The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Fri May 31 20:00:19 . Covell Canyon MainStreet & Surrounding A
VanessaEmerson@bwr said:
Community Park
Taking a deep breath, Vanessa decided to write a reply. She needed to communicate her feelings clearly to let him know she was safe and determined to carry out her path.

Fri May 31 20:00:13 . Z2 Corkboard
timbre said:
holy moly. i'm glad it's not worse than it as.
Sending good thoughts , i hope he heals fast

Fri May 31 19:59:35 . A Camp on the Plains
Hondo said:
I checked the arrows for My short bow in the quivers. then the brace of knives sheathed in the sides of My saddle. I elected not to use the lance to show them what I wanted of them and urged the kaiila off with a gallop down the passage. The riens of the breast in My teeth as I rode.

The first dozen targets sprouted arrows as I turn and twisted in the saddle firing as fast as I could engaging target to My left and right. All My shorts ether struck center of the target or just to the side of the center. A center shot was a considered a good kill. But it was well known that wounding and enemy was good as well. A wounded enemy might require two or more of his fellows to support and care for him.

As the last arrow left the bow, I let it fall to the side of My saddle to swing by a leather thong tied to the bottom of the bow.

Fri May 31 19:59:14 . Covell Canyon MainStreet & Surrounding A
VanessaEmerson@bwr said:
Community Park
Vanessa’s thoughts were interrupted by the sight of a young couple walking hand in hand, reminding her of the bond she shared with Ace.

Her heart ached with longing,

but she knew that taking this time for herself .... for them....was necessary.

She needed to be strong for herself, Ace....and Their child.

She took out the letter from her father and reread it, the words still biting but filled with a father's concern. She knew he meant well, but he showed love through control and protection, not understanding.

Fri May 31 19:58:30 . VIP
Tabitha Carr@jag said:
I'm not a member

Fri May 31 19:57:18 . South Town Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
It is surprisingly comfortable. And it's relaxing enough that he lowers his guard just a little bit more.

"Yeah, that's my clan." Self-explanatory, but the word 'clan' carries a deeper meaning for a nomad. It meant more than just 'group of friends you do badass shit with'. Family without blood ties in this case.

"I don't have specs for her hardware. I honestly don't think Haven is fully aware of what she has." Even after nearly a year, his chica was still a mystery at times. One that she kept closely guarded most of the time. Secrecy that he tries to honor...but the situation is dire enough to offer some details.

"I'll ask her if I can send you schematics." The last time Echo assumed Haven would be okay with sharing details about her with others...she nearly left. Granted, Paz was much worse than Peregrine P. Olveira, but Echo wasn't going to risk it a second time.

Echo thinks about Haven's Rogue's Gallery for a moment. The Center is what she called it. And then with the info Paz had gathered on what happened to Haven's parents and how she ended up there...

"Start with Arasaka Corp." One of the largest and most powerful corporations in the world. Not much of a narrow-down. "Anything concerning Haven would branch out from them." It's the best he can do right now.

Echo sighs, looking around the bar. Taking another scan with his goggles. Looking for bounty hunter faces amongst the crowd.

"Perry, I'm tired of talking about my life. How are you doing? Everything with Briar going well?"

Fri May 31 19:57:16 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
katy perry said:
returns after the rti, seeing nobody shpwed up while I was gone

Fri May 31 19:57:07 . Thassa
**On the Vicky.. Sailing south from Port Schendi**

Some ahns pass as we sail the Open Thassa as we make our way out into the sea .. I was sick right away , losing my fish meal that I had at the Port earlier as we waited.. But I'm starting to feel better now.. Sorta..

I give a nod to a couple of my men and they grin , and start to open the chest , One of them asking if he can have it after we open it up ..

I shake my head as the chest yawns open and inside are a bunch of fancy gowns , meant for royalty of high caste women .. Mandla stands near and peers down as well , his dark eyes and skin mostly covered by the black clothes and hood he wears now..

The Raiders dig out the fancy fabrics to find a woman as one provides light from a tharlarion oil lamp, Paesyn, bound and gagged, ties up from head to toe inside.. One of the Raiders waves something from a small jar..

And she wakes..

Fri May 31 19:56:35 . Z2 Corkboard
polly said:
Finally home from many hours at the ER. My husband tripped somehow and fell on the last two basement stairs and landed on the concrete basement floor, on his face! He will be fine, thank goodness ...but for now, he has two gashes above his right eye and below hi eyebrow, resulting in 9 stitches total. They did a CT scan to make sure there was no direct eye injury, nor a bleed, nor any cracked or chipped orbital bone. A couple of centimetres higher and he could have cracked his skull open ...a fraction lower and he could have lost his eye. He was lucky it was only 2 steps down, as well. It could have been a LOT worse! I watched his face darken with bruising, and he has quite a goose egg above his eye. Amazingly, his glasses, once all the blood was rinsed off, are totally intact. smh

I am so grateful for his Guardian Angel.

Fri May 31 19:56:35 . Covell Canyon MainStreet & Surrounding A
VanessaEmerson@bwr said:
Community Park

she said speaking to herself.

" I understand your concern, but this is my life. I need to find my own way, make my own decisions, and learn from my mistakes. I can’t live my life based on your expectations."

The journal in her lap began to fill with her musings. She wrote about her hopes and fears, the love she still felt for Ace, and her determination to overcome her past. She needed to heal, and part of that healing meant finding her own strength and independence.

Fri May 31 19:55:56 . VIP
helpful watcher said:
she could privately mail you a password, Sir

Fri May 31 19:55:49 . OOC CoffeeShop
Poppy Adams said:
*blinks and shakes head with wide eyes*
Oh you are so behind *chuckles*

Fri May 31 19:55:04 . A Camp on the Plains
}{gemm~(Camp) said:
She wandered a bit, weaving in and out between the cushions - avoiding the heavy boots that stretched out just as she passed it seemed.

Perhaps the Men thought it a game to try to trip slaves.

They would not succeed this time.

Fri May 31 19:54:33 . VIP
Gentleman Sadist said:
GOR never worked for Me,
though sluts who have had kajira training
often make very good submissives.

Fri May 31 19:53:33 . OOC CoffeeShop
Holly Blanc said:
Honestly this year doesn't have a ton yet. Anticipating the deadpool movie and what else this year?

Fri May 31 19:53:20 . A Camp on the Plains
}{gemm~(Camp) said:
Gathering a few botas - but only a few as they were heavy when full - she moved from the serving area and toward the gathering Commanders.

When a beefy hand reached to grab her, a low rumble bubbled from her throat - her eyes a steely gray this eve - piercing His gaze.

Slowly did His hand drop yet He warned her with His own dark eyes.

Fri May 31 19:52:36 . OOC CoffeeShop
Brixton Walsh said:
Hi hater

Fri May 31 19:51:46 . VIP
Tabitha Carr@jag said:
I understand completely but Gor is dead now

Fri May 31 19:51:04 . VIP
Gentleman Sadist said:

But My experiences with free women of Gor have always started well but ended badly.

Fri May 31 19:50:41 . OOC CoffeeShop
Leo Sterling said:
I am shamefully behind on movies. I still need to see Dune the first.

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