The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sat May 18 09:51:19 . B&B&B&B Basement
Seven said:
Comes in here, preps up, and relieves Mufzu of her post behind the bar.

Sat May 18 09:48:27 . A lake near Oksvoll
Solvej said:
I was small but full of spunk , as my mate would say, and this day we decided to take part of the early day to take our sons to the lake to give in to their constant, and somewhat annoying, request to go fishing.

They were well old enough to go alone, but they liked the tradition that seemed to set itself up every thaw, and that was us, as a family, going together to catch fish for tonights meal and to swim and enjoy the lake…swim those of us that were brave enough to get into the water that had thawed yes but was still colder then was to my liking…I would be the observer today, my hand gently rubbing the swell in my stomach denoting the next child that would join our family and make us five instead of four

As we walked along there was chatter from the boys, mostly teasing me about not wanting to get wet but also there was teasing about who would catch the biggest fish, as the boys and my mate walked along , I let myself drop back a little taking in the sight of the three of them

The boys had grown considerably this past winter…their clothes, their coats and boots seemed rather childish now and definitely not fitting properly but more then that, they seemed to be more manly then they were winters before

They were not as tall as their father but they were getting up there now only a head below for the youngest, Sevjorn, and ear height for Ben who was a little over one year older , soon they would both tower over my mate…I loved listening to them as they teased and joked

Our home was a home full of laughter and yet we had a strong sense of work and commitment both to each other, our family, the village…our work

We did not have the best of everything, but we had what we needed and we were hard workers for anything else we wanted or needed

My curiosity piqued when Sev started teasing Ben about the bond working out where they were the day before in the planting beds

I knew nothing about this so naturally I moved closer to hear what was said knowing this day was coming and I wasn’t ready for it yet, to let them go that is even though I knew it was part of life and the way of nature, it wasn’t going to be long now

Sat May 18 09:48:08 . The Phone Booth
sweet melissa said:

NSFW or Family

Sat May 18 09:46:53 . Jilly's Rattlesnake Radio
Jilly said:
Zooms off to lotto tix and coffee☕🚙

Sat May 18 09:43:48 . Z2 Corkboard
Pepin said:
You too.:-)

Sat May 18 09:43:42 . The Phone Booth
sweet melissa said:

Learn To Crawl

Sat May 18 09:40:17 . The Phone Booth
sweet melissa said:

Perfect Torture

Sat May 18 09:39:53 . Jilly's Rattlesnake Radio
Jilly said:

Sat May 18 09:39:27 . The Dock
Seven said:
"That kinda work I could get used to."

Nods and smiles.

"What happened to the girl on the dock? She was cute."

Sat May 18 09:39:20 . Jilly's Rattlesnake Radio
Sharko said:
I thought so, just didn't bother to change the banner. Have a happy

Sat May 18 09:38:49 . Jilly's Rattlesnake Radio
Jilly said:
😚🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋 bye sharko

Sat May 18 09:37:53 . Jilly's Rattlesnake Radio
Sharko said:
Coffee empty, better go,plant something.
Glad to have a bucket of poop ready in my shed

Sat May 18 09:36:58 . Jilly's Rattlesnake Radio
Jilly said:
Missy said bye 10 mins ago..

Sat May 18 09:36:55 . Darkest Desires
}-BlackStone-)> said:

Sat May 18 09:36:41 . Oldies
Apollo said:
California Sun

The Rivieras

Sat May 18 09:36:29 . Jilly's Rattlesnake Radio
Jilly said:

Sat May 18 09:35:43 . Jilly's Rattlesnake Radio
Sharko said:
Some people like dandelion greens and a salad, but you have to pick them really young before they get sour

Sat May 18 09:35:17 . Jilly's Rattlesnake Radio
Sharko said:
Some people do make dandelion wine, true. I don't think they make it very often. It's not like beer.

Sat May 18 09:33:56 . The Phone Booth
sweet melissa said:

Nothing Else Matters

Sat May 18 09:33:53 . Jilly's Rattlesnake Radio
Jilly said:
See sharko?? Missy agress with me🙂🙂 shes smart

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