The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Thu Jun 06 22:00:22 . Night City RPG OOC
Peregrine P. Olveira said:
You know Perry won't object to just having to alk downstairs, vs go somewhere else.

Thu Jun 06 21:59:46 . Night City RPG OOC
Echo Fenix said:
Might move it to Fables instead of Tech Noir since that's in use tonight. I don't like burying fresh scenes if I can avoid it.

Thu Jun 06 21:58:55 . Night City RPG OOC
Peregrine P. Olveira said:
That we do! We got a plan to man!

Thu Jun 06 21:58:13 . Night City RPG OOC
Echo Fenix said:
No worries. We got tomorrow to RP.

Thu Jun 06 21:56:24 . Port Korat
Paesyn said:
Port Korat
( (It is time for me to excuse myself good night and thank you for ... all of it ))

Thu Jun 06 21:55:55 . Night City RPG OOC
Peregrine P. Olveira said:
Probably late for me to start something, sadly.

Thu Jun 06 21:54:43 . Night City RPG OOC
Echo Fenix said:
Oh...that is true.

I did have an idea for a sad Echo scene, but it would be soloish.

Unless Perry stumbles across him in the outskirts.

Thu Jun 06 21:53:16 . Night City RPG OOC
Peregrine P. Olveira said:
You could have just let them post it on the cork, though!

Thu Jun 06 21:47:07 . pipers stables
Liquid Fyre said:
releasing your mane a monet..pulling my hands from you

I unbutton my denim blouse..pulling it open...

small breasts are tipped by erect dark pink nipples

I look at you before taking your mane again..pulling you to me

Thu Jun 06 21:46:35 . Port Korat
Paesyn said:
Port Korat
Watching, the sounds behind and above were missed by a fishmonger's hawking call promoting the day's catch. A piece of bread held in her hand, the bota corked at her bared feet the words, and suddenly she was turning, the soft light, weight fabric of the cloak whirling, the strap of the bota snaring a bared foot, the firey angry look turned her features from the delicate beauty to a wild portrait of emotions.
Get away from me!

Backing away, the bota strap dragging, bumping the crates at her shoulder. The missing grace of her movements was almost comical as she hoped on one foot while pushing at a falling cart with a dark hand. Something in words had her stop, holding the crate, balanced, using a slender shoulder to keep it from crashing down; she stood motionless, the cloak falling back. The vast array of hair without oil, all the moisture of storms and humidity, and lack of a comb stood and hung in tangled tumbles of dark, twisted curls and fuzz. Golden eyes, curious for a moment, stared at the man looming above her in the small space

Saved you ?

The words were spoken with a bit of incredulous wonderment before the glower began again.

I understand you took me unwillingly out of my home and ...

The words end with the peripheral capture of the movement of raiders blocking her way out. Turning to scope out a weak spot, she was suddenly confronted with the mass of a man landing but horts from her, the crate once unbalanced, then balanced and now tumbling, she would turn to flee two being better odd than a red-haired tarsk man only to be grabbed, her cry silenced by the encompassing of a huge hand, rough and rather dirty, her teeth trying to catch a firm grip, pinned, her bare feet lifted, kicking at the booted legs, scraping her sore foot in the process, tears of fury making her eyes shimmer, what could be seen in the tangled mass of hair now her face, she was hauled up, and here we go again.

Thu Jun 06 21:45:05 . pipers stables
chloee said:
Held by the hair
No doubt who is in control
Then panting as you put pressure on the still
Swollen pearl

Thu Jun 06 21:44:55 . Night City RPG OOC
Echo Fenix said:
*Purposefully doesn't play tonight so Iridia/Nobunaga/Jackson can break the Echo Triple Combo in the links thread*

Thu Jun 06 21:44:12 . House of the White Wolf
surrender{Blade} said:
House Of White Wolf
* as He places the girl beside her ...she lifts her blue orbs...towards Him watching Him ...she smiles gently as He replaces the Tankard on the table ...He than leans down and reaches foe her flinhing over His broad shoulders ... her breasts full and ample almost come out of the tight v cut within the silks ...He rests His large hand upon het sexy ass ...she giggles as you squeeze her ass gently...her white hair gently bounces over her face as He makes His way up the stairs ...and down the hallway covered by shadows ... He slaps her ass ... a squeal could be heard as He closes the door behind us L/P

Thu Jun 06 21:41:32 . pipers stables
Liquid Fyre said:
fingers entwine in your mane

giving a slight you tongue invades your mouth

my finger leaves your tail to move between those soft smooth thighs..rubbing and pressing the thin strap covering your button

Thu Jun 06 21:39:32 . pipers stables
chloee said:
Breathing quicker into our mouth
Not feeling like this since she was brought here

Thu Jun 06 21:39:23 . House of the White Wolf
Blade said:
House Of White Wolf

Thu Jun 06 21:38:23 . House of the White Wolf
Blade said:
House Of White Wolf
*Placing you next to me and I drain the last of the ake and set the tankard down to be cleaned up later. I then lift you onto my shoulder and carry you across the room. My hand rests on your ass so you do not fall as we make our way up the stairs to my room. I give your ass squeezes as we go up the stairs and once in the room i close the door and lock it behind me*

Thu Jun 06 21:38:16 . pipers stables
Liquid Fyre said:
kissing softly

feeling the gentle nibble..sliding my figners into your mane..cupping the back of your head..pulling your mouth firnly against mine

running a fingertip slowly around the base of the tail..gently tickling the rim of the rosebud stretched around it

Thu Jun 06 21:35:26 . pipers stables
chloee said:
Your lips on mine
Daring to nibble on your yours
Ass squirming as you play at its stretched butt ring

Thu Jun 06 21:33:15 . pipers stables
Liquid Fyre said:
*reaching up and onhooking the side of the bit again

pulling it from your teeth

immediately pressing my lips to yours

lightly rubbing your bottom..fingertips tracing around the base of the tail

[End of Transfer]

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