The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sun Jun 02 22:24:50 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Ppink said:

Ppink has started a new game with the following players:

Sun Jun 02 22:24:44 . pipers stables
Maitresse Renee said:
sees the movement down the hall
~well maybe you are in luck
this one has been here a while but has tons to learn

Sun Jun 02 22:23:14 . A place for girls who need a push... con
SarahJi said:

Sun Jun 02 22:22:07 . pipers stables
Keisha said:
That certainly makes sense.
And what I saw appeared to be definitely sturdy.

Sun Jun 02 22:21:14 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Ppink said:

Ppink has started a new game with the following players:

Sun Jun 02 22:20:41 . A place for girls who need a push... con
Liquid Fyre said:
want to try the room again?

Sun Jun 02 22:20:38 . North Town Night City RPG
NPC Overseer said:
"Exactamundo, Ms. IRIDIA." He points at you when he says that. Tone shifting gears from robotic used car salesman to robotic gameshow host.

"Hey, eyes on your own paper, son!" A second finger pointed at Peregrine P. Olveira as he backs up what IRIDIA has to say. "But also just as correct."

"This..." A gesture of black metal hands towards the holoscreen displaying the Pyramid operation. The details. The sheer scope and size of what Echo and his team accomplished out there. The unbelievable odds they managed to overcome to pull IRIDIA and a giant sardine from certain death.

"...this is what I need. Not money." He makes a fart sound and points his thumbs downward. "Besides. Mr. Walsh was adamant that his bounty not be paid off. He is super, preemo mad about that heist."

Yes, Kendo had already checked. Echo's bounty was a full on unquashable bounty via payment. Which left only one option...

Kendo snaps his fingers to shut down the holoscreen. Standing before the three of you as he starts to solemnly explain...going into funeral director mode now.

"We call them Self-Deletion Bounties. Bounties that have been in the logs for over three years. Racked up multiple failed attempts. Dozens of dead bounty hunters. Impossible. Suicidal. Even for the best..."

He lifts both hands and waves his fingers at you all.

"If you complete one, you don't get paid in money. You get paid in a favor. Like...clearing your bounties. All them. Forever. And ever."

This was a rare opportunity for Kendo Kirkpatrick to gain some cred around the office. To clear a Self-Delete and rise up the ranks to SENIOR Negotiator/Financial Advisor.

"Are you interested?" If so, his right hand is raised and ready to snap his fingers to bring up the file.

Sun Jun 02 22:20:28 . A place for girls who need a push... con
Liquid Fyre said:
hi you *S*

Sun Jun 02 22:20:10 . pipers stables
chloee said:
ok y standing in the stall
drool all over her tits
hearing voices

Sun Jun 02 22:20:01 . A place for girls who need a push... con
SarahJi said:
sweet smile...

Sun Jun 02 22:19:41 . A place for girls who need a push... con
Liquid Fyre said:

Sun Jun 02 22:19:30 . pipers stables
Maitresse Renee said:
~I having never had interest in cocks
but he is a proven breeder

sees you looking at the harnesses

~no pony is here by choice do we must keep
them quite secure atkeast until we get them in the right frame of mind

Sun Jun 02 22:19:03 . The Dark Deserted Road
TheDarkOne said:
Sitting in my black sedan near the dark road, headlights dimmed.

Roadspikes set to catch the next car passing through.

Waiting and watching.

Sun Jun 02 22:17:37 . A place for girls who need a push... con
SarahJi said:
tumbling in again...

Sun Jun 02 22:17:23 . The Dock
Primo said:
Fever got smoked in NY…hope you went…I watched the whole thing, you’re absolutely right about Boston

Checked ticket prices in Barlows (ticketmaster) …$75 for a crappy seat.

Someone should put the PowerPoint deck together, exposing how the WNBA salaries could actually increase as long as Clark keeps selling out, otherwise half-filled arenas. I surmise there are very few Rhodes Scholars in the mix.

Sun Jun 02 22:17:19 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Ppink said:

Ppink has started a new game with the following players:

Sun Jun 02 22:17:11 . pipers stables
Keisha said:
checking out the various kinds of harnesses and gear on the sleeping animals

Sun Jun 02 22:16:13 . pipers stables
Keisha said:
I can't picture wanting that for anything less than Secretariat.

Still, profit is profit, and I suppose there are always buyers.

shaking my head
Must have been quite the specimen before he landed in your stable.

Sun Jun 02 22:12:57 . North Town Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
He immediately regrets dragging you and IRIDIA into this. So, so sorry.

Echo stays still when Kendo Kirkpatrick moves around to the back of his chair. He feels like Two-Face But Horizontally was trying to get a rise out of him. Make him blurt out something or accept a shitty settlement out of uncomfortable fear. So he gives the negotiator nothing.

But there's a huff of breath from Echo when the display shows the Pyramid. All of it. Echo can still smell the charred remains of human flesh from that night. It worked, but it wasn't a proud moment for him. Certainly not something he ever bragged about.

"Si." Echo nods once. "I did." Admitting it quietly.

A look to IRIDIA and Peregrine P. Olveira as they back him up. Accentuate his organizational and planning skills. He's...not sure that's a good idea? Maybe. Depends on what Mr. Kirkpatrick wants him to do for bounty clearance.

"What do you want?" No more song and dance, Echo wants to cut to the hardrive on this.

Sun Jun 02 22:12:45 . pipers stables
Maitresse Renee said:
nodding and of course we have females and males
well some of the males are castrated and sone studs
I own a stud who I am having milked you wouldn’t believe how much they
pay for his seed


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