The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sun Jun 02 22:58:24 . Z2 Corkboard
Ppink said:
Sounds like things are progressing nicely. Enjoy your time outdoors to the fullest. It's already too humid here for the most part.

Sun Jun 02 22:56:42 . pipers stables
Keisha said:
stepping in
grabbing the bit in one hand
and shaking your head violently by the bit

slashing the crop alongside your hip

You've certainly got a boatload of attitude, don't you!

Sun Jun 02 22:56:30 . North Town Night City RPG
Peregrine P. Olveira said:
It isn't that he isn't ride-or-die, but wants clarification. The explanation has him nodding, satisfied with it for the moment.

God, is Briar going to kill him for doing this? It would help keep them safe. And he can help with the 'ware.

"What part of the brain in the box has caused the 17 bounty hunter deaths?"

Sun Jun 02 22:56:07 . North Town Night City RPG
IRIDIA said:
…and couldn't help but slyly go right back on her gesture, low cinnamon eyelids peeking open slits to get a look at General Kurtz's file, though the light behind her irises made it so a subtle peek was anything but.

Don't. React. Don't react.

Former NUSA general doing dirty work back in… what might have been Maul's back yard, for all she knows. Atrocities and war crimes like it was a hobby, only to end a career and what… just continue the same except now simply for the love of it?

He was sick, sick in the worst way possible.

Don't react.

IRIDIA withdrew the smoke from her lips and stared down into her lap instead, preparing to back up Echo's impressions… hers?

::We're calling in every favor imaginable for this one. You still talk to Dylan Cadd?::

Sent to Echo Fenix in private, over a flick of her eyes in his direction.

Sun Jun 02 22:54:28 . pipers stables
chloee said:
nostrils flaring
fear taking my tummy
as Maitresse offers control of me
never having seen a woman like you here

Sun Jun 02 22:53:28 . pipers stables
Maitresse Renee said:
~mmmm certainly
handing you my crop

all yours

Sun Jun 02 22:51:50 . pipers stables
Keisha said:
swiveling around
catching only the tail end of that display
reaching for the bit and then slowing my hand down
eyes to you

May I?

Sun Jun 02 22:49:42 . pipers stables
Maitresse Renee said:
~see what I mean
and oh by the way
she is available to buy


Sun Jun 02 22:48:53 . pipers stables
Maitresse Renee said:
Sees its reaction to Keisha
shakes its head violently
~eyes down now!!!

Sun Jun 02 22:48:00 . pipers stables
chloee said:
as your hands moves
pony tries to pull back
then the flick to the bell
tugging in her nipple ring

biting into its gag
blue eyes glaring at you

Sun Jun 02 22:46:15 . North Town Night City RPG
IRIDIA said:
Oh, don't be mistaken she's absolutely in massive amounts of doubt right now, but she'd rather give the impression to Mr. Kirkpatrick that you've got a set of ride-or-die chooms at your behest, to strengthen the optics of your negotiating power, make it look like you represent more than just yourself and add more mass behind your knuckles like conversational brass knuckles.

Sitting back, lighting up was part of the sell — IRIDIA didn't even look at the holoscreen anymore as she snapped the fingers of her right hand, held the tiny flame at the tip of her right thumbnail up to the dark blue-gray cigarette at her lips.

To say Kirkpatrick couldn't shake her. Even if the maneuver with bringing up The Pyramid wasn't targeted at her nerves in specific.

Sun Jun 02 22:45:26 . pipers stables
Keisha said:
reaching out
snapping a fingernail against one of the nipple bells

I like that. Instant feedback.

Sun Jun 02 22:42:34 . Acro-verse
Bootz said:



Sun Jun 02 22:42:22 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vittoria said:

Sun Jun 02 22:40:15 . Z2 Corkboard
Ppink said:
lol, logical thought process there.

Sun Jun 02 22:39:23 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vittoria said:

Vittoria has started a new game with the following players:

Sun Jun 02 22:39:18 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vittoria said:

Sun Jun 02 22:39:15 . pipers stables
chloee said:
seeing this dark eyes

quickly looking down .. you are so much bigger than the pony
wondering why Maitresse is showing me to you

Sun Jun 02 22:38:01 . North Town Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
It had certainly taken a darker turn. All Echo shows for it is a slight tilt of his head as he considers the offer.

He actually grins at the Haven comment. It was painfully true. Especially since his chica couldn't be there with him for it. But...she was injured and out of action for The Pyramid mission too.

You answer before he can.

And then Peregrine P. Olveira asks for some clarification. Smart on his part.

Echo...knowing his injured love is going to grill him for every detail later about this, including how Echo negotiated himself into this position...

He looks at Kendo Kirkpatrick. Pretending to he's being shrewd. Like he has OTHER deadly missions to run.

"What's the mission?" He won't agree to anything just yet. Though mentally...he is all in.

The only way out is through.

Sun Jun 02 22:37:54 . pipers stables
Keisha said:
I see you must have your hands full here!

[End of Transfer]

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