The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Mon Jun 17 20:34:07 . Loralei's Erotic Arts
BillieJay said:
thank you

Mon Jun 17 20:34:02 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
dove cameron said:
finds a table to sit at and sits down

Mon Jun 17 20:33:39 . One more word...
Asian Babe said:

Mon Jun 17 20:32:59 . Just One
bethN said:

Mon Jun 17 20:32:54 . Just One
Asian Babe said:

Boe said:

Mon Jun 17 20:30:28 . Just One
laurel k said:

Mon Jun 17 20:30:22 . Plains of Turia
((Save Both of us" .. That meant to say))

Mon Jun 17 20:30:15 . Barista Coffee Shop
laurelynn {LA} said:
You were never an accident. *Smiles, understanding, but will never believe it*.

Mon Jun 17 20:27:47 . Plains of Turia
**A large band of Raiders traveling east, positioned about one hundred pasangs NE of Turia**

A soft chuckle can be felt from your back against my chest and no monster in the night will get to you , Not with me here..

A glance back to the Woman .. My Captive it seems to have turned out .. A defiant, terrible High Caste woman .. How did I get into this ?..

Was it just the dream ?, that seems to be cycles ago now ?.. I don't know .. But I haven't slept more than an ahn or two at the most at any time .. But I will lay and close my eyes when the others do .. The pain coursing though me is worse that any could know .. and I've even taken up chewing on kanda when we camp, trusting my Raiders and my Brother being close , at least for now he is .. Budo leaves from time to time , especially when he knows we'll be in one place for awhile ..

Several ehns pass before I speak again .. My low voice quiet and a rumble against your small frame..

"There really are dangers out here girl .. And I want you to start letting your eyes get used to the darkness and start paying attention to all the little details around us ..

There may be a time when you see a threat, either it be beast or man , and be able to warn me so it will save Bother of us ..

This is one duty I will always expect of you .. I'm not saying to interrupt the Free or over react , but to Warn me when it matters ..I and the Raiders will begin to teach you our secret hand signals .. I want you to ask them to help you with iut .. They already know this is my will ..So .. There will be times when I will rely more on you than serving me fine meals like and fish this morning .."

Mon Jun 17 20:27:40 . Stark Industries
America Chavez said:
Residence - Living Room
She is more than happy to grant your wish. And after a quick hug to Tony, because he has become a good friend, she will open a portal and take you home with her. Hopefully, Percy won't immediately demand attention. But he might.


Mon Jun 17 20:27:32 . Barista Coffee Shop
Primo said:
I get it..same here…just funny shit, years later

I was the youngest, by a lot…my sibs were a lot older

I was an inadvertent accident…so almost everyone is gone now

Mon Jun 17 20:27:26 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
dove cameron said:
makes her way into the bar, drawn back once again

Mon Jun 17 20:26:51 . Just One
{alicat} said:

Mon Jun 17 20:26:24 . Z2 Corkboard
Gabrieli said:
One of the next steps along my path towards the 4-year (maybe 5 year?) goal is to get some experience writing for chorus. I particularly want to get some experience writing for womens chorus. I've been listening to a few things.... if you like, you might enjoy these:

Here's a selection from Kim Andre Afneson's "Magnificat" that I've posted here before.

This absolutely lovely Magnificat by who??? Isabella Leonarda (1620 – 1704). It's wonderful.

I'd never heard of her, so I looked her up.

Anyway, a Magnificat is the end goal, but I'm not ready. Meanwhile, I've been binging on some contemmporary choral writers.

Eric Whitacre; Lux Arumque


Ola Gjeilo

A Dark and Luminous Night

Hardangerfjorden from "The Road"

What pushed me to start though, was stretching in the gym and listening to a pop song about dreaming about being in Spain. So I've taken a first stab at writing lyrics. I honestly don't know how I feel about these, but here goes.


I Dream of Caledonia

I dream of Caledonia,
Where the forests meet the sea.
I dream of Caledonia,
From Dunoon to sweet Dundee,
With the lochs so blue, and the forests green
As far as you can see.

I dream of Caledonia,
My homeland calls to me.

I dream of Caledonia,
Of the rising of the hills.
I dream of Caledonia
Where the circling hawk does shrill,
Cry out and call this heart of mine
To wing me homeward, bound.

I dream of Caledonia
My homelands hallowed ground.

I dream of Caledonia
Of the mountains dark and sheer,
I dream of Caledonia
In the summertime of the year;
Of her springtime flowers and her winter snow
She calls to me, and I must go.

For I dream of Caledonia…
I dream of Caledonia…
She calls and I must go.


We shall see.

Mon Jun 17 20:25:15 . Barista Coffee Shop
laurelynn {LA} said:
*nods*. He was a very cool guy.

Mon Jun 17 20:24:12 . Barista Coffee Shop
The_Grey said:
cool .

Mon Jun 17 20:23:56 . Barista Coffee Shop
laurelynn {LA} said:
*smiles*. I have a million. Weird and funny. If something weird doesn't happen while I'm on vacation, then we must not have gone on vacation. *Laughs*.

Mon Jun 17 20:23:29 . Stark Industries
Wanda Maximoff said:
Residence - Living Room
Wanda nods, stretching a little and standing up to do so.

"That was some marathon!"

She chuckles a little, before looking over at Tony with a sort of ... half-shrug.

"Hard to say. It's also possible they come up with things we've never even heard of before."

She'll look back to you with a small nod.

"Yes please. And hopefully the short way back."

Via portal. She grins and then looks to Tony once more.

"Thanks for the snacks and all.

... But yes, another trip back sometime soon. We have a lot of data to go over in the meantime. And I'm also curious what else there is there."

She'll look back at you with a smile.
And assuming you grant her wish, even if she has to bat her eyelashes a little at you, we'll hop back through a portal to return home for the night. Some strange dreams probably in store for us given the marathon of movies we just watched.


Mon Jun 17 20:22:06 . Barista Coffee Shop
laurelynn {LA} said:
*smiles*. My grandpa was great. Spent hours identifying rocks with me in the back yard

[End of Transfer]

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