The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sun Jun 02 19:51:39 . A Camp on the Plains
}{ Plains Warrior said:
Dark eyes scanned the Ubar's meeting area near the central fire, then settled upon the newly branded slave still roped to the wheel. Approaching, he stopped before her waiting for her to acknowledge him.

Sun Jun 02 19:51:03 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
e@vie said:

Score: 0 points on Full House

Sun Jun 02 19:51:00 . Just One
MstrLance said:

Sun Jun 02 19:50:58 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
e@vie said:

Reloading dice from saved data.

Found data from roll: 3


Sun Jun 02 19:50:25 . North Town Night City RPG
Rex Bozeman said:
North Town
The doors open and he's stepping out.
Head down.
Cigarette smoke billowing out from his nostrils.
Leather duster. Real, no synth.
Armor covers his torso, shoulders, and legs. Both hands are fully chromed.
And a massive, 8-shot revolver hanging from his hip.

He shoulder checks Echo Fenix. Looking up and blinking a few times. Scanning.
Not his bounty.
Richter's problem.

"Watch it, kid." Pure Lone Star Republic accent coating his words.

A nod to Peregrine P. Olveira. And then a more courteous smile and lift of his hat to IRIDIA.

You all didn't look like bounty hunters. Which meant only one thing...

"Good luck in there." Said with a smirk as he stepped off into the night.

Following concrete and asphalt to his next payday.

Sun Jun 02 19:48:20 . A Camp on the Plains
larl}{Kliimus}{ said:
watching as she lifted her head back allowing me to take a look at it...there was a bit of dried blood just inside the nostril but it looked really good...not as swelled today as it was last night..thats good

i spoke to her of my examination, hoping it wasn't to sore as i had to move her nose around a little bit

have you been watered as well?. larl can fetch You a bowl if Your out

Sun Jun 02 19:46:12 . North Town Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
Echo's in that overly determined zone. Bordering between reckless and level-headed. Whatever it took to get this done, he would get it done. A logical approach to solving a problem. But if they wanted him to fight a cybernetic gorilla in a steel cage...he might say yes.

"I'm sure this won't be easy." He shrugs. Fingers twitching as he steps past you and towards the doors you just exited from. "But I've got double my bounty ready to pay if they want it. Along with any small favors they need." Cold and logically stated. He's prepared. Maybe he should've brought them all hoverboards as gifts. Hope they hit themselves in the nads while doing an ollie or a kickflip.

His tech suit was de-weaponized. Everything depleted of ammo, shut down, folded up. The only reason he wore it here...he could mechanically weaponize it in a few seconds if need be.

"Let's go." He wants to get this over. Before Haven wakes up. Hopefully, he can deliver good news.

A turn to Peregrine P. Olveira as the doors detect Echo, scan him, and then start to slide open. Apparently, his defanged tech-armor passed the 'No Weapons Allowed' test.

"Bueno. Just be careful."

A pause before he steps into the building.

"If this works, we might not even need it. So don't get killed over it." Bounties gone. No worry about bounty hunters. had some of your own?

Sun Jun 02 19:46:05 . North Town Night City RPG
IRIDIA said:
It was almost endearing to see that their combined nerves were reflecting on you, given you being tall and — oh my god, the glasses.

"No that makes sense, we can use all the help that we can get — especially given how much of this is gonna be unknown until we get into these talks, have some clue as to the kind of rat's-maze that The Guild is going to, maybe, put down as an obstacle. Echo has already proven he's resilient against typical hunters, and that escalation has got to hit some kind of limit…"

And she veered from empirical to speculative as she pulled her purse as if to grab a smoke, and then paused and decided against it. "…it's just numbers, gambling, expected value and odds or whatever. M-Maybe we prove that continuing to sink resources into strong-arming Echo isn't gonna get them what they want, and make an attractive counter-offer or something like that. All these negotiating tactics should be valuable data for you to collect…"

IRIDIA took in a deep breath and turned back toward the building.

Sun Jun 02 19:45:32 . A Camp on the Plains
}{sei~(Camp) said:
"has just turned it before you arrived."

Sun Jun 02 19:44:46 . A Camp on the Plains
}{sei~(Camp) said:
my eyes arch hearing she had not been branded or pierced yet, this slave is glad it's over.
Listens as she tells me of her Owner's leather talents, being of this Camp must keep Him very busy, meaning it keeps her busy as well

lifts my nose so she can examine the nose ring, hoping she sees no swelling

Sun Jun 02 19:43:42 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
dove cameron said:
stops a waitress, ordering a drink

Sun Jun 02 19:41:01 . A Camp on the Plains
larl}{Kliimus}{ said:

nodding to her..."i bet, larl hasn't had the pleasure of a brand and piercing yet though she knows its coming...just a matter of time....Master may not be in tonight as He;s out in the plains somewhere working with the outriders...ya know He's a leather worker...they are constantly in need of Him and it sometimes takes away from larl seeing Him.

enough whining...lmao...hows the ring?...have you been tunring it?

Sun Jun 02 19:38:06 . A Camp on the Plains
}{sei~(Camp) said:
"I saw another slave's healed brand, it was a beauty."

Sun Jun 02 19:37:23 . A Camp on the Plains
}{sei~(Camp) said:
her smile broadens seeing the Commander's slave come to her, kneeling down to join this beast, watching her eyes as the scan over her brand before gently add more salve

"thank you for your help, this one can feel it with every move, it's sore, not painful."

Sun Jun 02 19:32:29 . sofa Time
Vicky Higgins said:
I be going , Jilly

Take care All

Sun Jun 02 19:32:22 . A Camp on the Plains
larl}{Kliimus}{ said:
when she reached the serving wagon and a rep to wetted and free her of the nastiness of mother natures little intruder...she was happy to remove it from her body...once it was over she walked towards the new girl bound to the wheel...

upon reaching the girl sei...larl watched as she was eating the morsels of bosk from a platter...larl took the salve that was given her and removing the lid...took a scoop with two fingers and wiped it across the brand

hows it feeling love?

Sun Jun 02 19:32:06 . North Town Night City RPG
Peregrine P. Olveira said:
You'll tell him if the dark glasses are too much, right?

Brows lift, and he accepts it. "Neat," murmured to himself, as it opens up and reveals locations.

You get a nod. "I am. It, um, it shouldn't be noticeable. It's all run through my ocular implants, and internal hardware. It shouldn't stand out beyond anyone doing something similar to scan for threats.


It occurs to him that, ah, yeah, his presence is misleading. "No, uh - well, I mean, yes, I have a bounty, but no one has associated it with me yet. Just my alias.

"I'm here to gather data. I've been working on threat recognition, using facial and gait recognition programs to run through, um, the cameras around Fables, or if I need to be in person for whatever reason. I've synced it with existing databases, but it needs more data - there's not a centralized database, or anything, to tap into - and it doesn't have what I'm looking for, anyway. Echo's, um, dilemma inspired me to tag along and add in what I see and find, to keep him and Haven safer, too. And you, if you want it? It's nothing you can't do yourself..."

He's picking up on both of your nerves, and it's seeping into his body language too.

Sun Jun 02 19:32:00 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
dove cameron said:
finds a table and sits down

Sun Jun 02 19:30:42 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
e@vie said:

e@vie has started a new game with the following players:

Sun Jun 02 19:29:47 . ~*~Sensual theme haiku poetry~*~
-rya- said:
when you left that day
my syllables went with you
no inspiration

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