The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sun Jun 02 20:56:07 . North Town Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
While Tampere checks their scans, he looks to his left and right. IRIDIA and Peregrine P. Olveira. Should he have told a lie? Were friends allowed in on these meetings? His fingers flex and clench into fists for a second...until he's told to follow.

His guess; High speed chase. No restraints. Head-on collision. Ejected you through the windshield. You broke your fall with your adam's apple.

He sniffs at the mention of Richter. Head snapping to look at you with reflective lenses. An angry, reflective growl in his throat.

"You know Richter?" A pause as he gauges his next words carefully. "If you see him, tell him I meant what I said." Spine. Removed.

He leaves IRIDIA and Peregrine P. Olveira to their quiet. Assuming they're plotting or scanning...something.

Echo was here to take the direct approach. The one he'd avoided for weeks now. The one that, if he'd done it sooner, Haven might not be laid up in bed for the foreseeable future.

Sun Jun 02 20:53:32 . A place for girls who need a push... con
sarahji said:
straddling you...
slowly squirming against you...
soft kisses...

Sun Jun 02 20:51:53 . North Town Night City RPG
IRIDIA said:
IRIDIA nodded to Peregrine P. Olveira and then arrived at the top of the lift, the double doors opening to the sight of six armed and armored men. Even if it was the Corporate office handling bounty logistics and finances, it made sense to her that they still posted security.

That wasn't her main concern, though, as her eyes flickered about to spot the details surrounding the material of the place. Dark slate, white marble, pops of color and random wall art. Smaller open offices for low-tier workers, bigger fancier offices with dimmable windows for the higher-ups. Cameras and passive scanners everywhere, little blips and notices in her HUD letting her know she was being looked over, judged, processed.

Access points for data here and there, some with a higher priority than others. It might not serve her to memorize the layout, but she would do it anyway. Maybe Nobu would have some use for the information, maybe it might help Perry or their friends.

There was a chance that they'd just get laughed out of the building, after all, and then it would help to have a bit of ammo.

Sun Jun 02 20:51:54 . Intense Submissive Training
sklavin said:
slaves tummy twisting in knots
after a day of being fed nothing but piss

Sun Jun 02 20:51:30 . A place for girls who need a push... con
Khandi said:
coming to where you're sitting
sliding my arms past your thighs
and smiling up to your face

Sun Jun 02 20:50:46 . A place for girls who need a push... con
sarahji said:
sitting on the bar top...

Sun Jun 02 20:49:47 . A place for girls who need a push... con
Khandi said:
The bartender's on break.

Sun Jun 02 20:44:54 . A place for girls who need a push... con
sarahji said:
Will I have?
blond smile...

Sun Jun 02 20:44:46 . North Town Night City RPG
Peregrine P. Olveira said:
That checks out, based on what he knows about you. Even if it's not a thing he would think of independently.

You answer, and he nods as he listens. This is confirming what he'd gather from you and Echo outside, but adding context. "Yeah, uh, I can see how that works as incentive for a neutral meeting place. I will." Keep an eye out, that is. Though he won't be attempting to hijack any extra eyes while they're here, that seems wildly bad as plans go.

Corporate greed, commerce, it runs Night City - and the world, as far as he knows.

He defers to Echo Fenix as the guard questions them. This is Echo's show, they're supporting players. He's kind of usually just a supporting player, regardless.

Tampere is scanned, because he's scanning anyone and everyone, though it's not a visible thing.

Sun Jun 02 20:43:25 . A place for girls who need a push... con
Khandi said:
sorry, I was washing my face

smiling brightly

What will you have?

Sun Jun 02 20:42:05 . The State of Insanity
Visitor2 said:

Sun Jun 02 20:41:22 . Intense Submissive Training
sklavin said:
Squirming in the soaked diapers
Still bound to the frame with the tube from the funnel
in its mouth

Sun Jun 02 20:39:15 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Rottie said:

Game over!

Final scores:

Rottie : N/A

Sun Jun 02 20:36:58 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Rottie said:

Rottie has started a new game with the following players:

Sun Jun 02 20:36:18 . The State of Insanity
Visitor said:

Sun Jun 02 20:35:49 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
dove cameron said:
drinks in the quiet bar

Sun Jun 02 20:35:02 . North Town Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
His business?

Echo straightens his back. Sets his jaw. Optics and goggles scanning down whatever he can...and finding a remarkable amount of security blocks and shielding. No easy way to get readings outside of faces. Which just revealed a lot of brutally dangerous people.

"My name is Echo Fenix. I have an outstanding bounty I'd like to clear."

He blinks. Behind his goggles. Hesitating for a moment before continuing...

"These are my friends." A gesture to IRIDIA and Peregrine P. Olveira. It was on the tip of his tongue to make some elaborate lie about them being his security entourage or something stupid...but the truth was probably best in this situation.

Sun Jun 02 20:34:58 . A place for girls who need a push... con
sarahji said:

Sun Jun 02 20:32:12 . A place for girls who need a push... con
Khandi said:
returning at the bottom of the hour

Sun Jun 02 20:30:47 . Sadistic
fallen princess said:
staring out from its cage

[End of Transfer]

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