The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sat Jun 08 14:07:37 . pipers stables
chloee said:
sees you look at me
trying to judge how cruel you might be
knowing one can never tell by the disarming

Sat Jun 08 14:07:34 . Male Chastity
jonny said:
*head angling*

Thank You, Ma’am for using Your table

Sat Jun 08 14:07:32 . The Cork
Visitors said:

Sat Jun 08 14:07:18 . pipers stables
max b. said:
feeling the wheel starting to turn
the ground below him moving
starting to high step to follow
as it starts out that slow the pony starts at a prance
emphasising its high steps with the hip movement
as it had been trained to do over months
staring straight ahead against the moving wheel's floor turning to wards him

Sat Jun 08 14:06:59 . pipers stables
SB's alpha bitch said:
"harness her up and lead her out. I may put her on the machine next"
turns up the speed for max
watching him break into a trot

Sat Jun 08 14:06:33 . pipers stables
chloee said:
not able to see
but pony can hear the motor of the tredmill

Sat Jun 08 14:06:27 . Jilly's Rattlesnake Radio
Sharko said:
Started as cool wet day here, then started drying.
Just back from riding on the canalway, day early this week.
Tomorrow forecast rain all day.

Sat Jun 08 14:06:21 . Male Chastity
Elusive One said:
Leans closer, off to Her side. Whispering.

"Thank Me."

Sat Jun 08 14:06:04 . The Cork
Visitors said:

Sat Jun 08 14:05:43 . pipers stables
bellis said:
blushing as i have learned what you mean
as i turn to watch the pony named cloee

Sat Jun 08 14:05:24 . Male Chastity
jonny said:
*flinches and a gasp, adjusting to the sudden spot of cold

Sat Jun 08 14:05:12 . The Cork
Visitors said:*-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wi*.com%2Ff%2F59b763d5-fec6-4680-948b-15f4a8df93b2%2Fdgnnsmd-8ca7ab3c-e07d-4d5a-88d3-2974398882b9.jpg%3Ftoken%3DeyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzU5Yjc2M2Q1LWZlYzYtNDY4MC05NDhiLTE1ZjRhOGRmOTNiMlwvZGdubnNtZC04Y2E3YWIzYy1lMDdkLTRkNWEtODhkMy0yOTc0Mzk4ODgyYjkuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.xMFc0f_P2TOxcNMhZEvLBJUwAK2w6Yu1Z9T3in-xtEU&*ccid_lZn0eRHw%26%26cal%3D0.05%26cat%3D0.05%26car%3D0.95%26cab%3D0.95%26ann%3D%26hotspot%3D

Sat Jun 08 14:04:16 . Male Chastity
Elusive One said:
Turns Her head fully to the side to watch his facial reaction as the icy surface of the glass settles onto him

Sat Jun 08 14:04:09 . pipers stables
bellis said:
curious watching you being installed and connected to the machine

Sat Jun 08 14:04:07 . pipers stables
SB's alpha bitch said:
"Chloee is a very good pony with a very talented tongue!"
winks at you

Sat Jun 08 14:03:50 . Male Chastity
jonny said:
*holds steady as a table, clearly marked*

Sat Jun 08 14:03:42 . pipers stables
SB's alpha bitch said:
turns the treadmill on low and watches how you start out
surprised at your poise when I lead you out of the stall

Sat Jun 08 14:03:36 . Male Chastity
bennett said:
Hearing what you said to jonny and placing the glass on the mark left by Your nail.

Sat Jun 08 14:02:22 . Male Chastity
Elusive One said:
"Of course. That would be lovely."

Angles Her finger toward the circle She's carved with Her nail

Sat Jun 08 14:01:27 . Male Chastity
Elusive One said:
She makes no apology for the modest pain inflicted by Her nail.

After all, it was the perfect means for establishing the ideal location of the glass to make Her reach the most comfortable once it's positioned.

[End of Transfer]

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