The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Wed Jun 12 20:56:48 . Subway
Polly Walters said:
City Aquarium and Zoo
...she nods as you say that and she takes another bite of the peanut butter one you were holding, sort of ignoring that chocolate now...she looks up to you and in that way that only Polly can randomly pop a question out of nowhere...

If I got murdered what would you tell the documentary people about me?

Wed Jun 12 20:56:20 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Eir Ascle said:
Yeah she's terrible at that too. She has many problems, rotating through her head.

See, you get it. It's nice that I'm with someone that gets it. All of our friends are so freaking deadly. I feel like a sheep who just got chummy with the wolves, yanno. She shook her head a little, because her friends weren't a danger to her or her own, but you knew what she meant.

No, it was GREATLY funny!! Just... not right now. Right now it was way too fresh.

Afterwards she leaned against the van, shaking her head. You didn't know. She reaffirmed with you. She looks up at you. She shook her head a little. I gambled. I ... I had turn her heart off. I had to do manual compressions. I could feel her ri..... She closed her eyes flinching at the memory. Okay. Nope. If I think on that I'll spiral. I know I will.

She looked at you apologetically. I'm sorry for the... like emotional whiplash. I went from gleeful to horrified way too fast. Like... I have a headache it changed so fast.

She waved a hand pushed herself up. I'm fine. Just.. a lot going on. There's a war I'm trying to help people with. All this with Echo. I'm gonna have to put a head in a jar it's just... a lot. I think I need to spend a good 16 hours on sleep, then a few more hours in a therapy module.

I'm so sorry Perry. I wish we had lighter hearted things to talk about and... that I hadn't shown you my worse traits right off the bat. She said, she looked pale still and rather upset.

Wed Jun 12 20:54:43 . The 141 Restaurant and Lounge
Brixton Walsh said:
He sets his phone down in front of him. Face up. He looks down at it, causing the facial recognition to open the phone up. No notifications.

He clicks it off. He looks down at the phone again. The facial recognition opens the phone up. No notifications. He clicks it off.

He looks down—BANG!

A chair or a symbol crash or maybe a gunshot goes off, he swivels his head to catch you caught in that bear-trap you call a purse. He looks to the bartender, raising his finger and pointing to the spot on the mahogany bar-top in front of him where a drink should be.

'Whiskey.' He mouths.

'Rocks.' He mouths.

And then he turns back to face you, already moving to pick the chair up by it's high-back, which now lays flat on the floor.

"Do you need any help? It's a bit early to be absolutely knock-your-shit-everywhere wasted, feelme? I think maybe you should switch to wa—

Hol'up. Don't I know you?"

Wed Jun 12 20:53:56 . Subway
Father Luke said:
City Aquarium and Zoo
"if that's what you want to do, sure."
He continued to nibble on the custard.

"we should probably finish these before we get in line though."

He didn't mention how it was likely to be a bit dusty and they might kick up some dirt.

Wed Jun 12 20:53:53 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Tyler Wells said:

Wed Jun 12 20:51:44 . SHAME
Owen said:
looking in

Wed Jun 12 20:50:35 . Black Velvet
reece{S} said:
Be well

smiling warmly

Wed Jun 12 20:50:24 . Subway
Polly Walters said:
City Aquarium and Zoo
...her hands rests on your chest a moment and that face promises plenty later and she leans into you for a moment stealing another bite of your custard....

You know one of us has to be responsible and guard yoru reputation.

...she took a deep breath and offered you a bite of the chocolate...before looking over to where the elephants were...

I want to ride it together.

...yeah she started to look quite concerned....

Wed Jun 12 20:50:22 . House of the White Wolf
surrender{Blade} said:
Respite Garden
she again opens the glass door ...she steps through abd closes the door with her bare foot ...her eyes dare to lift her blue orbs looking for His dark mysterious eyes ...she knows when she finds them..her cheeks cover with crimson color instantly..a smile on her pouty lips as she bites her lower lips..she moves with beauty and grace abd a elegance * she had bever known, she didn't know how or even why she walked like this *

Like a dream His eyes pulls her within closer and closer to Him * the world seem to stop when there eyes met *

she finds Your feet and instantly melts to her heels..spreading her thighs wide an arch now in her back her full ample breasts pull upon het silks her head high ...a soft voice rings out

Your Blackwine Master a Lil cream and sugar quench Your thirst this night , this slut can only hooe yhe serve and the girl be found pleasing this eve *

Wed Jun 12 20:49:27 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Tyler Wells said:

tylerwells has started a new game with the following players:

Wed Jun 12 20:49:20 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Tyler Wells said:
Coming in

Wed Jun 12 20:47:23 . The 141 Restaurant and Lounge
Mei Toshima said:
There are so many options on the menu that she started counting them and forgot to consider what she should order. Seven types of soup. Oh! Curried apple and carrot sounds good, but... Eleven different salads. Nineteen kinds of appetizers. Crawfish con queso? She's never had crawfish. It's good to try different things,but... She's not even gotten to the main courses and her eyes are nearly crossing like a Siamese cat's and let's be real -- she's just gonna close her eyes and subtly drop a finger on the menu and have whatever it lands on.

The door swings open and she's fretting over the six categories main courses are divided into and she looks up to scan the place to see if there's somebody eating something that looks good so she can just have whatever they're having, but she sees you. She waves awkwardly but she doesn't think you see her as you make your way to the bar, your focus on your phone.

Oh god, does she go over and say hi? You don't really know her, you've met only twice.

But if you notice her there while you're right in her line of sight and she's not even gotten up to say hello, how rude is she going to seem?

Her gaze drops back to the menu and it is daunting. She has to say hello.

She pushes her chair back enough from the table to stand and goes to take a step toward the bar and just about goes down. Somehow, her foot ended up in the handle of her unnecessarily big and heavy bag and, like a ball and chain, it has anchored her. She reaches out, palming the edge of her table to stop herself from falling, but she knocks her chair over.


Carefully, she extricates her dainty heel, smiles sheepishly at the people sitting a the table nearest hers, as she sets her chair right.


Wed Jun 12 20:46:10 . Subway
Father Luke said:
City Aquarium and Zoo
He didn't freeze, he didn't stop to look around. In fact he'd have held that kiss if she hadn't pulled back herself. "don't be sorry about that. Not ever."

Wed Jun 12 20:44:59 . Black Velvet
Marcos said:
No thank you.
I wish I could stay but my rt is calling.

Talk again soon?
A kiss given to your cheek
Have a good night reece.

Wed Jun 12 20:44:39 . House of the White Wolf
surrender{Blade} said:
Closing tge door behind her ...she moves quickly setting the cup down she quickly washes her slim hands...once dry..she picka ip His cup and an elegant sway takes her across the floor and to the hearth ...she takes the ladle and stirs the Bpackwine .... she pours it carefully within the cup ... she than m9ves to her right and sits the cup on the counter ... putting a little cream within the cup making it turn a lighter brown ...with a couple spoonfuls of sugar ...she Stirrs it gently and smiles... she places her right hand flat underneath and the left on the side...she turns gently abd moves a much slower se seal sway could now ve seen her hips rocked back and forth...she moves across the floor and back to tge glass doorway *

Wed Jun 12 20:44:18 . House of the White Wolf
Blade said:
Respite Garden
*I watch my girl vanish from view and I eat some more dried bosk meat as I relax and look about the garden*

Wed Jun 12 20:43:24 . Subway
Polly Walters said:
City Aquarium and Zoo
...her eyes go wide and then when you say that she turns to you and kisses your nerdness before realizing and stepping back...wiping her lips...


...she giggles...

You are adorable!

Wed Jun 12 20:43:00 . Black Velvet
reece{S} said:
Well that's certainly a positive.

gesturing toward the sidebar

Anything to drink?

Wed Jun 12 20:41:38 . Subway
Father Luke said:
City Aquarium and Zoo
"Good at picking dessert? I just let my inner 12 year old speak. He never steers me wrong." Then shrugging. "Fine, no tiger riding."

Turning the corner. "Elephants should be right there..." pointing, "Look, Mr. Frodo! An oliphaunt! The folks back home'll never believe this!"

Wed Jun 12 20:39:44 . Black Velvet
Marcos said:
I certainly do.
Things are easing up for us though at lease for the time being.

[End of Transfer]

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