The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sat Jun 01 18:13:54 . Night City RPG OOC
Nobunaga said:
If you want something to work with from the Tyger Claw side, there was that riot at NCPD HQ awhile back... Apparently somehow a Tyger Claws Netrunner claiming the handle of "Daimyo" got in to the NCPD's servers and freed a bunch of prisoners before getting put down by the NCPD dweller on duty. Nobody seems to know who it was, but everyone agrees that the hacker was rocking a Samurai look and handle so if they weren't a member of the Tygers they were someone trying to get in the Tyger's good graces. Too bad they didn't survive...

Sat Jun 01 18:13:53 . A Camp on the Plains
larl}{Kliimus}{ said:
the water barrel that was also in the room was nearing empty and that would be among the chores for the morrow. As it had enough for now...the smell of bosk steaks cooking in the serving wagon wafted through the air making the girls belly rumble...she stepped through the doorway allowing the flap to fall into place before taking the steps to the dirt part...the harriga made of wagons..wer4e plenty and she never felt alone

Sat Jun 01 18:13:07 . A Small Stream on the Plains
Naomi said:
Standing after deciding she had kept her guards waiting long enough that she could hear their stomachs growling, she looked to each of them in turn. Their nearly expressionless faces were betrayed only by the cold stares of their eyes. With a half hearted smile, she turned and walked back to camp.

Sat Jun 01 18:12:07 . sofa Time
Jilly said:
Ok explain spaggetti reflux?

Sat Jun 01 18:11:37 . Night City RPG OOC
IRIDIA said:
OH that was you! That was DELIGHTFUL to read.

Oh also I do need to go update, and then add the NPC script to the dropdown for people if they want to add a bunch of NPCs and avatars without doing a ton of extra names. That's been on my to-do list for a while

Sat Jun 01 18:11:18 . sofa Time
Jilly said:
Just picked out good ones

Sat Jun 01 18:11:07 . Thassa
The ship was rocking with the storm and increased winds , the tri-mast sails almost straining and we were just booking along .. There is a RISE and Fall and the big galley-ship seems to leave the water for a few ihns then HIT , the sea and foam Splashing on the deck and the men start to shout and raise their voices , the First Mate shouting orders to relieve this rigging and that to ease the strain on the sails .. I lean on your big trunk and steady myself as I look around at whats happening ..

Then as thing seem to lesson alittle , jokes are said and the men start to laugh and sing again ..

I chuckle and see you have been tossed about , turned on your side after nearly begging me .. I chuckle some and draw my big curved killing blade from the sheath and grip your ropes at your legs to lift you alittle , , cutting them easily including your feet..

Then I take your hands and pull you out of the trunk..

"Theres a bucket there .. Have at it .."

The men are actually too busy to gawk at you right now , but I'm keepin an eye on you .. clearly..

Sat Jun 01 18:11:03 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
laughing.....could be..but prolly spaghtto causing reflux...

Sat Jun 01 18:10:15 . sofa Time
Jilly said:
Yes in fact lol well lets say prob should not have eated but did..

Sat Jun 01 18:09:51 . a room
belle de jour{C} said:
And I lined one side of the walkway with white petunias. They absolutely glowed at night and absolutely did sprawl where they were.

Sat Jun 01 18:09:48 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
yeah silly thing aches now and then...laughing

Sat Jun 01 18:09:21 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
tummy kind of upset....

prolly something I ate ealier

Sat Jun 01 18:08:51 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
oohh noo not good....bad berries is nevver good...

Sat Jun 01 18:08:31 . sofa Time
Jilly said:
Now finger?

Sat Jun 01 18:07:55 . a room
belle de jour{C} said:
smiles while letting in the scent of a spring evening...

Once upon a time I had a separate garage. The house was over a hundred and the pavers lead from the house to the driveway. I lined the driveway on the opposite side of the long narrow pavers with a peony hedge.

On the left was the garage and I grew some really spectacular gladioli along that. There was coreopsis and Gallardia and some stargazer's. The left side of the house was shady. That was Lily of the valley followed by Begonias in the summer. I went into the woods and dug up Ivy to trail up the trellis beneath a refurbished porch with a swing.

Sat Jun 01 18:07:54 . sofa Time
Jilly said:
Kinda wish forgot berries they were kinda rotton

Sat Jun 01 18:07:38 . A Camp on the Plains
larl}{Kliimus}{ said:
wondering around in the wagon...larl looked at all the things that Master had collected over the years to make this wagon His own...a Bosk skull was hung above the doorway...numerous weapons lay near the window...the desk held all the leathers the girl had mended over the last few days...she stopped to look towards the plains hoping He would come home..even if for just a few minutes...secretly she preyed it would be for the night as the outriders had started changing the guards and letting the sleen roam freely

Sat Jun 01 18:07:09 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
no storms...but yeah achy little finger....

Sat Jun 01 18:07:05 . The Windy GrassHopper Tavern & Inn
Teagan Gilroy said:
The Windy GrassHopper Tavern and Inn
"Well I would like a traditional handfasting as I want it to be special for I am only getting hitched once so I want us to think back on it and just smile at the memories of it, and be able to tell our children how amazing it was."

She winked up to you

"As they say love where there is a will there is a way."

She lifted her glass of juice and yes she noticed you had you were so wonderful you always did that shared in drinking whatever she was before you drink something else and she loved you deeply for that

"Yes thank you Xavier for those suggestions."

Sat Jun 01 18:06:45 . Night City RPG OOC
Isree said:
Maybe I'll trout out Hideo again tonight.

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