The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Wed Jun 12 21:21:46 . The 141 Restaurant and Lounge
Mei Toshima said:
Jesus. You're talking a little loud. People's eyes are glued this way and that neckline you swoop your gaze at is pink, but she can laugh at herself and the absurdity of the situation, and that's what she does. Her laughter is an easy sound, one that comes often and without censor, even if she's a little red. "Yeahhhhh," said much quieter than you, not that much above a whisper.

Oh god. "Noo. Not selling shoes. It was--" She doesn't want to embarrass you, which is ironic as she laser beams her eyes at the other chair where you could have a seat it you wanted to let people move along from the side show we've become. "Holly was Cinderella, she lost her shoe..." No?


"No. No, no no. I have a boring regular people job, I don't work on the play, Leo and Elodie are really close friends of mine and-- you wanna sit? We can sit? I'm--" The Gunnery Bosun mate. She laughs again, a little eruption that has the one or two people who weren't already giving us the eye looking this way now. "Right. Yeah! That's me. I'm the snake wrangling gaffer."

The situation is ... not improving.

When you let go of the chair to head back toward the bar, she reaches up to pinch her brow, laughing quietly and shaking her head. She thinks you've wandered off and she sinks onto her chair, very careful about where she places her feet this time, even reaching down to further tuck the bag under her chair and out of the way.

The terrifying menu awaits and she looks down at it, then flicks her gaze up to watch you with your phone again, looking like you're hoping for something you're not finding. Then you're back and she smiles, "Sit sit. I'm ordering food...."

What? It'll be a surprise.

Wed Jun 12 21:19:54 . Subway
Polly Walters said:
City Aquarium and Zoo
...she tossed her ice cream cup and spoon and looks over at you crossing hands...

Are you saying that god is anti Elphant? That seems unlikely. I mean how can anyone not love a huffalump?

Wed Jun 12 21:18:15 . The Dock
Primo said:
I’m crying laughing as I reread your reaction to my autocorrection…pushing you off the dock for being that funny…

Wed Jun 12 21:18:15 . Neighborhood where adultery is practiced
Owen said:
looking in

Wed Jun 12 21:17:54 . Subway
Father Luke said:
City Aquarium and Zoo
"I hope you're still around. And besides you keep hinting the Guy Upstairs might not be happy with me, I might get struck by lightning before I get on that elephant."

Wed Jun 12 21:16:07 . House of the White Wolf
surrender{Blade} said:
Respite Garden
Your string hands picks her up flinging the girl over Your broad shoulders... she queels and giggles under Your touch as off to His room she goes with Him L/P

Wed Jun 12 21:16:01 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Peregrine P. Olveira said:
It WILL be fun. Let's dot hat next time.

"Me neither, and same." THeir friends are kind of terrifying. GOod thing they are also their friends.

Tell him if he laughs, though. Maybe. Maybe don't. It was clever, though.

You get an understanding nod. "I can get that. I'm... kind of doing that with some stuff, too." Not a thing he's going tinto now, though!

"I'll do that. Thanks, Eir." A warm smile. "I'll just say it was a nice thing you did, deal? And sometime, you'll come by and let her show you how amazing she is." He will collect the noodles, since you're offering them.

"You too, Eir. Rest up. Ping me if you need me." With that, he'll head out with dinner, heading back to Fables. (l/p)

Wed Jun 12 21:15:25 . Subway
Polly Walters said:
City Aquarium and Zoo
...she nodded her head and smiled...

you think I'll still be around when they put ya in da dirt

...mocking that little bit of accent with a smirk and a wink...

I mean that sorta makes me happy Father.

Wed Jun 12 21:14:40 . House of the White Wolf
Blade said:
House Of White Wolf
*I stand and toss you over my shoulder and carry you off to my room*


Wed Jun 12 21:12:49 . The Wolf Brothers Cork
Blade said:

Wed Jun 12 21:12:27 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Eir Ascle said:
One day we should just get together and let our little hamster brains run wild. It'll be fun!

Right! But then usually we're on their side. If we weren't.. I wouldn't want them for enemies. I'd deter others from trying. She chuckled.

If she did say the joke to Echo, she wouldn't credit you. Because if he was mad, it really should be at her. And, as you pointed out, you didn't have all the facts when you said it.

She looked up at you. She gave you a small smile. No I know I have to deal with it at some time. I also know right now I need to put it in the buffer. It's all a little too fresh still.

She nods. Yeah I should go to bed. Uhm.. take the noodles. You can bring Briar some dinner. If you want to stop by Mama YumYums I can order up another bowl for her if she doesn't like beef. I mean... I said something rude. Least I can do is buy her dinner. And you don't tell her what I said... or that I said it.

She rubbed a hand over her eye. It was nice to meet you Perry.

Wed Jun 12 21:10:31 . Subway
Father Luke said:
City Aquarium and Zoo
"Truth isn't necessarily tactless. But there are ways to say things that are true without sounding like you're firing across the demilitarized zone."

And then registering what she said at the end, " 'bit the apple'? really? Tha's what ya gon' use when they put me in the dirt?" that Texas drawl was slipping out.

Wed Jun 12 21:08:51 . Jarl GaigiN's Cabin
Jarl Gaigin said:

Wed Jun 12 21:08:46 . Cork for OOC Topics
a varius said:
let me know if I can help. I relinquished an account I was holding for beware to Suz 4 years ago and I am willing to budget to keep those rooms up even if I can’t play here anymore.

Wed Jun 12 21:06:54 . Subway
Polly Walters said:
City Aquarium and Zoo
Don't you think that's sad. That truth is considered tactless?

...she shrugged her shoulders...

I'd tell people you were an amazingly good man who had so many skills so many would never have gotten a chance to see and that you always knew just how to touch someone to make them feel good.

...she grinned up at you...

Or maybe I'd just say. Listen he bit the apple what do you want me to tell you. He was only human.

Wed Jun 12 21:05:11 . Subway
Father Luke said:
City Aquarium and Zoo
He laughed hard enough that he almost dropped what was left of the custard. "Oh, well, I don't think most people are...tactless enough for that much truth. And it'd never make it into an article or or air time if someone ~DID~ say it."

Wed Jun 12 21:04:46 . Does the punishment fit the crime??
Owen said:
looking in

Wed Jun 12 21:04:31 . House of the White Wolf
surrender{Blade} said:
Respite Garden
* the crimson sorta glows over her creamy cheeks... she lightly bites her lower lips as she let's her palms fall to her thighs ... her eyes still locked to His ..she whispers almost breathless

Thank You My Master

Wed Jun 12 21:03:27 . Subway
Polly Walters said:
City Aquarium and Zoo

...she smiled at you and nodded...

That is incredibly sweet Luke

...her eyes shine at you a bit and she takes a breath....

hmmm Everyone always says nice things. I sorta want someone to say. She was a wierdo who didn't like many people and didn't want to be touched.

Wed Jun 12 21:02:09 . House of the White Wolf
surrender{Blade} said:
Respite Garden
* she geld the cup up to Him her heart seemed to pound within her ears ...she waited silently as she k elt close to Him *so close*

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