The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sun Jun 02 23:34:15 . your dream sissy.
voda said:
Walking in smiling

Sun Jun 02 23:33:00 . North Town Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
Detirmined. Get this done. Sleep at home. Reopen his store. Live his life again. Let Haven rest in her own bed while she recovers. Logic crashes against frenzy in his mind. Wanting to get this all back to 'normal' for him and his lover.

While Kendo compiles the answer on Haven Darling's bounties, he will chime in based on your text.

"What happened to the other missions? How did they all die?"

And before Kirkpatrick and gloss over it with bullshit and finesse...

"I want every file from those failed attempts. Unredacted."

Sun Jun 02 23:30:50 . North Town Night City RPG
Peregrine P. Olveira said:
Wait, you weren't going to clear your own bounty? Choom!

And okay, IRIDIA, you have a point. He is kind of figuring out how feasible this is, and part of that is the reward. People being unable to take bounties out on Cell.0.phane would make him safer.

But also, he's not equipped for a good portion of what's coming. He isn't committing right now, it can be discussed later. You can tell him he's being an idiot, and see if his logic can sway you.

Sun Jun 02 23:26:29 . North Town Night City RPG
IRIDIA said:
Her hesitation didn't seem tied to any particular issue with the bounty itself — her understanding of risk was… perhaps a little broken, a little nihilistic, or maybe that was by design.

No, it was the idea that her willingness to let Echo dive into this might be misread as encouragement.

It's for that reason her gaze slid over to him even as she made her best effort to remain unfazed by the grisly details, specifically pertaining to past failures.

::Let's get more details on the past failed missions. We can be sure that they're going to be prepared for, hardened against the approaches that other Mercs have attempted, drop them far in the priority list for how to punch Kurtz's ticket::

…and if her objective was to prevent Echo from feeling like IRIDIA was pushing this forward, she might be failing somewhat.

But her current impression? Especially after observing Echo Fenix and Haven Darling together, the initial frantic scramble to get Haven stabilized, safely in Eir's care.

The simmering ripple of air under Echo's skin? She felt a certain risk that if she didn't sign on, he'd just go try this all by himself

And then her eyes slid over to Peregrine P. Olveira who she hadn't seen out on an op before, who ostensibly didn't have a dangerous bounty connected to his meatspace identity in the first place. Was he being serious?

IRIDIA's attempt to Poker Face this interaction was undermined by the Straight Flush of her skin, red in apprehension. She's seen cinnamon rolls shape up under pressure, but two-for-two would be a gamble she would be insane to take.

"Equipment requisition — let's collab on hardware for extraction and transport of the mission objective," the brain. She's talking about a man's brain.

"Client wants the mission done right, they must have some idea cooked up on their end about how to make sure they get what they want."

Sun Jun 02 23:24:15 . North Town Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
Wait...that gives him an idea.

On the heels of your question about bounty transference, Echo asks Kendo...

"Do you have any open bounties for a Haven Darling?"

And just in case...

"Or a Pasha Lafitte?"

Sun Jun 02 23:23:07 . North Town Night City RPG
Peregrine P. Olveira said:
He was hoping this would work. Otherwise, well, he might have to say who he is, which would cause more problems than it would solve.

So he will wait while you chat, and try not to look nervous.

"Cell.0.phane." No other details provided, because the more he provides, the easier it is to catch him in a lie.

Sun Jun 02 23:21:27 . North Town Night City RPG
NPC Overseer said:
"Hmmmmmmm." Cybernetic eyelids narrow over cybernetic eyes as he considers the question...

Kendo Kirkpatrick holds his finger up to his ear and turns his back to you. Silently negotiating with someone. Then he turns back to you...

"Who's the bounty on?" He needs a name. He can't do anything without specifics on this one. His supervisor won't sign off on it.

Sun Jun 02 23:21:04 . pipers stables
chloee said:
lays back sobbing
then kicking the wall

Sun Jun 02 23:19:58 . pipers stables
Keisha said:
God. What a mess you are.

shoving you back forcefully
so you fall backwards onto a stack of hay or straw

I may just have to dedicate some of My time to seeing that you're whipped into proper shape.

striding out of your stall, closing and locking the gate

and laying Renee's crop on the table near the barn exit

heading home

Sun Jun 02 23:15:01 . A place for girls who need a push... con
Liquid Fyre said:

Sun Jun 02 23:14:37 . North Town Night City RPG
NPC Overseer said:
Kendo looks confused by your question for a moment. Then he snaps his fingers and pulls up a display of the World Breakers. 12 heavily armed, heavily borged out, highly trained mercenaries decked out in bleeding edge armor and weapons.

"The brain in the box didn't kill anyone. These guys did. No one's ever gotten to Maximo before. Our bounty hunters never even laid eyes on him before the World Breakers laid them out."

Not 1 cyborg, Mr. Fenix. 13 cyborgs. All deadly.

Echo Fenix asks for reward clarification, and Mr. Kirkpatrick is so giddy and happy to provide it. If he pulls this off, he'll be Junior Manager of Negotiations and Financial Advising.

Finger snapping. The reward levels pop up on the holoscreen:

-Platinum Untouchable. Any current bounties on a participant are called off and any future bounties on them will be refused.

-Diamond Crosshairs: Order a hit on a specific target at no charge to the participant. The Guild will make a full-faith effort to ensure this target is destroyed regardless of cost and loss of life. If one kill team fails, another will be sent in its place.

-Golden Reliquary: Order the acquisition of something specific by The Guild to be delivered to a participant. This can include data, a physical object, or a person.

"These apply only to people who take direct, physical part in the Self-Delete. No risk, no reward. And only one reward per person." There's a bunch of TOS in small print below the reward text.

C'mon. Sign on. Do this for him. He wants a bigger office with his own bathroom.

Sun Jun 02 23:13:27 . A place for girls who need a push... con
SarahJi said:

Sun Jun 02 23:04:57 . North Town Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:

Echo just stares from behind his screen. Lips thin. Mentally glued together to hide words he doesn't want to speak out loud.

Take on a heavily guarded, heavily armed, heavily trained combat cyborg, hold him down, rip out his brain, and then keep the brain alive until it's delivered to Militech.

This would've definitely been one he went straight to Maul with.

To IRIDIA's text...
::Haven't heard from him in a while but I'll check. We're going to need Eir for the medical end. Perry has advanced cyberware experience.::

A look over to Peregrine P. Olveira when he asks for a follow-up. If Haven's going to kill Echo for this, he's pretty sure Briar is going to kill you for this. Call it a hunch.

Are you sure you want to hang out with Cool Guy Echo and all His Rowdy Friends?

"Specify the payout. What do we get for pulling this off? And who gets it?" Again, Mr. Cool Guy Fixer Who Does This All The Time on full display.

Sun Jun 02 23:02:12 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vittoria said:

Sun Jun 02 23:00:52 . pipers stables
Maitresse Renee said:
I have to run
do whatever you want
she has earned whatever she gets

Sun Jun 02 22:59:29 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vittoria said:

Vittoria has started a new game with the following players:

Sun Jun 02 22:59:18 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vittoria said:

Sun Jun 02 22:59:03 . pipers stables
chloee said:
eyes roll back
temples pound as you shake me like a ragged doll
not wanting you to see me cry. but the tears flowing

then the crop slashing pale white skin
trying to jerk way
her body reacting before her brsin

Sun Jun 02 22:58:24 . Z2 Corkboard
Ppink said:
Sounds like things are progressing nicely. Enjoy your time outdoors to the fullest. It's already too humid here for the most part.

Sun Jun 02 22:56:42 . pipers stables
Keisha said:
stepping in
grabbing the bit in one hand
and shaking your head violently by the bit

slashing the crop alongside your hip

You've certainly got a boatload of attitude, don't you!

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