The Tower Of Babble...(babble)[Mail|SeeAll|Hot|Controls|Bot|]
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Mon Jun 17 10:54:58 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
Apollo said:
congrats...nice game...

Mon Jun 17 10:54:05 . The Dock
Primo said:
Smiles and blows a kiss

Mon Jun 17 10:54:02 . RT Slave Chambers
cara sub said:
soooo quiet

Mon Jun 17 10:53:46 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
Fenix Arsenal
"They don't like being cute." He said matter of factly. It's just what their programming told them to do. Juliette Fenix, the programmer of said AI, also hated being 'cute'.

He runs his fingers through his dark hair, lifting an eyebrow as he considers it. He'll ask Haven later. If it makes him look hotter to her, sold.

The bots drop off the last stack of boxes before scurrying back up the wall and into their compartment in the ceiling. Where they will hide from you until summoned again. At your offer to watch over them...Echo considers it. Then remembers...

"I actually just hired someone to help out at the store. So with the extra coverage, I should be able to store up on sleep before the mission." See, he DOES look out for himself. Sometimes.

"Check with Dylan. He may have an even better one." He's the heavy for this op.

Onto the boxes, which are thankfully not filled with bloody cyberware and severed limbs. Instead, he pulls out a stack of printed instructions and leafs through the pages quickly. Eyebrows knitting together as he sees what you want him to do.

"You want............" He blinks a few times before he shrugs and starts tearing down boxes. Pulling out parts. Laying them out on his workbench.

"Not yet, Miguel is still on the to-do list." Busy busy busy Echo. But not so busy that he can't remember and ask...

"Have you had a chance to talk with Perry about Haven's nanotech infection?" Updates? Good or bad.

Mon Jun 17 10:53:18 . The Dock
Primo said:
4-6 is kinda small….make it 5-7 so I can enter the competition *s*

Mon Jun 17 10:52:52 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
Apollo said:

Mon Jun 17 10:52:49 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
~*~PleasureMistress~*~ said:

Reloading dice from saved data.

Found data from roll: 1


Mon Jun 17 10:52:47 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
~*~PleasureMistress~*~ said:
see I shared nice

Mon Jun 17 10:52:37 . A place for girls who need a push... con
SarahJi said:
I hope your afternoon is wonderful.
sweet kiss...

Mon Jun 17 10:52:34 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
~*~PleasureMistress~*~ said:
ok lol

Mon Jun 17 10:51:55 . The Dock
Primo said:
Back…no I wasn’t being specific …it was a general observation

I get that some things are just that “not nice” the S/M stuff

But there’s a lot of hamfisted wordplay that suggests some people have never experienced the coolness of being with another person who really likes them too…in rt I mean

This is sounding judgemental…it’s not, but it sounds like it is

Mon Jun 17 10:51:31 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
Apollo said:
i'll take

Mon Jun 17 10:51:29 . A place for girls who need a push... con
Marissa said:
gurgling around your finger

hhave to - errands

Mon Jun 17 10:51:10 . The Dock
plain katie said:
i believe that's the perfect summary!

Mon Jun 17 10:51:06 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
~*~PleasureMistress~*~ said:
you can have the next one ok

Mon Jun 17 10:50:37 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
Apollo said:

Mon Jun 17 10:50:13 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
~*~PleasureMistress~*~ said:

Mon Jun 17 10:49:53 . The Dock
missy jo said:
winks n fades

Mon Jun 17 10:49:24 . The Dock
missy jo said:
I've found claims of mens size fall into 3 categories here..1 the sissies claim to be miniscule..2 inches or less

2. a few men claim aver 4t6

3. most here claim 9 to 12 or more..yes I know, show me..without photos hope

oh well..need to scoot

waves to all n fades

Mon Jun 17 10:49:03 . Z2 Corkboard
Sweet Transvestite said:
Libya did have an all green flag for a bit, but no longer. It's a very good guess and definitely warm but quite the flag (country) in question.

[End of Transfer]

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