The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sun May 12 15:55:21 . your dream sissy.
Seven said:
"I've found that it comes and goes."


"Years and years ago I was cherry blossom (used Masuimi Max for avis) and I must've had sex with at least half of SOI."


"And then, after some years, I made Seven and the magic returned."


Sun May 12 15:54:48 . Six Sexy Words
Rafferty said:
lick again, it's not so sweet.

Sun May 12 15:54:00 . your dream sissy.
Kitara said:
mona… another redheaded slut for Seven

Sun May 12 15:53:54 . pipers stables
Chester O'Brian said:
knocking at the smitty's door
As I hear an
ENTER from within I open the door and lead you into the blacksmith shed
leading you to a strange looking contraption:
two vertical poles about 5 feet apart, holding a horizontal bar
slightly away in front there are two much higher vertical beams, with another horizontal connecting pole, seemingly adjustable

Sun May 12 15:53:51 . Ranch Laoch Crua RPG of Covell Canyon
Blaze Hickok said:
Laoch Crua RanchHouse
As your arms wrapped around her and drew her close, her arms found there way to the back of your neck, fingertips sliding through your hair

"Now my love you sit down and I will bring you a bowl of that stew that has teased your taste buds and belly and left you wanting more. The freshly baked bread is on the table already, and I will of course bring you your favorite drink to wash it all down with."

Sun May 12 15:53:28 . A Travel Road on Gor
syn{WB} said:
her mind goes over what Master RedWolfs words he had spoken to her before she followed the Mistress as her altered her collar...she was to look after the Mistress and it wasn't for long and she knew she could do whatever he required her to do and do it well.

Sun May 12 15:53:11 . Share your crushes with us!
DH said:
Happy Mothers' Day... *S

Sun May 12 15:53:03 . your dream sissy.
Kitara said:
I was thinking the same thing
I miss being that slut sometimes

Sun May 12 15:52:09 . your dream sissy.
Seven said:
Downs the last of her first drink.


Smiles and nods.

Sun May 12 15:51:36 . your dream sissy.
Seven said:
"I used to do it all the time. I was...a different person then."


"I miss being that person. Super teasy, but definitely dtf."


Sun May 12 15:50:39 . your dream sissy.
Kitara said:
Would you like we another drink?
It’s on the house

Sun May 12 15:49:35 . Just One
Was janet E said:

Sun May 12 15:49:23 . A Travel Road on Gor
syn{WB} said:
Seeing your smile syn felt reassured,glancing back just once to the camp a pang was felt within leaving even albeit briefly was harder than she thought.
Noting Mistress motion to follow she moved her booted feet quickly,that trait flaxen mane flowing down her back.

Sun May 12 15:49:12 . your dream sissy.
Kitara said:
I don’t “do the deed” much anymore lol

Sun May 12 15:48:54 . pipers stables
beatriz zamora said:
You have seen me get indignant about the temperature in the winter
But, in summer, the cool water feels nice
i feel thectail go back in
Cheeks clenching on the thuck plug
And starting to walk again
Eyes widening
Unsure of this destination

Sun May 12 15:48:45 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Dizzy Guy said:

Sun May 12 15:48:11 . Z2 Corkboard
Panurge said:
Spent the weekend at the homeplace with Mom; she turns 95 tomorrow; didn't have electricity till she was fifteen; I kid her about camping out. She's spry, walks every morning, carries a stick but doesn't use it, more apt to hit someone with it than stumble. Bless her, we're close; I call her every morning at 8:30, and she's lives alone, two hours away, said if I call one morning and she doesn't answer, fine, she's already made the funeral arrangements; said she noticed how it bothered me when my sister died and she didn't want me to have to fool with it.

She has taught me many things: once building a fence, using locust posts and barbwire, over a hundred yards, three posts were a little out of line, wire already stretched, would TURN the cattle, anyway, "Do it right the first time. It just takes a little longer to do it right the first time, after that it gets tougher." No shit! Pulling out steeples and digging up tamped posts is downright tedious.

We had a hoisery mill, small one, worked about twenty people, and at age 6 would pull tops. The tops of socks would come off the machines, and you bundled them twenty-four to a bundle and tie a string; then the sewers attached the foot. You got 4 cents for bundling 24 tops, and if you were dextertous, could do 25 bundles in an hour, thus making a WHOLE dollar; production work helps keep you focused I guess? One day, around Seven years old, I wanted some money quick, and thought, hmmmm, I can put 22 tops in a bundle and be quicker, maybe even twenty? When Mom picked the bundles up, felt they were light, started counting, face darkening into a storm, daaaaamm, she improved my arithmetic in the back of the mill. I know how to count and be truthful with the tally.

Mom and I rode around the upper farm yesterday; we used to keep cattle there, got it leased to big farmer now with huge tractors; planted in corn; still lots of woods and the creek is beautiful.

Slept in my old high school bedroom last night, hoped I'd dream of blonde-headed cheerleaders, can't remember.

Went to the Methodist Church this morning with Mom; a church family is important; the pastor and pianist visit with her, and Dad used to rattle the windows in the church raising a joyful noise. Religion is a wonderful comfort to many; a local woman the Queen and I knew very well passed away a week ago, she came to visit us a couple of weeks before she died, rode her around in the golf cart and she was at peace, said, "She knows where she is going." Mom's theology is, "I just don't want to go to hell; If I simply cease to exist that is alright." She's a tough ole bird!

Dad kept pocket notebooks and wrote in them; Mom left one she'd found on the nightstand. His hand writing was terrible, but his mind was SHARP. "Live in the moment" "Enjoy what I got as long as I got it." "I have a son who loves me down to his bone marrow."

Sun May 12 15:48:08 . your dream sissy.
Seven said:
"Usually when I look in here, everybody's leaving."


"They're in a hurry to do the deed. I'm usually only that way when I'm manic."


Sun May 12 15:47:19 . A Travel Road on Gor
I chuckle and look into Luna's pretty dolled up eyes.. Thinking I want to see them again.. Then she spins off and is gone , I nod to the Twins and they know their job .. I trust they will be fine or at least make sure that she is with their final breaths..

When you come close I squat down infront of you, and my big left hand reaches and grip your silver collar, pulling you closer to me, your ass lifting off those heels, and I look it over .. .. I remove the tag that hangs, saying your owner is the WB .. so now only a plain yet magnificent silver turian collar with Seven interlocking pins remains about your neck .. Not totally unheard of for owned slaves..

"Relax, it'll be back to normal soon girl"

I tip your chin up with a rough finger giving you a handsome wink and stand back up , pulling you by that collar to also stand.. Then I spin you around like we are dancing and give a SHARP smack to your ass to send you off

"you're job is to look after that Woman and make her look better.. Thats all ..

I'll see you soon"

Sun May 12 15:47:08 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
katy perry said:
of course. lead on

and smiles, moving out with you to your limo

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