new game with the following players:

Tue May 28 21:25:30 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Shadeara said:

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