The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sun Jun 16 13:53:59 . Thassa
Paesyn said:
Watching him approach, her attentions surveyed the rest of the camp while he disappeared into a tent, only to be drawn back, gazing upwards when the words were spoken. She had not glanced at the bucket or any other things dropped upon the flat stone with a soft sound. Those things could not harm her; the man before her could. Under this shadow, she would continue for a ihn or three to size him up, assessing from beneath the lank strands of hair. The words perhaps meant to be cut or maybe not have had much effect. Dignity had little to do with how she dressed, smelled or looked, all factors of out her control. What she could control was what she did, herself, and the words and actions she took.

A slender hand, the wrist red, swollen slightly, damp with the ooze and the dark bracelet of bruising, reached for the bota first, tilting her head back, the tangled curls dipping to spiral upon the rock, she would drink deeply. Eyes closed, the sunlight exposing more of the trials of the barrel adventure along her face, the slender column of throat moving as the water swallowed, and some escaped to drip from her chin to bring dark spots upon the gown below.

A soft gasp signaled the end of the first drinking, fingers carefully wiping at the bruised lip and chin. Her words were heavily accented but gentle

" Thank you. "

Burnished orbs with their dark undershadowing looking upwards while the bota remained clutched in marked and marred fingers.

Sun Jun 16 13:52:29 . Z2 Corkboard
Dizzy Guy said:
Thank you

Sun Jun 16 13:52:07 . your dream sissy.
Fotomat said:
i hope so too

Sun Jun 16 13:52:01 . your dream sissy.
reetha said:
I think golf on tv really boring too

Sun Jun 16 13:51:53 . Old Town Edinburgh - {Looking Glass RP}
Gideon said:
Matching sneer for sneer as the vampire perverted the words of Christ, Gideon set his jaw, tore the stake from the vampire’s flesh, and stabbed again into the other arm, holding the fiend down as it arched up from the communion table. “You hear the sermons without understanding and read the verses without comprehending. Genesis nine, Leviticus seventeen, Acts fifteen, so many more - prophets, apostles, and servants of God have all shared His Word which forbids the drinking of blood.”

Gideon paused, staring down at the prone form of the vampire he still held down atop the communion table.

“But, that judgement belongs to Him. You have taken the life of men, so by men you are condemned. ‘Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made He man.’ For this sin you are charged, God Himself will deal with your transgressions against that which He named sacred.”

Tossing down the stake, he kicked his cane up with a foot and caught it one-handed, tucking the shaft against his side as he twisted the cap and withdrew the razor-edged steel concealed within.

Sun Jun 16 13:51:10 . your dream sissy.
reetha said:
I need to slip out for a few
Be back soon , I hope

Sun Jun 16 13:51:07 . your dream sissy.
Fotomat said:
People who say that almost NEVER understand soccer..... once you do, it's great to watch. I understand golf. It's still boring

Sun Jun 16 13:51:06 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Copper said:

Sun Jun 16 13:48:36 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Copper said:

Copper has started a new game with the following players:

Sun Jun 16 13:48:30 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Copper said:

Sun Jun 16 13:48:23 . Z2 Corkboard
Panurge said:
Wow, great to see you!

Sun Jun 16 13:47:52 . Port Kar
Nura said:
Port Kar
Nura was diligent in her work process and she had another healer come and join them as together they would help lift him up a bit just to change the dressings that wrapped around him. They were going to make sure that there wasn't anything they missed as he wasn't out of the woods yet.

Of the course of an hour, they changed his dressings, and reapplied medicine to his wound and gave him some antibiotics to combat internal infections and the he was sedated once again because he needed to remain still so the body could heal itself. His name was Mercer, a middled aged man that to her knowledge have five children, a companion and a larger family still of siblings and aunts and uncles. They had been wanting to come see him but right now there was no point, but she allowed his companion to come whom was on her way to join his bed side. It was sometimes encouraged to have someone near that you loved, when an illness or an injury like this happens. If his conditioned changed, his Lady would be the first to say something. However, she didn't think his condition would change, he was getting better already.

Sun Jun 16 13:47:11 . Plains Info
}{ Camp Admin said:
Calculations - Measurements

Sun Jun 16 13:46:43 . your dream sissy.
reetha said:
Hubby says the same thing about soccer

Sun Jun 16 13:45:46 . your dream sissy.
Fotomat said:
i cannot fathom why anyone watches golf....... or play it, for that matter...*lol*

Sun Jun 16 13:45:34 . Plains Info
}{ Camp Admin said:

Sun Jun 16 13:45:14 . Old Town Edinburgh - {Looking Glass RP}
Gideon said:
The creature made a sound beyond the capability of a human throat, the roiling, guttural hiss rolling from it like some angry feline or a cacophony of rodents suddenly startled, a noise of unadulterated rage.

With a tut of impatience, Gideon raised the stake he had pulled from the fiend’s heart only scant moments before, and stabbed it again into the creature’s flesh, this time at the juncture of shoulder and chest, driving the wood deep.

This of course would not produce the same effect as a proper staking, but it was both satisfying and a somewhat of a motivator in prompting the fiend to get on with dying. It growled at him, but his own strength checked the fiend’s attempts to rise, finally deigning to speak, and Gideon paused to listen.

“You bring me to this kirk and threaten me with God’s judgement? I sat in such pews in life and then, like your Christ, rose from the dead. Who are you to judge me, hunter? Didnae John tell us, ‘Verily, I say unto you, except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.’” The vampire sneered and all but spat that verse at him, as if they were merely having a debate and it had just won the argument.

Sun Jun 16 13:43:32 . your dream sissy.
reetha said:
Golf is boring to me
But my hubby loves it

Sun Jun 16 13:42:44 . your dream sissy.
Fotomat said:

Sun Jun 16 13:42:39 . Port Kar
Nura said:
Port Kar
Taking a moment, she turned and leaned the swell of her hip against the edge of the counter and she toyed with her necklace a little, just rolling the emerald in her fingers tips her mind a million miles away. She was districted by a raised hand that was from a man that had been kept sedated because of the nature of his injury which was a severe laceration to his abdomen. Moving over to him, she bends near and says, "Hey there... welcome back." She took his hand that was reaching up and lowered it back down, "You're in safe hands my friend, you've taken a serious injury to your abdomen. I bet you are really thirsty huh?" She knew he would be as the sedation often make people feel parches. "Don't move okay.. " she said gently as she takes a glass of water and uses the reed with in to place to his lips. "There you go... take your time.. " she said to him using a very soft bedside manner with him. "Are you in any pain?" She asks as she sits down on the edge of his bed, and assesses him to make sure he's alright, bandages and all.

[End of Transfer]

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