The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Mon Jun 03 00:51:09 . A place for girls who need a push... con
SarahJi said:
Yes, Miss.

Mon Jun 03 00:51:02 . North Town Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
Oh, he's picking up some racism. Not the fake, teasing kind he says Bamboo the Cat has. Actual racism. Though technically, it's classism. Echo just grins through it. He got what he wanted.

And when IRIDIA comes back...he's certain she got what she wanted. To her...

"Are the toilets nice? Should I make a trip before we go?" He reaches into his armchair compartment for a can of Spunky Monkey to lightly toss your way. He's seen you drink it a few times. Assuming you liked it.

Bounties are temporarily suspended. He hides it, but his heart skips a beat at that. He can go home. Haven can go home. They can sleep in their own bed tonight after all that's happened.

With that, Echo unreclines the chair and pops up to his feet. Snatching another bottle of beer and some more snacks from the side compartment for the trip home.

"IRIDIA...Perry...I do believe it's time for us to go. We've got jaws to snatch things out of." Jaws of victory or defeat and snatching victory or defeat out of them...he's not sure which was which right now, but he's sure he can figure out the good combo.

"Kendo, you better start shopping for a new face. I'll be in touch."

A bow of his head before he waits for security to assemble and escort them out.

Mon Jun 03 00:50:56 . North Town Night City RPG
IRIDIA said:
"Damn, look at that, Echo — Dead Man Walking status."

She didn't even know it was possible. Thirty days, and either you pull off the impossible or they were all very possibly obliterated.

Who says you can't have a good time in Night City?

"Cool, so that's twenty-nine days to get stoned, and one day to try and hitch a ride to the moon…" she added with cybernetically-enhanced sarcasm.

"Let's go secure the containment vessel first. That's probably priority 1…" she opined out loud, having sent bloodhound protocols for mentions of that very same out into the wild NET. Seeding the things that any antagonists or bad actors might be counter-intel'ing for.

"We good, then?" she approached Echo Fenix, hand approaching his shoulder. Did he ask about what happened to Haven? Was not asking about it a test of some sort, for him? To see if Kirkpatrick even offered any info, or even knew about what she'd been hit with?

Mon Jun 03 00:50:26 . A place for girls who need a push... con
Keisha said:
come here then

Mon Jun 03 00:49:38 . A place for girls who need a push... con
SarahJi said:
For you I do.

Mon Jun 03 00:48:09 . transsexual picture gallery
Donald said:
Steps in

Mon Jun 03 00:48:03 . A place for girls who need a push... con
Keisha said:
Have a few minutes?

Mon Jun 03 00:47:09 . A place for girls who need a push... con
SarahJi said:

Mon Jun 03 00:46:02 . A place for girls who need a push... con
Keisha said:

Mon Jun 03 00:44:07 . OOC Chat Room
Ivan@soi said:
Looking in..

Mon Jun 03 00:42:47 . North Town Night City RPG
NPC Overseer said:
There's an audible wince at the demand for a large equipment stipend. It sounds like metal scratching together. And then a full-on metal shriek at the added demand of an armored Aerial Vehicle.

Kendo blinks a few times. Turning his back to you and Perry with his finger up to his ear. Silently negotiating with his supervisor, finance, HR, and accounts receivable. Give him a minute or two.

Then he'll turn back around. Metal mouth happy. Eyes narrowed and angry. Digital voice hissing and harsh.

"Alright, you little nomad bastard. You've got it. But if you gonk this mission up, I'm dead. Literally." The expenditures were too much now. And his overseers did want to kill him for a few other things this past year. Now they just needed a good, final excuse to pull the trigger.

Kirkpatrick only then notices that IRIDIA has re-entered the room. So he raises both of his hands and waves them at the screen.

The bounty files for IRIDIA, Echo Fenix, and cell.0.phane (in absentia/transference) appear on the screen. The words "Temporarily Suspended" flash over the projected files.

Kendo takes a deep breath. Composing himself. And he's right back to cheery, salesman/game show host Kendo.

"By agreeing to take on a Self-Delete, your bounties will be temporarily suspended for the next 30 days until you complete the mission. Forward me the names of anyone else you bring into this mission with active bounties and they will be suspended as well."

"Upon completion of the mission, if you agree to the Platinum Untouchable favor, they will be erased and no further bounties will be added to your file."

"If you do not agree to Platinum Untouchable, your bounties will be reactivated within 15 days of successful mission completion."

And there it is. You can go home Mr. Echo. For now.

"If you abuse any of the mission stipend for your personal benefit, make no effort to complete this bounty, or attempt to leave Night City during this 30 day period...a full-scale Six Star Bounty will be put on you for instant termination."

Translation: Don't f*ck them on this, Echo Fenix.

Mon Jun 03 00:41:19 . A place for girls who need a push... con
SarahJi said:
tumbling in...

Mon Jun 03 00:39:29 . North Town Night City RPG
IRIDIA said:
IRIDIA collapsed that flatscreen back down to a segmented metal tube and tossed it back into her purse, flushed, and then sighed to herself.

Something about the vibe of this mission and the account of the previous failed attempts, its escalation to the status of 'Self-Deletion Bounty' troubled her even beyond the fundamental, superficial details about it.

She exited the Ladies' room under the watchful eye of Tampere and was escorted back to the meeting room where Kirkpatrick seemed to be… was he finalizing with Echo Fenix?

"Oh, did I miss the ritual handshake and staring context? I think Mr. Kirkpatrick has the advantage, in that one."

Her gaze circled the room as Tampere took his position again in the loose interior perimeter of guards, like no that can't be it, right?

She didn't have the time or the power to attempt anything risky, not here and not now, so her hardware stopped short of trying to pull a scan that went beyond skin-deep.

Yeah, nothing. Not without knocking on some doors she didn't want answered, rousing suspicion she wasn't prepared to duel with.

"What's our status? We prepping to go leap into some waiting jaws? Do we have a temporary stay on the Richter aggro, Mr. Kirkpatrick, so that he's not liable to compromise this mission?"

Mon Jun 03 00:38:42 . The Masturbatorium
Jase said:
01. 12:31:15


Mon Jun 03 00:33:50 . The Masturbatorium
Jase said:
Sighs as I seem to have lost you

Mon Jun 03 00:33:15 . The Masturbatorium
Jase said:

Mon Jun 03 00:30:54 . The Masturbatorium
Jase said: dick a long slow few strokes...loving her outfit

Mon Jun 03 00:28:02 . North Town Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
"Mmmmm. You're a corpo through and through then. I suppose even bounty hunters need 'monstruos sin alma' to keep their finances in check."

Echo smirks before he takes another long drink from that fancy beer bottle. Then he reaches into the armchair compartment to produce...

"Orale! Moonchies!" He pulls out two brightly colored bags of snack cakes, tossing the Pulsar-flavored one to Perry. He prefers the Andromeda-flavor. More stalling. More wasting time for IRIDIA. He'll drink a few more sips from his beer. Eat a few bites of horribly unhealthy snack food. All while pretending to consider your offer...

He gets IRIDIA's text. The eye flicker hidden behind his goggles.

Back to Mr. Kirkpatrick...

"Up the equiptment stipend to $150,000. And I need access to an armored AV. And that's not included in the stipend."

If that's acceptable...

"I'm in. I'll get my team together. And I'll stay in direct contact with you, and only you, about how we're spending that money and planning this op. I don't want to talk to someone who doesn't have a personal interest in this mission. 'Entender'?"

There we go. Just what Dia asked for.

Mon Jun 03 00:26:56 . The Masturbatorium
Jase said:


Mon Jun 03 00:25:23 . The Masturbatorium
Jase said:
-a laugh- escapes his lips-

No ? There ain't a bone there....just rigid muscle. But It is stiff as a bone"

-grins- and winks-

[End of Transfer]

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