The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Mon May 20 01:03:34 . The Newest Gayzone
alexie said:

Mon May 20 01:02:52 . The Newest Gayzone
alexie said:

Mon May 20 00:48:28 . Brixton Walsh's Rental
Holly Blanc said:
Main House
Holly started her response slow, doing a quick second read of that e-mail just in case she was having herself a dumb moment and mis-reading the meaning… nope, she had it right the first time.


And a bit of catatonia found her for a moment, the soft echo of your lips against her temple finally registering a half-distracted smile and you gave your opinion, softening the blow a bit.

"I-I mean… like I said, it was just-for-fun…" she started to speak in predictable, conciliatory cope-language as she lowered that phone to her lap.

Just as she did, though, a followup text arrived from a different contact: Leo Sterling, whose message read:
Holly, you were SO GOOD!
U did so well!
You are incredible, show real promise, and were so good you alllllmost got the part.
And you've never even acted before!
If you're really interested in acting, I'd be happy to help teach you stuff.
You're SO good, and with a little bit of shine, you can definitely do this if you want to!
If nothing else I had a fucking ball acting with you, so thanks for that

The device practically bounced up from her lap in order for her to consume the newest message — text in her hands, your words in her ear drawing a delighted giggle like a cheat, an absolute cheat.

There would be days where as little children, Wally would make her cry for whatever reason and then tickle her to make her laugh again and by some bizarre crossing of mental wires, it actually made her feel better even though she was furious with him.

Same deal here, where all she wanted to do was pout and sink and feel sorry for herself but a little humor stirred her back up to the surface.

"…you're only saying that because they're your big-ass titties… b-but nah, forget about it, it was just a triflin' thing anyway…" she hovered her thumbs over the on-screen keys like she debated what to send back to Leo, waffling between something stiff and formal like she were responding to a job interview, but she ultimately just put the phone down for now.

"My prediction, honestly, is that Leo guy is gonna wind up on TV or the movies or somethin'… he legit looks like some kinda movie star already. Elodie, too, but I think she's more interested in writing and producing. I'm jealous of all y'all, like you guys actually do artist shit…" Existential Holly peeking into the brain-stage to speak her peace, she carefully unbuckled the tiny straps to her shoes, seeking to get up and put them away rather than suffer the contortion to her ankles just sitting around.

"Do we still have some concentrate around? Or do I gotta go hit up Ty-Ty for some re-up?"

Mon May 20 00:48:11 . PaladinSoul's Home
PaladinSoul said:
Waterfall View
wanders off to get this... unpleasant feeling... into a poem before bed

Mon May 20 00:48:01 . Covell Canyon MainStreet & Surrounding A
Elarra said:
Main Street
Elarra noted the corners of his mouth pulling up into a smile, sensing the curiosity and perhaps a touch of interest in his tone. His friendly demeanor put her at ease, yet she remained cautious not to reveal too much about herself.

She returned his smile, her deep blue eyes twinkling with a mix of curiosity and amusement.

“I understand,” she replied, “sometimes the pull of home is stronger than the call of the unknown.”

When he asked about her origins and family, Elarra’s smile softened.

“I live nearby and have been alone for many years. My mother passed away not long ago, and my father... he disappeared, leaving just me. I don’t get to town often.”

Knowing already that what she was telling was not entirely true, but sometimes a lie, even the smallest one, was better than unraveling the truth behind a legend.

Eager to return the conversation to him, she asked,

“What brought you back to Covell Canyon after all this time? You were gone a long time. I remember when you le...”

She caught herself, realizing she had said too much. Quickly, she added,

“I mean, I’ve watched the town over the years and noticed people coming and going.”

She hoped her explanation would satisfy his curiosity without revealing too much about her secretive life.

Mon May 20 00:45:10 . The Newest Gayzone
BiGuyInWA said:

Mon May 20 00:41:43 . PaladinSoul's Home
PaladinSoul said:
Waterfall View
sits here and plots for a bit longer

Mon May 20 00:37:02 . Covell Canyon MainStreet & Surrounding A
Rip Masterson said:
Main Street
The corners of his mouth pulled up a little as he smiled cause he heard the curiosity in your tone, and something else...are you just a little bit interested in him as well. Now looky here ain't this something not back in town 10 minutes and already have a beautiful woman's attention. He would say way to go Rip but he ain't that conceited

"You are very welcome Ma'am. Yes it is somethings have been added to the town, but it still remains the same ole Covell Canyon if that makes sense. I saw enough of it to get my fill and come on back."

He laughed slightly at that he had the wanderlust and now he don't

"You said you are new here where are you from originally? Did you move here with your family?"

You can ask them probing questions so can he

Mon May 20 00:34:58 . Z2 Corkboard
Gioia said:

Mon May 20 00:33:08 . valentina's dice room
valentina said:

valentina has started a new game with the following players:

Mon May 20 00:32:34 . valentina's dice room
valentina said:

Mon May 20 00:11:54 . Covell Canyon MainStreet & Surrounding A
Elarra said:
Main Street
Elarra felt a twinge of curiosity at his words, wondering what could possibly lure someone away from such an intriguing place. She found it difficult to fathom leaving Covell Canyon, a place that seemed to capture and hold one’s curiosity with its enigmatic allure. But then again, what did she know of the wider world?

Elarra’s eyes caught the movement of his hand lifting to take hold of the brim of his hat, giving it a little tip. A gentle pull at the corner of her lips formed a tentative smile. She had seen a hat like that before—her father’s—though his had been a slightly darker color. Those deep blue eyes, as captivating as the ocean, took in everything about him. She noted the details of his attire, the rugged yet clean lines of his dress, and the way he carried himself with a certain confidence.

“Thank you for the welcome. It must be quite something to return home after so long. I imagine you’ve seen much of the world beyond this town.”

Her words were a mixture of genuine curiosity and subtle probing, eager to learn more about this place through the eyes of someone who had returned. She wondered what stories he carried and what had drawn him back to Covell Canyon.

Mon May 20 00:11:31 . OOC CoffeeShop
Holly Blanc said:
Pitches herself into a wood-chipper.

Mon May 20 00:10:47 . PaladinSoul's Home
PaladinSoul said:
Waterfall View
Oh, I have plenty of options. What I don't have this time of night is very much ability to actually make a damn decision.

Heh, how are you?

Mon May 20 00:10:42 . Brixton Walsh's Rental
Holly Blanc said:
Main House
"Yeah, a host thing! And we need to talk about dropping a single, get organic groundswell—" She pinched at your inner elbow before you started to talk about Her 'organic groundswell' or whatever…

"Fine, but we're not holding some motherBuckin' Rental-Car-Themed special Birthday on what… 2028?"

but clearly, she was throwing all of that business to the wayside as she twisted in your lap and kinda carefully wormed her way to the seat beside you, phone held aloft, e-mail un-opened like she were about to unwrap her letter from [Socially Progressive Alternative British Witch's Academy], sitting up straight and holding the device out a little further so that you could slot in and shoulder-peek at your leisure.

Such ceremony, she even used her other hand to officially tap the email under the glassy tap of nail against screen.

"Salutations Holly Blanc, I hope this e-mail finds you well, the team and I were thrilled by your audition last Tuesday…" she kinda read aloud, but in that awkward volume that was just a smidge over an internal mumble but too quiet to be dictating it completely, bits and phrases swimming in and out of audibility though her lips were mouthing the words one by one.

"…privileged to be able to choose from so many talented candidates… show a lot of promise…" Holly's smile slowly began to fade as the first of many cues leading up to the answer began to make itself known… "…excited to see where this pursuit takes you… won't be the only play we plan on doing, so… keep contact information… in case another opportunity comes along…"

That unknown time was the magic, really. Like the flight between buying a lottery ticket and hearing the numbers, where the forced delay left you with a stretch of time where you were allowed to fantasize what it would be like to win, what you'd do with the money… but each passing word and phrase and sentence was the wrong number. Why didn't she pick those numbers?

Holly grew quiet, fighting the urge to be upset.

Because it was irrational to be upset, right? She was just doing it on a whim, just as a flight of fancy — not out of boredom, she had plenty of things that demanded her attention and kept her occupied… in the same way that being shot at kept one occupied, being put through a lethal maze of swinging axeheads and falling log traps kept one occupied, but she let herself be seduced by the possibility, like there was some available drastic shift in her life like she could just put in her two weeks at Ye Olde Sinaloa Cocaine Distribution Cartel, Inc. and go pursue the life of the starving artist, adopt all the toxic habits of an aspiring actress.

That was 100% not her future, but she imagined it anyway.


Mon May 20 00:09:43 . PaladinSoul's Home
Brandon Vash said:
The House
Depends entirely on what streams you have.

Mon May 20 00:07:30 . PaladinSoul's Home
PaladinSoul said:
Waterfall View
The downside of finishing up a 60-episode drama I've been invested in for a whole month is that now I have no idea what to watch next to distract myself from my own thoughts.

Mon May 20 00:02:41 . The Newest Gayzone
alexie said:

Mon May 20 00:01:56 . The Newest Gayzone
alexie said:

Mon May 20 00:01:20 . PaladinSoul's Home
PaladinSoul said:
Waterfall View
Ahh, insomnia, my old friend.

[End of Transfer]

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