The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Thu Jun 06 00:13:23 . The Dungeon
D ust said:
with interest

Thu Jun 06 00:13:18 . The Dungeon
living dead girl {D}(T) said:
she gives a gentle nod...finishing her words...

"there are few such as that that is good to keep in your they are there for a reason...."

Thu Jun 06 00:11:41 . The Dungeon
living dead girl {D}(T) said:
"Master....Her words with how she felt and with what She had known was within Her....just waiting to be grown into....that is how i feel of what You have done for me....i am truly sorry for what had caused You to make such changes....and to take such was not something You should have had to do....though i will also say....that speaking with D ust and hearing Her....i know now even more that meeting You and You showing me what i truly am....and where i truly belong is something i can not thank You enough for....within my heart of hearts and the soul that is kept so deep....i do not only apologize....but humbly....and gracefully beg the forgiveness that i know i shall have to work to truly have...."

she remains quiet....having said what she needed....

Thu Jun 06 00:11:41 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Dylan Cadd said:
Fenix Arsenal
"Not with your mouth, but the way you rolled your eyes?"

He follows you out, slipping an arm around you as he heads towards the elevator.


When you look at him, without asking anything, he gives you that cocky smirk.

"You can stay at the garage, and we can take the long..."

...and exceptionally fast...

"...way there. You did not get into enough trouble before you were 16."

(L/p for him as well. Night everyone.)

Thu Jun 06 00:10:31 . The Dungeon
D ust said:
He's one of the few who saw ... the mind inside of me.
All those year ago.

Thu Jun 06 00:10:21 . a dark place of pain and passion
Dark Impulse said:
fades back into the shadows

Thu Jun 06 00:07:44 . The Dungeon
living dead girl {D}(T) said:
"and in the short time that i have spoken to You...i can see why Master holds You i shall as well....thank You..."

she gives a soft smile as she turns to Him a moment....

Thu Jun 06 00:06:39 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Victoria Forsythe said:
Fenix Arsenal
Right? The only one of this crew she had met before tonight was Dylan but the moment he mentioned that name she was in to watch his back. She'll get used to and make friends with everyone else as they go.

"It was good to meet you too. Catch you later."

She'll wave, and then she's heading for the door too while Dylan Cadd talks about having friends.

"Did I ever say I doubted you?"

Thu Jun 06 00:06:19 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Nobunaga said:
Fenix Arsenal
"As people have said in passing, call me Nobunaga, or Nobu for short. Anything else is fairly meaningless or actively hazardous to both of our health."

Echo slides his contact over... and after a few seconds it also spawns an entry for Nobunaga as well. Seemingly without either him requesting it or you approving it. This sort of thing is a common game among the computer-minded, and is a good test of people's defenses. The fact that his entry didn't get put into place immediately is a sign of someone who takes their information security seriously, and Nobu gives you a nod of respect at that.

"Finally. Someone who takes their security updates seriously! The only people who's given me that much trouble to slide a contact over are fellow netrunners. It's fantastic to meet you, and I hope you all have a great night. I'll talk to you all soon."

(( *L/P as well. Thanks again! ))

Thu Jun 06 00:06:13 . The Dungeon
D ust said:
Why, It's why I'm who I am now.
soft smile

Yes, you may.

Thu Jun 06 00:05:34 . The Dungeon
living dead girl {D}(T) said:
"thank You so much for Your answer....and i am so sorry that You have gone through such....i have nothing right now....though if allowed may i please address Master for a moment?...."

Thu Jun 06 00:03:52 . The Dungeon
D ust said:
Yes, I have experienced both spectrums.

I learned a great deal from observing dominants who were in my life. But personal circumstances and a major loss, changed me. Cancer twice... a bone marrow transplant and the loss of a co-owner changed me.

I've learned the value of active listening. Really listening and if unsure, asking until I am on the same page with the other person involved in an interaction.
I've learned the dominance... wait that's not exactly percise. It was there all along, simply patiently waiting for me to grow into it.

What else would you like to ask?

Thu Jun 06 00:03:21 . The Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:
*listens to the question


Thu Jun 06 00:02:30 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Victoria Forsythe said:
Fenix Arsenal
"Yes. Go take care of your person. And take your time with the gun, too. We've got a couple of days, yeah?"

Doing the job right is more important than doing it fast, on this one.

"It was good to meet you."

Thu Jun 06 00:01:24 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Dylan Cadd said:
Fenix Arsenal
"One of us will pick it up in the morning, then."

He nods to you, and waves as Nobonuga makes his way out, before turning to Victoria Forsythe.

"See, I have friends. It's not just you and those dorphers. And Geno."

Thu Jun 06 00:00:47 . Port Korat
djinn{RED} said:
Port Korat
pThe activity since the incident have been non stop,the damage to the ship quite significant and the loss of life even greater...flashbacks to the Raider been torn in two will haunt one's memory for a long time to come she thinks,as if sleeping wasn't hard enough before now another creature is going to invade the night in her mind.

Master was up and about ,his strength and determination no doubt helped his body recover , amount of strength alone it must of taken to hurl himself across the deck and upon the creatures back was truly amazing and he defeated it and somewhere on the bottom of the sea bed it's rotting and a feeding frenzy is benefiting from its flesh.

The Free Woman had been escorted off the ship earlier and disappeared into the crowds as djinn attended to her Masters belongs,Mistress Luna had cleaned and patched the wounded so indeed alot had been occurring in such a short time.

Hearing solemn was heading to help in the House of White Wolf was hard as she had been invaluable helping djinn learn the ways around here and she would be missed.

Crossing the deck she hears her Master asking where she was and quickly booted feet flew down the plank to land on the dock and she quickly fell into place slightly behind him as they headed off to seek lodings for the night,his towering presence a sight to behold as his strides matched his size djinn did a half run to keep up ,her long flaxen mane flowing out behind her ,her heart pounding as it seems to do whenever she's in such close proximity to her Owner.

Thu Jun 06 00:00:28 . The Dungeon
living dead girl {D}(T) said:
nods slowly....

"You have spoken of the dominance outshining the dominate You have been on both sides...what do You feel from Your or was Your changing thoughts..."

Wed Jun 05 23:59:42 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
Fenix Arsenal
((Ooof. Sorry, I thought you dipped. I'm old and tired.))

"Gracias, choom." The compliments are just flowing all around him tonight.

You're in? You're in.

"Perfecto. Tech Noir. Friday. I've got some of the plan to run by Iridia. It's...netrunner dependent. If you can't make it, I'll keep you updated."

And on that note...L/P for real. Goodnight.

Wed Jun 05 23:58:28 . Community Cork for Inis Fail
Killsey Black-Thorne said:
Starke Estate with Killsey Black-Thorne and Eamon Starke

Wed Jun 05 23:58:03 . The Dungeon
D ust said:
Certainly, ask away.
I may not give the answer you seek but will answer as I see fit.

[End of Transfer]

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