The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Tue May 14 18:46:55 . Robert M. King Performance Hall
Elodie Stone said:
Seated on the floor, there's a single pile of papers there too. But she's not looking at them. The white box that signifies Chinese takeout in her hand has her attention instead.

Well, it and you, of course. Licking her lips, she swallows the bite she was chewing.

I still think Courtney is my favorite so far.

Courtney was one of the early auditions today. Not the first, but there have been enough auditions so far that it feels like it was awhile ago.

She brought good energy, took direction well, seemed to get Alice...

In her right hand, not only is she maneuvering chopsticks, but there's a pen between her fingers too, having gone from making notes to eating and back again several times.

Tue May 14 18:46:45 . The Vosk River
surrender{Blade} said:
The Vosk River
* as they continued quietly the girl knew than to make to much noise speacially as the night grew close... tge light bit of sky was also turning dark blue to a velvet black ... out here there was no lights or lamps of any kind the stares were bright as they twinkle behind the beautiful blanket of velvet ..she thought as she looked up * the moon on this world was or atleast looked much bigger than the moon from where she comes ....and it glowed with a beautiful white light that made its own shadow upon the water * ... everyone in all the skiffs was just a slight could barely make anyone out*

Just than the Bowman walked passed her she looked up just in time to nod and smile at Him ...she watched as He was about to pull all the skiffs together edge to edge

Tue May 14 18:46:26 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
laughing....i think 5 for 5 ended long time go....

Tue May 14 18:46:21 . Atlanta City Park
Meredith Corden said:
Lake Lanier
Oh, you are good. But you had a sensitive, eager woman to work with too. One who was excited by you. Even, paradoxically, when she was a bit huffy. Her moans got steadily louder. She was writing there. Squirming on her back. Building. Building ever toward the inevitable conclusion. Even as you tried not to give her too much. To keep her teased. To move low

Tue May 14 18:45:34 . sofa Time
Spooky Jilly said:
I think 5 for 5 days over
Supply chain issues

And uncle joes inflation programs took over lmao

Tue May 14 18:45:20 . Femjail Redux
Pervert Cop said:
reaching the end of the block
checking the holding cell for new prisoners

Tue May 14 18:44:37 . North Town Night City RPG
Jackson Ward said:
Corpo Plaza
A lot had happened in the past week or two, and Jackson was doing his best to keep up with it all. A few conversations had to happen. One of which would affect another one. Iridia and Nobu hadn't reached out to him yet regarding the job so he assumed he had some time to decide upon his story. A story that he's going to have to talk to you about.

Realistically, it made the most sense for it to involve you. But it wouldn't be happening if you didn't want it to. He could come up with something else.

But this story would align the most with reality and therefore have less holes to fill or be discovered.
Back to the park again, one of the few places in Night City that you could get away from the business of the regular city.

At least for a time.

"I'm glad you could come."

A grin over at you with that gaze of his on you a moment as he then gets out of the car, waiting till you're out and then enabling the security on it before stepping over to your side.

"I wanted to see how you were doing .. you know?"

Tue May 14 18:43:58 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
okss vaash.....hurry back if you can

Tue May 14 18:43:46 . sofa Time
Spooky Jilly said:
Ok vaash 😀🙃

Tue May 14 18:43:29 . Atlanta City Park
Connor Dromgoole said:
Lake Lanier
*oh I was giving myself multiple high fives in my mind at the moment because Imyoubwere making it so beautifully obvious how much you were enjoying this, making sure to keep the same speed and force of my tongue flicking against you’re little nub even as your hips lifted, taking the opportunity to move both of my hands to slide them underneath of you and press them up against your rear with a gentle squeeze*

*shifting myself because it was affecting me as well, wondering to myself if I was just as good as you’re making it seem or had it been some time since a man had bothered to do this for you*

Tue May 14 18:43:28 . Somewhere on the Plains
gemm said:
She'd spent a few ahns wandering the Plains looking for dried dung.

The sack she carried was full, weighting the feisty lil slave down a bit as she walked back to Camp.

The bosk that the newly joined wagons had brought with them wasn't the largest herd she'd ever seen, but it'd do - it would provide for the people.

Tue May 14 18:43:15 . sofa Time
Spooky Jilly said:
Yup thats the place couch
Them 5 for 5 goody deal

Tue May 14 18:43:06 . sofa Time
vaash said:
hey... I'll be back in a few (hopefully).

Tue May 14 18:42:21 . The Vosk River
Rencers (NPC) said:
Vosk River Delta
They had followed the skiff down through the marsh along its natural route. The water had slowed now until there was almost no Current. The group had easily kept up with the moving vessels as they played leap frog all day one group watching while the other moved down river. No the evening light was starting to fade a bit they moved closer and quitely watched

Tue May 14 18:42:21 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
livvy dunne said:
looks in again

Tue May 14 18:42:15 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
laughing....lets see last time in arbys....sammichs were 5 for 5

Tue May 14 18:41:27 . sofa Time
Spooky Jilly said:
Arbys was allways goody roast beast and chedder

Tue May 14 18:41:26 . For Lovers of Nipple Torture et al
Owen said:
looking in

Tue May 14 18:40:24 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
there you go.....

Tue May 14 18:39:36 . sofa Time
Jilly said:
2 for 5 chix wraps at arbys..
Tv ad...yum

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