The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Thu Jun 13 18:38:29 . Femjail Redux
kellie green said:
She screamed and yelled when they were taking her away from the "courtroom," but then she was injected with something and passed out shortly thereafter.

Now she was ... here.

She tried to stand up only to find that something heavy was weighing her down. To her horror, she saw that she had a large metal collar around her slender neck. It was cold around her neck and was connected with a heavy metal chain to the middle of her cell. Kind of a n overkill, if you ask her. She was already in what appeared as a cell. Did they really think she would escape from her cell that it was necessary to also chain her inside the cell? It's not like she was a dangerous criminal or something.

The cell was small and the light was dim. She gave herself a few minutes so that her eyes could adjust so that she could take a look around to see where she was and what was around her. For now, she could not see past the bars in her cell.

Thu Jun 13 18:38:27 . OOC Chat Room
Latara said:
It was wonderful to see you again!...I wish you a good eve.

~waving and easing on out~

Thu Jun 13 18:38:22 . OOC Chat Room
FinnSullivan said:
be well woman

Thu Jun 13 18:38:10 . Bella Fortuna Casino
Meredith Corden said:
Incanto Lounge

She frowned now

"That's awful!"

A small shake of the head

"What's wrong with people?"

Thu Jun 13 18:38:05 . sofa Time
Copper said:
13 inches

Thu Jun 13 18:38:02 . sofa Time
vaash said:
well, just because I can.

but truth be told, I only pull these out for One person.

Just having a bit of fun.

Thu Jun 13 18:37:53 . OOC Chat Room
Latara said:
~rising and smiling~...Behave yourself my old Friend!

Thu Jun 13 18:37:44 . sofa Time
Jilly said:
Laffing wild

Thu Jun 13 18:37:39 . OOC Chat Room
FinnSullivan said:
take care woman who dreams of me



Thu Jun 13 18:37:35 . Femjail Redux
Pervert Cop said:
the clicking stops as I stand in front of the cell of the new fish
looking you up and down, sizing you up, trying to figure how best to make money off you

well well well, about time you woke up
have a good sleep, slut?

Thu Jun 13 18:37:11 . sofa Time
missy jo said:
my ac works fine..but careful..your um..nips may pike through your top


Thu Jun 13 18:37:09 . OOC Chat Room
Latara said:
alright...I need to get back to packing and finish for the will come early in the morning...I wish you both a wonderful eve!

Thu Jun 13 18:36:57 . House of the White Wolf
Ava said:
Main Room
-Helfdane had given the all clear and I headed down the narrow hallway at the back of the house carrying a measuring string and a piece of rence paper on which to jot notes with a burned stick. We disappeared from view. L/P for now

Thu Jun 13 18:36:27 . Z2 Corkboard
polly said:
I probably yank weeds everyday LOL It's like a filler job whenever I go outside. Our strawberry patch is in a big cage to keep other animals from getting to the strawberries ...we've been getting a handful every day this week! There are little green tomatoes the size of marbles on several plants, and the sweet red pepper plant has a pepper the size of a golfball and several tinier ones!

Thu Jun 13 18:36:14 . Night City RPG OOC
Dylan Cadd said:
*Drops in with precious soup from the local chain he will dearly miss when he moves cross country.*

Thu Jun 13 18:36:14 . sofa Time
Copper said:
Yep lotsa neck flexability in both of those

Thu Jun 13 18:36:03 . sofa Time
missy jo said:

hi sweetie..I see you got them riled up


Thu Jun 13 18:35:46 . OOC Chat Room
FinnSullivan said:
I shall and thank you.....

Thu Jun 13 18:35:43 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
laughing....nnnaawwww i all ready down to nothing....

Thu Jun 13 18:35:39 . sofa Time
Jilly said:
Hey Copper? Whats your polevault record?

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