The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sat Jun 08 11:56:57 . Intense Submissive Training
Megan 35 said:
5'6" trimmed bi 36 ddd also married you

Sat Jun 08 11:56:19 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
amos marsden said:

amosmarsden has started a new game with the following players:

Sat Jun 08 11:56:12 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
amos marsden said:

Sat Jun 08 11:55:40 . Docks of Oksvoll
Solvej said:
my staff in my left hand as my right arm looped through yours

"than we need to rectify that and have a good evening meal around our table with lots of mead and tea available for catching up yes?"

as we talked standing on the docks I saw a glimpse of Damnable over by the dock office...he started moving in this direction and I was not sure it was a good idea or not but we would see soon enough

Sat Jun 08 11:55:05 . Intense Submissive Training
MrMr said:
Describe yourself.

Sat Jun 08 11:55:00 . Intense Submissive Training
Megan 35 said:
are you still here

Sat Jun 08 11:54:22 . Intense Submissive Training
Megan 35 said:
I am here for some training

Sat Jun 08 11:53:49 . Docks of Oksvoll
SaTiva said:

Sat Jun 08 11:53:36 . Intense Submissive Training
MrMr said:

Sat Jun 08 11:53:22 . Intense Submissive Training
Visitor said:

Sat Jun 08 11:51:47 . The Deep Inn
Lorelei@soe said:
MiaFrom behind the bar, takes one look at the woman with an empty glass a small pile of coin on the bar, offers a smile, reduces the pile of coin, and leaves a ,ostly full bottle of rum in its place. And everyone seems happy...

Sat Jun 08 11:51:31 . A place for girls who need a push... con
SarahJi said:
Yes Miss!

Sat Jun 08 11:50:18 . Docks of Oksvoll
Solvej said:
Godo's ??? = gods

Sat Jun 08 11:49:42 . Docks of Oksvoll
SaTiva said:
I would really like to have collaring celebrated with
those of the Village. I have had her working in the
Village quite a bit and I would like them to be a part
of the celebration.

Sat Jun 08 11:49:41 . The Deep Inn
From behind the bar@soe said:
From behind the bar, takes one look at the woman with an empty glass a small pile of coin on the bar, offers a smile, reduces the pile of coin, and leaves a ,ostly full bottle of rum in its place. And everyone seems happy...

Sat Jun 08 11:49:34 . Docks of Oksvoll
Solvej said:
I nodded listening to your words, I respected the fact that you were High Jarl in the village but it put a strain on our family with extra chores for both of and those keys and looking after the lodge and other things around the village that became my responsibility

I wondered so many times how Asta made it look so easy as did Chuch, but we were doing the best we could given the circumstances and this hunt, although it was your idea had doubled the stress because you were trying something new, new in terms of going to the place you had never hunted at could make or break the village due to the need to be there at either the beginning or the ending of our planting and harvesting season. you were not one to take chances when it involved others so this was a big undertaking

"You are a very capable man my Mate, you're always thinking of others in the village first, so I think the Godos will favor you for that alone....I think you will do well and we will manage while you are gone"

I was careful not to mention that it was also time for our child to be born.. in the fall... it was our third and my sister was here and could help me if the wee one came while you were gone

Sat Jun 08 11:49:07 . A place for girls who need a push... con
Adriana said:

Sat Jun 08 11:48:54 . A place for girls who need a push... con
SarahJi said:

Sat Jun 08 11:48:34 . A place for girls who need a push... con
Adriana said:

Sat Jun 08 11:47:26 . a dark place
emme said:
*quietly looks in*

[End of Transfer]

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