The Tower Of Babble...(babble)[Mail|SeeAll|Hot|Controls|Bot|]
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Wed Jun 12 17:23:43 . music.. and conversation
~*sakari*~{M} said:
Over You">

Wed Jun 12 17:23:15 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Peregrine P. Olveira said:
It's not the kind of subterfuge that makes him uncomfortable, though. If anything, it's a thing he can relate to - give him something he's excited about, and he can talk. So you're not overwhelming, at least, not in ways that bother him.

"Mm, we do have excellent taste." A considering look. "Beef, thanks." Both are good, but he had to choose one, right?

Good news, he runs a lot of Echo through his translaters, so if your SPanish sucked, Perry isn't going to mind. "Oh, he already made it! It's so, so cool. I look like a badass, which, um, is a thing I never thought I'd say." It's not reflective, but honestly, he's cool with that. "It's, um, it's blues and greens. Not bright ones. I, uh, I like staying in the background. Even when I'm not facing a horder of cyborgs and a, um, terrifying war criminal?"

THe more he thinks about it, the more anxious he gets. Which makes having other shit to focus on phenomenal.

You get a flash of fuller smile, warm, a touch of relief there. "You get it, then. I, um, I apparently am very into it once I'm, um, I'm attracted to somebody, but that's kind of, y'know, rare." Even saying it, he's blushing, "but, I've spent most of my life wondering why people obsess over it and, like, need it." A shyer smile, a little shrug. "It's, um, it's cool to have someone that kind of gets it." Then the last part registers and the blush deepens. "I think only Briar has, um, thought I'm hot before. So, um, thank you?"

Okay, he's nabbing another gyoza and popping it into his mouth, to stop the flood of words. "It makes sense. When I'm doing something, um, urgent or life-saving, it's usually with you. But I don't super ask for consent from the patient at that point either, y'know?"

"The DNA virus. Echo wants me to focus on that over, um, over the nanos right now. We might actually, um, be better in my space for that work." He has very different equipment than you do. He nods, pausing with the eating to plug into the fan. It makes eating more awkward, but not impossible.

There's no discomfort as you close the door, focused on the task at hand, and about as at ease as he gets. "Cool." A quiet laugh. "It is kind of a weird word. Don't worry about it, I've, um, I've been there." Living with Briar most of the time is the only thing saving him from being as sleep deprived as you are.

"And, um, it's cool. I'm Perry in person. I really want to keep those names, um, separate, y'know?" He's made some very rich Corp enemies.

"So, uh, with the Echo virus, I've been looking at it, and it's really neat - like, DNA is basically code, right? Just, um, genetic code. So if someone or something scans it, they are scanning the code embedded in it. At which point, um, it's all 1s and 0s anyway.

"Getting them to scan it, though? That's harder. If they're not wearing, um, respirators, then it should be scanned by their internal systems so it can effectively be filtered out. So, um, I can handle the coding, but delivering it into their systems as some kind of biocontaminent? I'm hoping, um, you have that part. And that you have equipment to modify DNA, and like, the medical side of things."

Wed Jun 12 17:22:51 . The Music Lounge
vaash said:
Song: Something So Strong
by Crowded House

Wed Jun 12 17:22:47 . The Dungeon
living dead girl{D} said:
chuckles softly a moment...

" i had thought of that too...though it could be just the light starting to come through..."

Wed Jun 12 17:22:02 . Z2 Corkboard
cory{BI} said:
no trinkets to talk about right now...but here's some dullness for you...

the highlights of my day so are ordering new oven gloves and mittens...and 2 fancy waste baskets for under the kitchen sink...that match the recycling and garbage cans outside...

and maybe...just maybe...i might get a few dishes washed...that would be big excitement...

Wed Jun 12 17:21:16 . The Music Lounge
vaash said:
Song: I Walk Away
by Split Enz | Crowded House

Wed Jun 12 17:20:23 . The Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:

Wed Jun 12 17:19:49 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
sneaks in....................................

Wed Jun 12 17:19:36 . The Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:
might have to flip that "cross"

wouldn't want people to think I
was religious

Wed Jun 12 17:18:27 . music.. and conversation
~*sakari*~{M} said:
*still no wifi.. will have to swap out equipment tomorrow*

Wed Jun 12 17:18:11 . sofa Time
Basketball wenchie said:
Wanders a bit

Wed Jun 12 17:17:49 . The Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:
this one is just intimidating

heh heh

Wed Jun 12 17:17:39 . Z2 Corkboard
cory{BI} said:

Wed Jun 12 17:17:08 . Dominant BBW Mistresses
Bubbly Beverly said:
I'll strap his wrists and ankles to the feet of the ppunishment horse

Wed Jun 12 17:16:56 . The Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:
the jury is out


**grins a bit*

Wed Jun 12 17:14:32 . The Dungeon
living dead girl{D} said:
"i have some other ones to show You as well..."

grins a bit...

Wed Jun 12 17:14:27 . Z2 Corkboard
cory{BI} said:
Baron Igor was just playing a flash mob version of of MiLady Wife's favorite pieces of music...

and one i've hated most of my life...not because of the music itself...but because it's supposed to be THE perfect "seduction" music...but that damned military rhythm has always (to me) sounded more like "attack and conquer" put it politely...

Well, today i was listening...and suddenly started seeing a mental "film" (in glorious grainy B&W, of course) of the WWII liberation of some European...or perhaps North the liberating troops march in parade and the townfolk go wild with flags and flowers and cheers and kisses...

totally changed my relationship to the music...

Wed Jun 12 17:14:06 . sofa Time
Spooky Jilly said:
Lots of info in here

Wed Jun 12 17:14:04 . The Music Lounge
~lil shadow slut~ said:
Song: Little boy and The Preacher Man
by Jesse Howard (tear warning)

Wed Jun 12 17:13:14 . The Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:

[End of Transfer]

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