The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Mon Jun 03 00:00:09 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
SilverDream said:

Sun Jun 02 23:54:35 . Mess me up
Bootz said:

Sun Jun 02 23:54:18 . North Town Night City RPG
NPC Overseer said:
Kendo makes a flanging, gasping sound at your question. Hands held to his chest in mock offense.

"You're going potty? At a time like this?"

Tsk tsk tsk sounds that sound like metal scraping together before the doors are opened up with a wave of his hand.

"Down the all, first door on the left. $1 per flush on the toilets." It's a decent way to make some side scratch. And hey, they were full service units.

Anyway, back to Mr. Echo Fenix and Mr. Peregrine P. Olveira...

"So...what do you say? We clear your bounties..."

Gesturing between the two gentlemen...

"And you gain legendary status not only within this guild but around all of Night City for taking down one of the most notorious war criminals of the 21st century."

It's win/win/win/win/win...assuming you survive. Which he as every confidence you will. Or at least some of your team will.

Sun Jun 02 23:53:59 . Welcome to voda and Kitara
voda said:
Hello Ms how are You

Sun Jun 02 23:53:53 . North Town Night City RPG
IRIDIA said:

That right there, that's the kind of information specificity that she needed in order to properly calibrate some data filters.

Something as specialized as a containment and life-support vessel for a bodyless brain. The diagram itself produced a cringe down her spine, like somehow the sympathetic flesh within her and attached cyberware was capable of conceptualizing itself in such macabre confines.


Don't react. IRIDIA was racing to process the new information into a wide net of filters to try and send sniffers out, trying to find hits and duplicates and sources.

It might be very well that she finds nothing, and Kurtz was simply out-muscling everything by the power of his own might and cunning…

…which would greatly undermine her confidence in this.

Sun Jun 02 23:53:50 . your dream sissy.
sandra1 said:
You deserve to be wanted

Sun Jun 02 23:52:21 . Welcome to voda and Kitara
sandra1 said:
Kisses and tight hugs so happy You are back keep strong and looking forward to you.
Give my regards to Kitara

Sun Jun 02 23:52:17 . your dream sissy.
voda said:
Anyone want me giggling

Sun Jun 02 23:50:06 . Z2 Corkboard
The_Grey said:
I was flipping through Netflix and I came across
Godzilla minus One. I had seen reviews and and they recommending it and how fast it climbed to the top of charts. Which ok new movies do that no big deal.
I watch the short preview and was going what the hell that is postwar japan. Right after WW2 ended.I thought ok I watch a little bit and see if its like most monster movies.Besides it won a oscar for best visual effects.

So I AM THINKING ok the effects have to be really good .
Needless to say I was surprised to say the least.
The film gave a look at life right after the war and how those men returning from the War felt . It was different and refreshing to see the "other side" .To see the Japanese side done by a Japanese film maker was interesting .It also is entertaining and has some deep Thoughts and Themes as well.

Sun Jun 02 23:45:34 . North Town Night City RPG
IRIDIA said:
In the background, IRIDIA was already setting up data crawlers, opening signatures for communications related to their current conversation. She couldn't go and establish dominion over the data space here in this office, let alone this building, let alone this section of North Town. Obviously.

But she could put down a listener, and begin tasking NET daemons out to go grab echoes for past communication that might begin to match a hunch of hers.

They already knew the target, this man and his cadre The World Breakers. Military types like him might be violent bruiser types but they thrived on intel just as anyone else would.

An organization as known and as central to the business as The Guild? What IRIDIA wanted to investigate was a potential leak.

It could be as soon as right now, a ping from this office or adjacent, some digital tripwire that was set off the moment Kirkpatrick even pulled up Maximo Kurtz's file — not a lot of false positives for a set of bounties only pulled up for gags or to simply stare at in horrified admiration.

IRIDIA ran the data parcel afforded to them through a few popular compression algos, set those up as flags to look out for, to then send hits to an external server unrelated to The Guild, and then watch for duplicates.

She already had the scan latency from office and Tampere and other security peeking her, and extant listeners already watching the databases for which her profiles would be accessed — that gave her a latency window and pre-route to model other external communications between this building and outside sources.

Basically… setting up a narrow-band eyeball to look for "coincidental" outbound pings from here to the outside that matched data signatures related to their conversation.

Does Maximo have loyalists inside The Guild, is that part of the danger of this bounty? Because as well as they could prepare in here, get all the intel they could ask for… if the target knows who's coming after him, he's always going to have the upper hand.

"Where's the Ladies' room?" she asked abruptly, glancing up from the conversation and picking up her purse.

Sun Jun 02 23:34:15 . your dream sissy.
voda said:
Walking in smiling

Sun Jun 02 23:33:00 . North Town Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
Detirmined. Get this done. Sleep at home. Reopen his store. Live his life again. Let Haven rest in her own bed while she recovers. Logic crashes against frenzy in his mind. Wanting to get this all back to 'normal' for him and his lover.

While Kendo compiles the answer on Haven Darling's bounties, he will chime in based on your text.

"What happened to the other missions? How did they all die?"

And before Kirkpatrick and gloss over it with bullshit and finesse...

"I want every file from those failed attempts. Unredacted."

Sun Jun 02 23:30:50 . North Town Night City RPG
Peregrine P. Olveira said:
Wait, you weren't going to clear your own bounty? Choom!

And okay, IRIDIA, you have a point. He is kind of figuring out how feasible this is, and part of that is the reward. People being unable to take bounties out on Cell.0.phane would make him safer.

But also, he's not equipped for a good portion of what's coming. He isn't committing right now, it can be discussed later. You can tell him he's being an idiot, and see if his logic can sway you.

Sun Jun 02 23:26:29 . North Town Night City RPG
IRIDIA said:
Her hesitation didn't seem tied to any particular issue with the bounty itself — her understanding of risk was… perhaps a little broken, a little nihilistic, or maybe that was by design.

No, it was the idea that her willingness to let Echo dive into this might be misread as encouragement.

It's for that reason her gaze slid over to him even as she made her best effort to remain unfazed by the grisly details, specifically pertaining to past failures.

::Let's get more details on the past failed missions. We can be sure that they're going to be prepared for, hardened against the approaches that other Mercs have attempted, drop them far in the priority list for how to punch Kurtz's ticket::

…and if her objective was to prevent Echo from feeling like IRIDIA was pushing this forward, she might be failing somewhat.

But her current impression? Especially after observing Echo Fenix and Haven Darling together, the initial frantic scramble to get Haven stabilized, safely in Eir's care.

The simmering ripple of air under Echo's skin? She felt a certain risk that if she didn't sign on, he'd just go try this all by himself

And then her eyes slid over to Peregrine P. Olveira who she hadn't seen out on an op before, who ostensibly didn't have a dangerous bounty connected to his meatspace identity in the first place. Was he being serious?

IRIDIA's attempt to Poker Face this interaction was undermined by the Straight Flush of her skin, red in apprehension. She's seen cinnamon rolls shape up under pressure, but two-for-two would be a gamble she would be insane to take.

"Equipment requisition — let's collab on hardware for extraction and transport of the mission objective," the brain. She's talking about a man's brain.

"Client wants the mission done right, they must have some idea cooked up on their end about how to make sure they get what they want."

Sun Jun 02 23:24:15 . North Town Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
Wait...that gives him an idea.

On the heels of your question about bounty transference, Echo asks Kendo...

"Do you have any open bounties for a Haven Darling?"

And just in case...

"Or a Pasha Lafitte?"

Sun Jun 02 23:23:07 . North Town Night City RPG
Peregrine P. Olveira said:
He was hoping this would work. Otherwise, well, he might have to say who he is, which would cause more problems than it would solve.

So he will wait while you chat, and try not to look nervous.

"Cell.0.phane." No other details provided, because the more he provides, the easier it is to catch him in a lie.

Sun Jun 02 23:21:27 . North Town Night City RPG
NPC Overseer said:
"Hmmmmmmm." Cybernetic eyelids narrow over cybernetic eyes as he considers the question...

Kendo Kirkpatrick holds his finger up to his ear and turns his back to you. Silently negotiating with someone. Then he turns back to you...

"Who's the bounty on?" He needs a name. He can't do anything without specifics on this one. His supervisor won't sign off on it.

Sun Jun 02 23:21:04 . pipers stables
chloee said:
lays back sobbing
then kicking the wall

Sun Jun 02 23:19:58 . pipers stables
Keisha said:
God. What a mess you are.

shoving you back forcefully
so you fall backwards onto a stack of hay or straw

I may just have to dedicate some of My time to seeing that you're whipped into proper shape.

striding out of your stall, closing and locking the gate

and laying Renee's crop on the table near the barn exit

heading home

Sun Jun 02 23:15:01 . A place for girls who need a push... con
Liquid Fyre said:

[End of Transfer]

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