The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Wed Jun 05 23:39:49 . The Dungeon
D ust said:
chuckles a bit
You did on occasion find displeasure there.

All I did was what is my norm, working hard to find a reasonable and clear form of discussing matters.

Wed Jun 05 23:38:38 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Victoria Forsythe said:
Fenix Arsenal
Oh, trust her, she knows. Remember how she ended up here instead of safely at home waiting to be married off?

Wed Jun 05 23:38:35 . The Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:
We have ...

back then you'd calm me down after the rowdy Castle we'll say discussions

Wed Jun 05 23:38:31 . The Dungeon
D ust said:
I'm old world and a hard ass but I'm not an unreasonable one.

You are welcome.

And the r/t training was? Give me a set of examples, it will assist me in this conversation.

Wed Jun 05 23:37:46 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
Fenix Arsenal
That personal edge to your words gets a curious look. But without any further elaboration on it, he won't pry. Not yet anyway.

"Comprendido." He looks over at Dylan Cadd. "I'm giving her my contact info for business reasons only." Intentions made perfectly clear to you and any eavesdropping assassins in the apartment across the way.

Then he flicks his contact card to you.

"Just let me know. And do you go by Vic? Vicky? Tori?"

Wed Jun 05 23:37:44 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Dylan Cadd said:
Fenix Arsenal
The hoverboard draws his notice, as intended.

"350 will be more than enough. Am I thinking that obscenely beautiful gun you built and four spare drums? Even if I'm using all DU loads? That's not even 100 pounds."

His math is crude, but it's not inaccurate. He's had to pack aerodynes down to the ounce for ops.

"You've ridden this thing?"

There doesn't appear to be a lot in the way features. Like...foot straps.

"Fine line between genius and use it to play Hop Scotch, Echo."

Wed Jun 05 23:37:03 . The Dungeon
living dead girl {D}(T) said:
"thank You D ust...and i also wish to thank You for Your notes and corrections...."

nods a moment before answering...

"i have been a submissive for many years....i have been trained well as vt....though my rt time was a bit more...."

Wed Jun 05 23:36:55 . The Dungeon
D ust said:
Well, we have had our long time interactions... so you also read my own blithering and seem to understand.
grins at you

Wed Jun 05 23:36:37 . a dark place of pain and passion
Dark Impulse said:
do enjoy some of that posted music in another room

Wed Jun 05 23:36:06 . The Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:
a degree in jibberish??

*chuckles watching you*

Wed Jun 05 23:35:59 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Victoria Forsythe said:
Fenix Arsenal
((mutters about my last needing to go to you))

Wed Jun 05 23:34:57 . The Dungeon
D ust said:
Yet I did understand you.

Wed Jun 05 23:34:26 . The Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:
sorry that other post was incoherent

Wed Jun 05 23:34:16 . The Dungeon
D ust said:
welcome back, girl.

tilts head Tell me about your lifestyle training.

Wed Jun 05 23:34:03 . Starke Manor
Killsey Black-Thorne said:
Larger image

Wed Jun 05 23:33:34 . The Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:
She serves her Master well
in a year this is really
the first time I've had to make serious corrections

Wed Jun 05 23:33:14 . The Dungeon
living dead girl {D}(T) said:
remembering of Her wishes....she returns to the Dungeon....her steps lightly heard as she returns to the place where she had knelt before....gracefully lowering herself once more....keeping the touch of her knees together....her back remaining straight....remaining still as she awaits once more....

Wed Jun 05 23:32:41 . Starke Manor
Killsey Black-Thorne said:
scroll starke

Wed Jun 05 23:32:37 . The Dungeon
D ust said:
Then she has merit under her belt.

Everyone is imperfect... so I'd wager that she'll learn and learn fast.

Wed Jun 05 23:32:21 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
Fenix Arsenal
"We had an old army version of those mech mules growing up. It was...kind of a pet." Painted a face on it. Took turns riding it. Manny was amazing.

But he gets what you're talking about. Lifting his hand to rub his follicled chin for a moment. Before his eyes flicker and his old nomad hoverboard comes floating out through the service window.

It stops right next to Echo. His eyes switch to black as his engineering optics kick on and he starts scanning the mag-repulsors on either end of the board.

"This supports up to 350lbs. It hums when it turns." He'd been playing with repulsor tech lately after busting this thing out of storage.

"I'll see what I can do."

Paz's file on him said he was an engineering genius, but that he lacked the focus and motivation to reach his true potential. Her final parting insult.

Time to prove her wrong on many different levels.

[End of Transfer]

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