The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sat Jun 01 20:06:58 . A Camp on the Plains
Hondo said:
calling over to the girl as she moves back to the cook and store wagons

fetch Me a flask of slave wive when you return with the woman's water

Sat Jun 01 20:06:56 . A Camp on the Plains
larl}{Kliimus}{ said:
ass brushing the wagons flap...she gigged being thrown to the furs...nummies!

Sat Jun 01 20:06:51 . Thassa
djinn{RED} said:
As you tie the rope around her waist her eyes look to you for reassurance watching your huge hands securing the knot around your own wrist tethered together to brave for what is occurring with each wave water crashes across the deck up to her ankles,the fury of nature on full force...
Hearing your voice ,the words barely audible over the pounding waves djinn nods she understands as her own voice could never contended with this noise

The ship suddenly lurches and a huge paw pulls her up and off her feet and she's under your massive arm as barrels roll and crates break open around us ,eyes are squeezed shut tight as chaos is rife and she feels you stagger still gripped under your arm her long mane dripping wet as she wills herself to open her eyes

Sat Jun 01 20:06:50 . B&B&B&B Basement
Seven said:
Comes around the bar and hugs you tightly.

"I'm doing great, love! How's you?"

Smiles and moves to sit with you somewhere. Taking a seat in your lap as soon as she's able.

Sat Jun 01 20:06:34 . B&B&B&B Basement
Daniel Guide said:
A cab..... reaching into my back pocket pullng out my wallet.....dropping 2 Benjamins on the counter

straight up, sweetheart

Sat Jun 01 20:06:24 . A Camp on the Plains
}{sei~(Camp) said:
she raises her head a little, her eyes shift to the One who allowed her to be of this Camp

"greetings Commander"

Sat Jun 01 20:05:47 . A Camp on the Plains
Kliimus said:
~a few ehns pass, as I step up and enter the wagon, closing the flap, tossing you to the furs, the bosk bellowing loud, as the wagon began to rock~

(lp both)

Sat Jun 01 20:05:45 . B&B&B&B Basement
Kitara said:
Greetings sir, how’s it going?

Sat Jun 01 20:05:17 . A Camp on the Plains
}{gemm~(Camp) said:

Water it is.

Though being at One's boots and kneeling were basically at the same level, one did inch back before rising so as not to present her body in the face of the Free - unless They so desired that - but certainly not to a FW.

With a quiet step, she headed toward the cook fires.

Sat Jun 01 20:05:00 . B&B&B&B Basement
Kitara said:
Strolling in the front door

Hello beautiful ~S~ how is my girlfriend tonight?

Sat Jun 01 20:04:49 . A Camp on the Plains
Hondo said:
hearing the sound of slave bells and looks to the side spotting the naked slave that was recently collar to the slave wagon

here kajari

Sat Jun 01 20:04:19 . A Camp on the Plains
}{sei~(Camp) said:
"greetings Commander" smiles>/i>

Sat Jun 01 20:04:11 . A Camp on the Plains
Kliimus said:
~roars and picks up my larl~

Sat Jun 01 20:04:03 . A Camp on the Plains
larl}{Kliimus}{ said:
night sei...

Sat Jun 01 20:03:50 . A Camp on the Plains
Hondo said:
serve well slave girl

Sat Jun 01 20:03:37 . B&B&B&B Basement
Seven said:
"No. But I can call you a cab to take you home."

Nods and shrugs.

Sat Jun 01 20:03:24 . Robert M. King Performance Hall
Holly Blanc said:
Holly answered with her own smile, even if she inwardly dismissed your compliment as just necessary fuel to keep her on-track, keep her head level even if you inflated it just a lil.

"Manage? I mean er—" There was a noticeable squirm at the word ‘love’, like it had some magical meaning that was capable of great destruction.
A chthonic, arcane sort of word that she handled with the gravity of radioactive cobalt.

Handled in the way the metal casing had a the Trefoil symbol for radioactivity along with the text "DROP & RUN" informing everything about her relationship with that single word.

"…then you've got a dilemma, right? Because you're handling your happiness against their needs — if they've placed themselves as an obstacle and your happiness equates to their misery and vice-versa, if you're both satisfied with that setup…" Holly dragged herself through the explanation. While you were trying to speak on your situation, Holly couldn't help but feel exposed about hers.

"It's like, uh… like my therapist would probably say: How we feel is involuntary, how we behave is a choice. I think I hearten under the idea that, like, for example, uh…" Holly's confidence fumbled in the face of realizing that there was no real concealing how this talk was relating to her, but she couldn't really misrepresent Polyamory while trying to explain it, not if she wanted you to take her seriously. "…Dax is in a happier place now, and I know Brix is happy because she's happy, and I can be happy for him and I can emphasize with her, and… you know, some days are easier than others."

But tracing back to not just Dax, but the Polyamory situation Holly was in before Brixton Walsh, well that carried with it a curious timeline of details that threatened the breach of a piece of her personal iceberg, cracking away from the primary mass and surfacing.

After a long silence, Holly remembered to breathe and fidgeted with her bottle. "…but it's like any relationship, it's an ongoing project."

Sat Jun 01 20:03:25 . A Camp on the Plains
Hondo said:

think you've had too much paga you grabbed the wrong slave

Sat Jun 01 20:03:17 . A Camp on the Plains
Kliimus said:
~catching you out the corner of my eye~

"Be well new beast of camp"

Sat Jun 01 20:03:01 . B&B&B&B Basement
Daniel Guide said:
math isn't my strong point

[End of Transfer]

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