The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sun May 12 22:01:11 . Ranch Laoch Crua RPG of Covell Canyon
ZebediahCrowley said:
Dining Room
Their release rocked them both to the core, their bodies trembling after shared bliss. At that moment, they were bound together in the ultimate expression of love and desire, their souls entwined as they floated in the blissful aftermath of their passion. When he gathered enough breath, you know his stolen pieces into your own, he would pull you close into the gathering, away from that table, and move with you to a place that offered some complete and utter comfort. He wouldn't care. You could wrap your entire body around him, and he would help what he could of you with his own. He would traverse the highest mesa to get whatever you wanted from its top. And if it had not been apparent before, hell, it is with his words now.

"I love ya Blaze...."

At that moment, he made a silent promise to himself. There was no way in hell he was letting you get away, and it surely would be over his dead body that anyone, even himself, would ever hurt you; he had seen firsthand what that could do, and he wasn't letting that entity back in this house ever again. He was not his father's Son.

Sun May 12 21:59:30 . It Speaks To Me
Primo said:
Brandi Carlile…on the other hand

Sun May 12 21:57:48 . Z2 Corkboard
Gioia said:

Sun May 12 21:56:52 . Meet and greet!
Faith's property said:
slides down flat on the floor and covers up to sleep

Sun May 12 21:55:59 . Z2 Corkboard
Gioia said:

Sun May 12 21:52:33 . It Speaks To Me
Primo said:
I’m still thinking “meh”

Sun May 12 21:51:34 . It Speaks To Me
Primo said:

Sun May 12 21:51:18 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Rottie said:

rottie has started a new game with the following players:

Sun May 12 21:51:10 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Rottie said:

Sun May 12 21:51:06 . The Change My Name Lounge
Attilla said:

Sun May 12 21:50:34 . It Speaks To Me
plain katie said:
i was being facetious
i thought it was great!

can't stay ... later!

Sun May 12 21:48:54 . Ranch Laoch Crua RPG of Covell Canyon
Blaze Hickok said:
Laoch Crua RanchHouse
Every thrust from you claimed her completely as she gripped around you, her nails running idly up and down your spine not even thinking on how to touch you, just doing it.

She felt you in the depths of her as our bodies locked together your length beating like a heartbeat within her. A breathless moan as you found new depth inside her, she was your instrument and you tuned and played her like a maestro. You were etched into her memory your looks, your body how it felt and looked, and how you felt when you were inside her. She was addicted to you you completed her made her whole, you soothed her when no one else could, and you understood her sometimes without saying a word.

Your name fell from her lips when you increased the pace of those thrusts that rhythmic motion carrying us closer and closer to the edge and she was ready to fall with you, her nails dug more into your back and her words encouraged you on, as she felt an overwhelming need to be possessed by you.

She trembled as she felt the warm wetness of each of those kisses left upon her skin. She gasped when your primal roar filled the room and gripped her soul and she cried out your name when she felt the heat of your essence filling her, those ribbons coating her walls making them milk around you greedily. Her own release rocked her body hard honey nectar mixing with your essence, bonded together in the ultimate pleasure, souls entwining as the pleasure of our passion is shared and we float in the aftermath

Sun May 12 21:48:06 . The Dock
Primo said:
A lotta shit is “gone”…I’m going to keep looking foward

How else can we be happy? Find friends and enjoy what we have

Sun May 12 21:47:10 . The Change My Name Lounge
Attilla said:

Attilla has started a new game with the following players:

Sun May 12 21:44:21 . It Speaks To Me
Primo said:

Sun May 12 21:43:30 . The Change My Name Lounge
Attilla said:

Attilla has started a new game with the following players:

Sun May 12 21:43:24 . The Change My Name Lounge
Attilla said:

Sun May 12 21:43:15 . It Speaks To Me
Primo said:
I watched this too last night…it was …ok…I,played Venice Bitch tonigh and people were asking “ who is this?”

Sun May 12 21:42:57 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
dove cameron said:
finds a table and sits down

Sun May 12 21:41:51 . The Vosk River
surrender{Blade} said:
The Vosk River
* as the bowman teathers the last one and starts to anchor... with that all done Him and the other Free come back to the main sliff... He looks at surrender and nods a small smile could be seen He speaks with a low growl ... girl get some sleep tgw daylight comes early now....

As surrender watches with pircing blues ... she listens to Him and nods speaking softly herself

If course Master ... and she closes her eyelids L/P

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