The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Tue Jun 18 02:51:13 . Master's study
Darkson said:
I doubt that selfish bastard
Was thinking of me ...

I never would have fed on the fleshbag
He was possessing had I'd known
I have him with me forever ....

Heh, of course I jest ...I love him like a brother

Did I ever tell you my brother was the second person I killed?

*laughs *

Good thing I bring his thoughts
With me when I wake ...

Dividing up the place is he?

Tue Jun 18 02:50:03 . your dream sissy.
joseph small said:
returning to wipe any crumbs from the table tops and make the floor gleam with the mop

Tue Jun 18 02:49:04 . your dream sissy.
joseph small said:
thank you Miss Kitara

Tue Jun 18 02:48:52 . your dream sissy.
joseph small said:
head tilting back to receive her lips... the usual slight wince in response... rising and limping to the kitchen to wash the glass and return it to its high shelf

Tue Jun 18 02:48:32 . your dream sissy.
Kitara said:
I will inform her so yes

Tue Jun 18 02:48:03 . your dream sissy.
Kitara said:
but never serve my wife, voda is the lowest

Now I must head into work

Leaning down and kissing you softly

You may clean up now my pet

Tue Jun 18 02:48:03 . she likes it...
BackDoorGuy said:
quiet at soi

Tue Jun 18 02:47:20 . your dream sissy.
joseph small said:
i will try to do that if i see her, Miss Kitara. will she be... expecting it?

Tue Jun 18 02:47:13 . Brixton Walsh's Rental
Holly Blanc said:
Main House
Even now, even under the heavy lead blanket, you were carefully dancing around it. Throwing your limbs and words every which way to make it sound like unhinged chaos and raw drunken stupor but those footfalls were suspiciously deft at throwing out damage while not opening you up.

Inviting her to take ill-advised bait, to over-commit to something and underestimate you.

When you were fucked up, you were no less dangerous like some kind of Drunken Master that completely threw her off, not that she was even seeking to play this game. She got home, and now this was a confrontation.

"So you're sayin' I'm wrong, alright…" Holly nodded along to your logic, only to have that abate and for her to start moving the other way, shaking her head. "Okay, fine I'm sorry for that. I didn't — I-I fuckin' sucked at communicating…"

The stool creaked as she leaned her hip against it so that she could lift a foot and pull the porcelain shard from a dim red spot on her sock, placing the chip on the islandtop so she wouldn't step on it again.

"Look I know it's confusing since he still would use 'he' sometimes, but let's not mis-gender Leo, okay? Other… partner. Not plural, and I-I-I don't even know if he's a partner, we're all still figuring out what just happened, okay?"

Holly's eyes were drifting this way and that at first, like watching you vacate liquor bottles was an act of self-violence she was squeamish to witness, but at the rattle of pills, she suddenly began paying Close attention again.


The awards show bit was endearing, and she remembered it fondly, but that memory was now burdened with some confusing additional weight like you seemed to think it bought you something unspoken and invisible and handshaken, co-signed like you brought it up like by her participation and laughter and beatboxing, she just agreed to something she didn't know about.


The loud clatter of the Yeti. Holly took a step forward with a near-cramped tension of her big toe, the one that still stung and stained her sock.

Oh shit, you were going to do this. She lunged forward, heedless of the peril in order to slap that bottle from your hands. She's had worse, on her feet. She marched home from Club Rockshore over those shattered streets and god-knows what contamination was over the glass fragments on the walk that left her tracking bloody footprints all over the house.

"What the Fuck is the matter with you?! Fucking talk to me, this bitchmade conduct ain't you!"

Tue Jun 18 02:46:30 . your dream sissy.
Kitara said:
I understand, but you are doing better
And all I can ask is that you continue working on that.
Would love to see you sitting at the feet of my slave reetha
She is dear to me

Tue Jun 18 02:45:51 . your dream sissy.
joseph small said:
is it ok that i described myself as... your pet?

Tue Jun 18 02:45:17 . your dream sissy.
joseph small said:
i have been trying, Miss Kitara, as i know you want me to be more... sociable.

i still find it difficult.

Tue Jun 18 02:44:28 . your dream sissy.
Kitara said:
and you do well
And I have seen you talk with others here on occasion
That makes me happy as well

Tue Jun 18 02:43:31 . your dream sissy.
joseph small said:
thank you Miss Kitara. you spoil me!

i do my best to... please.

Tue Jun 18 02:42:35 . Master's study
living dead girl{D} said:
moving the touch of her teeth against her lips as she takes the taste of the kiss with her....though her body remains close to Him....feeling Him near...
she gives a slow nod with a deep chuckle just picturing such things being done....

"as i am sure You would do so Sire...."

she moves with His steps....keeping with Him as He walks about....though she remains a step behind as He gazes about....

"yes Sire....the demon likes to see of the things that i can come up he is really asking me to use my brain now....."

she could not help but to chuckle a little to that....

"we had come up with this room for Your writings....Your personal space to entertain as well as share Your thoughts and Your words with those that wish to read...."

Tue Jun 18 02:42:35 . your dream sissy.
Kitara said:
Good, then after you serve my drink
You may rub my feet pet

You are such a joy to have around joseph

Tue Jun 18 02:41:25 . your dream sissy.
joseph small said:
head tilting, that warm glow that comes from being stroked... eyes widening in pleasure thank you Miss Kitara... that would be wonderful.

Tue Jun 18 02:40:14 . your dream sissy.
Kitara said:
You are appreciated my pet

Stroking your hair as you kneel at my feet

Think I am going to have to start coming in barefoot, having you
start my day with a foot rub ~S~ a little late to start today, maybe tomorrow

Tue Jun 18 02:37:40 . Master's study
Darkson said:
*fingers letting go
Of your hair after the kiss*

I doubt the beast would say unkind things
I'd rip his tongue out
And serve it back to him ..
If he still has a tongue....*chuckles *

I do amuse myself...*turning to walk about the room*

I see the demon has kept you busy....*looking about the place*

Is he ever satisfied ? Always redecorating...

Every time I prowl there is something different this room

Tue Jun 18 02:37:22 . your dream sissy.
joseph small said:
work later, but for now just dozing and relaxing and... more importantly, serving your drink.

[End of Transfer]

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