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Sat Jun 01 17:14:23 . The Windy GrassHopper Tavern & Inn
JynxRuneStone said:
The Windy GrassHopper Tavern and Inn
She walked at your side through the streets of BlackStone Village finally getting to put places to the stories she has heard about it, and she has to say she has fallen in love with the quaint little village. She winked to you when you looked over to her and she could so see you running through these streets in your youth.

Her blue eyes ran over the exterior of the tavern and she smiled for it looked exactly like what a tavern would look like in a small village in Ireland. She read the name on the sign and had to giggle The Windy Grasshopper now that was interesting could a Grasshopper be windy?

You held the door open and she stepped inside and off to the side a little to give you room to enter. She looked around taking in how it was decorated as her eyes adjusted to the dim light. She nodded with a smile to those that looked over to them, and when she saw Te'Sirian she was filled with joy, and ohhh wait he has a lady with him ooo now she can hardly wait to find out about this.

She walked beside you over to that table

"Te'Sirian so good to see you, you have been missed."

She would give you a hug after You and Xavier shook hands

Sat Jun 01 17:11:41 . A Small Stream on the Plains
Naomi said:
Finally reaching the stream, she moves past the most popular spots and sits on the bank quietly composing herself. The soft gurgling of the water soothes her nerves and as she splashes some of the cold water on her face she comes back to her usual optimistic self.

Sat Jun 01 17:05:46 . Night City RPG OOC
Victoria Forsythe said:
That is absolutely fair.

Sat Jun 01 17:05:08 . A Game of Words
lil minx said:


Sat Jun 01 17:04:45 . One more word...
lil minx said:

Sat Jun 01 17:04:24 . For Lovers of Nipple Torture et al
Owen said:
looking in

Sat Jun 01 17:04:10 . Night City RPG OOC
IRIDIA said:
Yeah but then you lose the opportunity to (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Sat Jun 01 17:04:02 . Z2 Corkboard
~lil shadow slut~ said:
that's awful she had to go through
all that..thankfully the mistake was corrected.

Great news!!

Sat Jun 01 17:02:39 . Just One
lil minx said:

Sat Jun 01 17:02:28 . A Small Stream on the Plains
}{sei~(Camp) said:
hears the soft tingle of the ankle bell she was gifted to wear when collared to Camp..her lips smiled, soon turning flattening a little as she hears the running stream water

upon coming to it's banks, she sees other slaves washing items, some bathing, some sitting, enjoying the bright Tor tu Gor's bright sunshine and heat for the short time they are allowed

knowing she needed fresh water, she walked upstream, away from the slaves, seeing no foot or animal prints in the sandy bank she picked to stop at, lowering the yoke from her shoulders, unhooks each bucket, steps into the comforting cool water and begins to fill, feeling the heaviness as they become full and wonders if her trip back to Camp will be successful in not spilling

Sat Jun 01 17:02:28 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
SilverDream said:

Sat Jun 01 17:01:55 . Thassa
**On the Vicky.. Some 15 pasangs or so west of the jungle shores of Schendi**

The day has been stormy, with lightning in the skies and little rain but the winds are great, blowing to the south but southwest, the sails are full and we will soon land on the next Port..

Working the riggings of a big ship like 'The Vicky' is hard work, and I never shy away from work .. But as I'm busy trying to get a workout and forget the sleeplessness and pain of my curse, finally one of my Raiders comes up , helps me with something and then says my 'package is alive'.. We both laugh some and I let him take over my position for me , then start over towards the center mast where the womans trunk was dragged to last night..

Fingers of a big right hand shows on the inside lid and I open it, lar torvis's rays from the partyed clowds shines down and my smiling ace and sunshine lit red hair can be seen peering down at you .. My muscles bulging and lightly tanned chest bare , sweat glistening from my hard work ..

"Well , I though we may have put you in a coma from too much capture scent Woman .. Though I can tell you are worse for wear than your usual shining appearance..

I'm glad we both still live.."

Though there are still those dark circles under my eyes I do look sun lit and invigorated with a cheshire grin on my rugged face

Sat Jun 01 17:01:53 . Fireside Chat
Fireside Host said:
<><><><><><>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NEW TOPIC<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>>>>>>>>>

Sat Jun 01 17:01:14 . JAG Cork
Fireside Host said:
There is a new topic up for us all to discuss.

Sat Jun 01 17:00:52 . CAA: Create An Acronym
lil minx said:

Yoda's Green Schwanz

Sat Jun 01 16:59:26 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
SilverDream said:

SilverDream has started a new game with the following players:

Sat Jun 01 16:56:01 . The Windy GrassHopper Tavern & Inn
Te'Sirian said:
The Windy GrassHopper Tavern and Inn
Xavier RuneStone & Jynx Runestone:

Te'Sirian's gaze lifted from his table as you approached, a mix of surprise and warmth softening his features as he recognized you. Memories of your last encounter stirred within him, but he pushed them aside, focusing on the present.

"Xavier," he greeted, his tone cordial yet tinged with a hint of caution. "It's been quite some time."

He gestured to the empty chairs opposite him, inviting you and Jynx to join. "Please, have a seat."

Turning his attention to Jynx, he offered a polite smile. "And you must be Jynx," he said, extending a hand in greeting. "I'm Te'Sirian RuneStone, Xavier's uncle. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

As the introductions unfolded, a warmth filled his chest as he glanced at Teagan, his fiance, by his side. "This is Teagan," he said, a note of pride evident in his voice. "My better half."

He gestured between you and Jynx, a smile touching his lips. "Xavier, Jynx, this is Teagan. She's been my rock through thick and thin."

With the pleasantries exchanged, he turned to the bartender, signaling their order for stew and juice. As the drinks arrived, he poured a glass for you and himself, a sense of contentment settling over him.

"Now," he said, turning back to you with a curious gleam in his eye, "what brings you back to Blackstone Village after all this time?"

Sat Jun 01 16:55:43 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
SilverDream said:

SilverDream has started a new game with the following players:

Sat Jun 01 16:55:21 . Oldies
Kitara said:
Rainbow Connection
Kermit the frog

Sat Jun 01 16:55:07 . The Windy GrassHopper Tavern & Inn
Te'Sirian said:
The Windy GrassHopper Tavern and Inn
"Xavier, it's good to see you too," Tesirian replied warmly, returning the handshake with a firm grip. "And Jynx, always a pleasure."

He watched as Xavier headed to the bar, a thoughtful expression crossing his face as he listened to Xavier's words about the ceremony.

"It's disappointing when people don't follow through on their commitments," Tesirian said, nodding in agreement. "But perhaps it's for the best. We'll find someone more reliable, someone who truly cares about the occasion."

With a determined look, Tesirian picked up the pitcher of juice and carried it back to the table, setting it down with a soft clink. He poured a little into Xavier's glass before filling his own.

"As for who to ask, let's take our time and choose wisely," he suggested, taking a sip of the juice. "We want someone who will honor the occasion and do justice to the ceremony."

[End of Transfer]

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