The Tower Of Babble...(babble)[Mail|SeeAll|Hot|Controls|Bot|]
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Sat Jun 01 20:04:19 . A Camp on the Plains
}{sei~(Camp) said:
"greetings Commander" smiles>/i>

Sat Jun 01 20:04:11 . A Camp on the Plains
Kliimus said:
~roars and picks up my larl~

Sat Jun 01 20:04:03 . A Camp on the Plains
larl}{Kliimus}{ said:
night sei...

Sat Jun 01 20:03:50 . A Camp on the Plains
Hondo said:
serve well slave girl

Sat Jun 01 20:03:37 . B&B&B&B Basement
Seven said:
"No. But I can call you a cab to take you home."

Nods and shrugs.

Sat Jun 01 20:03:24 . Robert M. King Performance Hall
Holly Blanc said:
Holly answered with her own smile, even if she inwardly dismissed your compliment as just necessary fuel to keep her on-track, keep her head level even if you inflated it just a lil.

"Manage? I mean er—" There was a noticeable squirm at the word ‘love’, like it had some magical meaning that was capable of great destruction.
A chthonic, arcane sort of word that she handled with the gravity of radioactive cobalt.

Handled in the way the metal casing had a the Trefoil symbol for radioactivity along with the text "DROP & RUN" informing everything about her relationship with that single word.

"…then you've got a dilemma, right? Because you're handling your happiness against their needs — if they've placed themselves as an obstacle and your happiness equates to their misery and vice-versa, if you're both satisfied with that setup…" Holly dragged herself through the explanation. While you were trying to speak on your situation, Holly couldn't help but feel exposed about hers.

"It's like, uh… like my therapist would probably say: How we feel is involuntary, how we behave is a choice. I think I hearten under the idea that, like, for example, uh…" Holly's confidence fumbled in the face of realizing that there was no real concealing how this talk was relating to her, but she couldn't really misrepresent Polyamory while trying to explain it, not if she wanted you to take her seriously. "…Dax is in a happier place now, and I know Brix is happy because she's happy, and I can be happy for him and I can emphasize with her, and… you know, some days are easier than others."

But tracing back to not just Dax, but the Polyamory situation Holly was in before Brixton Walsh, well that carried with it a curious timeline of details that threatened the breach of a piece of her personal iceberg, cracking away from the primary mass and surfacing.

After a long silence, Holly remembered to breathe and fidgeted with her bottle. "…but it's like any relationship, it's an ongoing project."

Sat Jun 01 20:03:25 . A Camp on the Plains
Hondo said:

think you've had too much paga you grabbed the wrong slave

Sat Jun 01 20:03:17 . A Camp on the Plains
Kliimus said:
~catching you out the corner of my eye~

"Be well new beast of camp"

Sat Jun 01 20:03:01 . B&B&B&B Basement
Daniel Guide said:
math isn't my strong point

Sat Jun 01 20:02:50 . A Camp on the Plains
Hondo said:
be well Kliimus. Enjoy your night smiles and nods

Sat Jun 01 20:02:21 . B&B&B&B Basement
Seven said:
"That'd be your third actually."

Just for those counting.

Sat Jun 01 20:02:20 . B&B&B&B Basement
Daniel Guide said:
I could be better

Sat Jun 01 20:01:52 . B&B&B&B Basement
Seven said:
"How are you doing tonight?"

Smiles and takes up a lean near you. Within easy listening distance.

Sat Jun 01 20:01:51 . A Camp on the Plains
Kliimus said:
~slowly strolls from the fires, with you upon my shoulder, yet still with in the fires area before we depart to my wagon!~

Sat Jun 01 20:01:33 . A Camp on the Plains
Hondo said:
noting that she is not saying something. I watch you closer

speak your mind Naomi. And I think it can be arranged to allow you another hand. But then you will either recieve the Merchant brand on your arm or brought into the Camp as one of us.

Sat Jun 01 20:01:32 . A Camp on the Plains
}{sei~(Camp) said:
moves a bit cautiously to the central fire, seeing it's flames burning high and bright, hearing voices of Free, as she steps within it's shadows, she hesitates, takes a deep breath and steps the night's light, her naked body now cleansed, finding the slave furs and kneels, making sure her hips twist slightly in respect of Mistress

she sees the Commanders drinking, a slave kneeling in service to Mistress, feels her heartbeat quicken as her voice greets

Sat Jun 01 20:01:17 . A Camp on the Plains
larl}{Kliimus}{ said:
giggling as she was set to the ground as He stood...stooping and grabbing His girl...tossing her over His shoulders as He spoke

yes Master

looking to the commander

Have a good night well

looking to Mistress

night Mistress sleep sweet and the girl wills see You in the morning

looking to gem as she served...

night love have fun and serve what

she didn't know if it reached her or not but it was a good try

Sat Jun 01 20:01:16 . B&B&B&B Basement
Daniel Guide said:
downing the second one.....

you gonna take me home, littl girl?

Sat Jun 01 20:00:37 . A Camp on the Plains
Kliimus said:
~a simple nod and wink to you still in service~

"Be well gemm, serve with heart"

Sat Jun 01 20:00:09 . B&B&B&B Basement
Daniel Guide said:
my eyes never leaving the girl as she fetches the drink

[End of Transfer]

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