The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sun Jun 16 17:20:31 . Jilly's Rattlesnake Radio
Jilly said:
Pretty cool weather nasty hot hummid
But finded bargins on bakery and nifty new chain for bollting down my grill

Sun Jun 16 17:18:53 . Jilly's Rattlesnake Radio
Copper said:
Slow day. As earlier said. Kids called so that was nice. Did some busy stuff around the house and then broke open the 12 pack

Sun Jun 16 17:18:47 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
~*~PleasureMistress~*~ said:

~*~PleasureMistress~*~ has started a new game with the following players:

Sun Jun 16 17:18:39 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
~*~PleasureMistress~*~ said:

Sun Jun 16 17:17:50 . Jilly's Rattlesnake Radio
Copper said:
So how was the church function today?

Sun Jun 16 17:17:44 . Jilly's Rattlesnake Radio
Jilly said:
Was up coopernose? Hi

Sun Jun 16 17:15:52 . Jilly's Rattlesnake Radio
Jilly said:
Report on grass cutting?? Well ok πŸ˜„πŸ˜„β˜ΊπŸ˜€

Sun Jun 16 17:14:27 . Z2 Corkboard
timbre said:
i'm with Mercury
But i'm glad she won, she looks like fun ( and she looks like a young Jane Seymour )

Sun Jun 16 17:13:27 . Jilly's Rattlesnake Radio
Copper said:
No grass cutting on Sundays!!!!!!

Sun Jun 16 17:13:12 . Z2 Corkboard
timbre said:
Happy Fathers Day!

Sun Jun 16 17:12:58 . Z2 Corkboard
timbre said:

Sun Jun 16 17:12:54 . Robert M. King Performance Hall
Elodie Stone said:
With Leo Sterling kissed and loved and headed... elsewhere and her mind spinning with worry about Holly being the one to comfort Leo, she's struggling a little. Holly, who she doesn't trust one bit. Holly, who she will be grateful to be done with.

Not faltering, but struggling.

This dance she performs with Leo's parents every time she sees them is one she's well-versed in, predictable enough that she can do her part with very little effort.

Once she's left alone with The Sterlings, yes, with a capital T on The, the topic shifts to exactly where she knew it would go. Anyplace but the theatre.

So, she makes polite, boring small talk with them about their hobbies, Leo's sisters, etc...

Luckily, her parents arrive. Parents who she genuinely adores and has missed.

They greet her first. Her mom squeezing her so tight it hurts and gushing about how much she loved loved loved the play, kissing her cheeks and generally brimming with excitement. Her dad snagging her hand and twirling her around, her hand lifted above her head as she spins, then pulling her in for a tight hug and a kiss to the top of her head along with an outpouring of specific praise for her and her alone.

Then they greet Leo's parents. Warmly, but with reservation and politeness that doesn't truly suit them, but they wear it well. Honestly, she's not sure why her parents are still friends with The Sterlings. They're so different. Maybe they're sympathy friends? The people you hang out with out of guilt, even when you don't want to.

Whatever the case, the parents are busy catching up for a few moments and she turns to look around the room. To the door first, thinking maybe she'll see Leo coming back, then to the rest of the room, in case he got waylaid by someone else. Nope. No Holly either.

Even when it's extra terrible, he doesn't usually leave her alone with his parents for too long, typically coming to her rescue with something else they need to do.

In the process, she thinks she catches sight of Brixton Walsh, off to one side, but there are too many people between here and there for her to be sure. And then her dad touches her shoulder, bringing her back to the conversation.

Her smile when she looks at him is genuine.

Oh, he went to let in one of the stagehands, who'd run home to let his dog out. I'm sure he'll be right back.

Clearly, her parents want to dote on Leo, congratulate him and cover him with praise, the way they did her moments ago.

Sun Jun 16 17:12:24 . Jilly's Rattlesnake Radio
Jilly said: grass cutting efforts at the sharko estate..πŸ˜„πŸšœ

Sun Jun 16 17:11:21 . Thassa
djinn{RED} said:
Being hoisted up in front of him seems so effortless ,the small satchel taken from her shoulder and stashed away in the saddle bags...hearing his words .."yes Master"...

Sun Jun 16 17:09:57 . Thassa
Paesyn said:
( RT calls thank you to the both of you!! ))

Sun Jun 16 17:08:31 . The State of Insanity
TomT said:
Happy Father’s Day to all the dads!

If our kids were honest, they would tell us, β€œ Hey Dad, thanks for not pulling out!”

Sun Jun 16 17:08:23 . Thassa
Paesyn said:
She fully expected the rein in and did not fight it; the slight nod to the raider let him know she not only listened but held no further quarrel with him. There was only one who would continue to endure her, the one who had decided she remained with him and called her larl, from his mouth to her ears. Settling back, her eyes were straight forward, peering through the tumbles of curls, the pace set by the man to whom she was tethered, and the plains spread before them nothing but skies and grass and the taunt of freedom.

Sun Jun 16 17:07:24 . Meet and greet!
~*~PleasureMistress~*~ said:
takes a peek in My dungeon , walking down the corridor ...... rattling each cage as I go by

Sun Jun 16 17:06:42 . Thassa
**In a small cove and on a beach, just south of the Port of Kamras**

..Reaching down to pull my slave up infront of me on the saddle .. pulling her satchel off her and stuffing it in my own pack hanging off the saddle-bags..

"no more carrying stuff around either girl .. If you need anything that I allow you , it'll be in my pack.."

...I give out a whistle and the Raiders start to head out with my big 'Black' in the lead..

((Next post plains@jag))

Sun Jun 16 17:05:24 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
katy perry said:
you as well

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