The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sat Jun 01 20:17:14 . B&B&B&B Basement
Kitara said:
I’ll be back shortly baby

Sat Jun 01 20:16:49 . WCTY
Maryanne sloat said:
Free Studio
oh absolutely not, Al was always put together. You know we didn't have expensive things, but she kept her hair and makeup done. She kept herself clean and looked good. She caught the eye of nearly every man she knew. I suppose that might have been part of what happened here. She caught the wrong eye.

Sat Jun 01 20:16:37 . A Camp on the Plains
}{gemm~(Camp) said:
She'd asked shamooda - who was just standing 'round - hiss - to fetch a flask of slave wine. That brought near-silent groans from her as she went to get one.

Stepping to the cook fires, she greeted the Mistress, letting her know that the bosk steaks smelled so good before pointing to one. It was plopped onto the platter - a tiny bit of juice splashed upon one's exposed softness - but she paid it no mind.

Sat Jun 01 20:16:36 . A Camp on the Plains
Hondo said:
yes there are things that need done little slave. First will be the slave wine, I will not bind your hands if you take it like a good slave. If not then I will bind you and hold your nose as I pour it into your mouth

Sat Jun 01 20:15:37 . Thassa
**In the storm , the Gally-ship 'The Vicky' is being tossed about..**

.. Recovering some.. I shake my right arm out , and the only real pain I feel is my left hand and the curse suddenly .. That fist gripping tightly to the rope at the small of your back, not wanting to let you go and a growl emerges from me because the pain just won't let up..

"Why does it need to act up now ?"

Just as suddenly , rain begins to POUR down , and winds blow it in sheets around us .. Then lightning begins at strike the sea around us , quickly growing closer ..

One of those FLASHES shows the silhouette of some sort of Monster , towering above the side of the ship behind me and I don't seem to see it as I try , with great effort to hold a big stack of crates , so that they too won't topple over and be lost.. Doing so my left arm lets go of you in my effort to save the supplies And you can see men crashing around , some falling overboard..

One man , A Raider you know, gets snatched and eaten out of thin air by the monster..

"Hold On to me girl !.."

Sat Jun 01 20:15:22 . B&B&B&B Basement
Seven said:
"Oh yes, I know."

Smirks playfully.

Sat Jun 01 20:14:44 . A Camp on the Plains
Hondo said:
listens to your request, thinking and nodding as I consider it

It will not be an easy life for you, But it can be arranged. What do you have in mind?

Sat Jun 01 20:14:37 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
fenelope said:

Sat Jun 01 20:14:31 . VIP
Gentleman Sadist said:
they are not for sale but I do want them to be used abused and enjoyed.

Sat Jun 01 20:14:20 . City Midway
Skyler Laska said:
Midway Night
She stood listening to you shower her with love and praise and her smile bright as she looked into those amazing blue eyes.

"I love you to Jaro, you are my world as well. I worry about you as well but I definitely know you can handle yourself, but I still worry a little too."

she chuckled and winked knowing your skill set.

Sat Jun 01 20:14:11 . B&B&B&B Basement
Kitara said:
Hands on your sides
You know I love when you sit on my lap like this ~S~

Sat Jun 01 20:13:55 . WCTY
Polly Walters said:
Free Studio
...that broke Polly's heart and she wanted to hug the girl, an instinct she never had...she nodded her head....

I've seen those type of dark moments and dark thoughts myself. Though that is never the answer. That is never the way to find you way out of something. That's not what alice would want. She'd want you to live when she can't. I'm going to talk a bit now about that night. The night she was lost. We'll be back with Maryanne a bit later.

....she gave the girl one final encouraging nod and started to speak again....

So Alice made her way to the city. We unfortunately don't know exactly how she got here, though the general thought seems to be that she would have hitchhiked her way here. She left her home on August 16th and was found Dead September 2nd just a few short weeks later. Her time in the city was short lived, though strangely she managed to do many things that so many have never done. She found her way into a very special night. Strangely filled with celebrities and other city staples.

You still the Great Rock Star Dylan Bode, was playing, a small show at a local bar called The Dive. It is known to be a place where both the high and low of the city frequent. You can on the same night, much like this particular night find celebrities, influencers, musicians, and the rich, as well as local gangsters and creeps.

This particular night a small show was being put on by this local legend, bringing out his other well known friends. Reports let us know that Summer Morinelli as well as Melody Belle were both in attendance. They were there to support there friend. According to sources they were all having what looked like a girls night, attended only by local bar tending god and man about town Stan, Stan was handing out drinks and food to the ladies before the show when others started rolling in.

Reports say that Alice entered at one point in the evening, looking a bit road worn and thin.

....she looks up to the girl in the studio....

Was alice always thin or do you think that was a sign of the time she spent from leaving home until she was seen that night, by our witness'. Did she usually keep herself put together or would that have not been a unusual state to find her in?

Sat Jun 01 20:13:45 . VIP
Gentleman Sadist said:
I am glad you enjoy them.

Sat Jun 01 20:13:20 . The Windy GrassHopper Tavern & Inn
XavierRuneStone said:
The Windy GrassHopper Tavern and Inn
"That is not true!...*gasp* err well it might be a little true..."

He grins before looking to his uncle once more

Oh he knows trust him he knows hes asked himself that very same question.

" make a long story short... he released the curse....I dont fully know why but he did and so far he has not bothered to really make his presence known beyond that... he is with Jynxs mother, and has new twins."

Sat Jun 01 20:13:20 . A Camp on the Plains
}{gemm~(Camp) said:
Humming to herself as she lifted the bota back onto the hook - relieving her shoulder of its weight.

She grabbed a cup and a platter from the serving wagon and paused to slide a repcloth over each.
Then pausing at the barrel of fresh water that hung off the side of the wagon, she ladled a full measure into the cup. She was careful not to spill as she knew what it took the slaves to fetch water each day from over at the stream.

Sat Jun 01 20:13:11 . B&B&B&B Basement
Seven said:
"I love you, y'know."

Smiles and looks up to you now. Crawling now to straddle your lap and sit that way now. Swaying a little to music only she can hear.

Sat Jun 01 20:12:41 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
fenelope said:

fenelope has started a new game with the following players:

Sat Jun 01 20:12:37 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
fenelope said:

Sat Jun 01 20:11:44 . A Camp on the Plains
}{sei~(Camp) said:
she bit her lip, heard His command, pushed away from her heels, to step to the Commander's boots,hearing that light ringing from her ankle with each, her body naturally feel into a kneel, thighs knowing to open wide

"Yes Commander? May this slave be of service?"

Sat Jun 01 20:11:31 . VIP
Daniel Guide said:
you do have a nice flock

[End of Transfer]

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