The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Mon Jun 17 21:49:40 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
katy perry said:
smiles over

oh not too bad so far, how are you?

Mon Jun 17 21:49:27 . Doms and Their subs
Clifton said:
#r-stan is open for you

Mon Jun 17 21:49:15 . Night City RPG OOC
IRIDIA said:
Begins to foam at the mouth

Mon Jun 17 21:49:03 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
Seven said:
Comes in here and over to you to take up a lean.

"Hey, girl. How's things?"


Mon Jun 17 21:49:03 . Doms and Their subs
mdnight dreamer said:

Mon Jun 17 21:48:45 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
katy perry said:
steps up to the bar and orders a drink from the bartender

Mon Jun 17 21:48:32 . Doms and Their subs
Clifton said:
you here?

Mon Jun 17 21:46:37 . Port Kar
Stalker said:
*finishing and rising, the last of my ale going down and placing my tankard on the table, then adjusting the fighting knife under me left armpit a bit under my over coat. It was a new carry position and would take me some getting used to but I did find the draw time reduced already so I'd deal with the temporary discomfort. Turning and heading back to the street and to the dock*

Mon Jun 17 21:45:37 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
katy perry said:
makes my way into the bar with a bit of a time for a night cap

Mon Jun 17 21:39:47 . Night City RPG OOC
Echo Fenix said:
Can I use you as a go-between to give Iridia a hard time?

Mon Jun 17 21:38:07 . Night City RPG OOC
Victoria Forsythe said:
Nah. He's just been gone so long he forgot. I'm still there though.

Mon Jun 17 21:37:37 . Master's study
living dead girl{D} said:
trying to come up with a good wording to use....
making sure to make this as descriptive as possible...
thinking of different ways to word things..

Mon Jun 17 21:36:11 . Night City RPG OOC
Haven Darling said:
Is this Dylan Cadd giving you a hard time with me as a go-between then?

Head tilt.

Mon Jun 17 21:35:47 . Port Kar
Stalker said:
*eventually my ale and stew were brought to me and I payed then leaned forward some as I ate and drank, keeping quite but watching the market, trying to get a feel as the market was truly the pulse of any civilization North, South, East or West. Nothing happened anywhere without at least traces of it being whispered in the markets or bazaars of the world, if not openly discussed when nobody was looking. But for now I was content with my stew and my ale, I was taking the night off from the stresses of the last few days*

Mon Jun 17 21:34:55 . Night City RPG OOC
Victoria Forsythe said:
We don't really have cultivated fields in most of the state. Lots of grazing land.

Mon Jun 17 21:29:45 . Night City RPG OOC
Haven Darling said:
I'll have to take your word for it. I've only been to a very small portion of Wyoming.

Mon Jun 17 21:27:54 . Master's study
living dead girl{D} said:
gathering things she needs to get the tasks finished...
gazing about for a moment in between her work...
getting a little more comfy to His chair...
knowing she may be in for a bit of work a head of her...

Mon Jun 17 21:24:57 . Night City Cork
Sebastian Seale said:

Mon Jun 17 21:24:17 . Port Kar
Stalker said:
*reaching the market and walking along the stalls slowly, looking at the wares being sold. I had noticed a bit of a decline in the vendor booths, a few more vacant stalls. No shops yet, but the stalls.. Yea, that was a little troubling and something that I needed to look into. Perhaps it was the normal ebb and flow here in Port Kar but as for the timing, we'll that spoke for itself. As I walk along I come across the little place that Nura and I discovered and shrugging I sit down facing the open row and order a bowl of stew and an ale, keeping my left side obstacle free and lean back in my chair*

Mon Jun 17 21:20:13 . Night City RPG OOC
Dylan Cadd said:
So like, 80% of Wyoming?

[End of Transfer]

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