The Tower Of Babble...(babble)[Mail|SeeAll|Hot|Controls|Bot|]
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Tue Jun 11 00:06:09 . Covell Canyon MainStreet & Surrounding A
Matthew Bowman said:
Eastern Outskirts
He made it to the horses and as he got up onto his he hoped he remembered how to ride since it had been so damn long.

He took hold of the reins and would follow you since you knew where we were going, he fought the urge to look back at the town, but thought better of it heard it was bad luck or something

Tue Jun 11 00:01:55 . Covell Canyon MainStreet & Surrounding A
DanteTheReaperBlackWood said:
Eastern Outskirts
Dante, Jack, and Bowman reached the eastern outskirts, aided by the play of shadows of the night as they rode toward an undisclosed location, their sanctuary for the moment. The moonlight cast eerie shadows on the rugged terrain, but Dante moved confidently, guiding them to safety.

Tue Jun 11 00:01:21 . Covell Canyon MainStreet & Surrounding A
Matthew Bowman said:
Main Street
He heard the shouts and the alarm and it helped his feet keep moving fast he followed you and the other man farther into the night

Mon Jun 10 23:57:41 . Covell Canyon MainStreet & Surrounding A
DanteTheReaperBlackWood said:
Main Street
Dante noticed Reed's escape but chose not to pursue.

“He’s out of play,”

he muttered to Jack.

“We need to move.”

Outside, the night was thick with tension. The trio slipped into the darkness, blending with the shadows as they made their way to where they kept the horses and then would move toward the outskirts of town. The sound of distant shouts and the tolling of the alarm bell signaled the town’s awakening to their deed, but they were already steps ahead.

Mon Jun 10 23:55:45 . Covell Canyon MainStreet & Surrounding A
Lucas Greer Reed@bwr said:
Sheriff and Jail
Reed had made it to the back door of the sheriffs office, leaving a trail of blood in his wake. He pushed it open and staggered out into the night, the cool air hitting his fevered skin. His vision swam, but he forced himself to keep moving, driven by the need to survive and warn the town.... get the Marshal....Yeah.


Mon Jun 10 23:48:01 . Covell Canyon MainStreet & Surrounding A
Matthew Bowman said:
Main Street
He follows the other man out the door hearing the commotion and then the gunshot and he does send out hope you are just wounded see he can be nice

Mon Jun 10 23:47:26 . Covell Canyon MainStreet & Surrounding A
DanteTheReaperBlackWood said:
Sheriff and Jail
Did you hear it?

That intense suttle but eerie lingering chuckle into laugh as you slink, but hes moving just behind bowman and ushering the Man out the front door and into the night.

As they exited the jailhouse, the cool night air hit them, a stark contrast to the suffocating atmosphere inside. They disappeared into the shadows, leaving Reed groaning on the floor, his determination to stop them thwarted but not extinguished.

Mon Jun 10 23:44:42 . Covell Canyon MainStreet & Surrounding A
Lucas Greer Reed@bwr said:
Sheriff and Jail
(Hey that laast one was to the Reaper sorry)

"Think about...OOWee FU*CKER!"

That shot hits just as his fingers would have been curling about that gun and that intense heat as that shot hits his upper right shoulder and knocks him back to the wall once more.


Mon Jun 10 23:43:06 . Covell Canyon MainStreet & Surrounding A
DanteTheReaperBlackWood said:
Sheriff and Jail
Your just plain Ignorantly stupid arent you. but that doesnt surprise him. The Reaper, reacting with lightning speed, drew his own weapon and fired. The gunshot echoed through the small jailhouse, and that shot is coming right at you, not a kill shot just one to drop you and slow your ass down.

Mon Jun 10 23:41:44 . Covell Canyon MainStreet & Surrounding A
Lucas Greer Reed@bwr said:
Sheriff and Jail
you let him Drop and he takes a second to regain firm footing but he isnt wasting time as he once more tries to reach that revolver not far agianst the back wall.

Mon Jun 10 23:41:40 . Covell Canyon MainStreet & Surrounding A
DanteTheReaperBlackWood said:
Sheriff and Jail
The Reaper's accomplice led the way, his sharp eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of movement. As they made their way to the door.

The Reaper simply dropped REED to the floor as his knees may have buckled from that drop well just a tad surely.

Mon Jun 10 23:39:08 . Covell Canyon MainStreet & Surrounding A
Matthew Bowman said:
Main Street
"I am thinking about it Reed and I do not like the feeling I am getting, so I choose to live."

He hopes if that man shoots you that you live cause he always liked you really he did

Mon Jun 10 23:37:43 . graphics by v
DeirdreCullen@bwr said:
Room Name: Gra Dulra

Room Code: GraDulra@bwr

Additional Details: Please add the following views:

GraDulra with this descriptor please: This charming and quaint cottage is located one half mile from Wexford Manor. Christened "Nature's Love" in the tongue of Englishmen, here resides Deirdre Culllen, Druid Priestess and devoted daughter of the goddess Danu, along with her two acolytes, Mary Connelly and Brian Shaw. Their hearts embody the love that is the dwelling's namesake. Come in peace, and welcome is yours.

ConairNaofa with this descriptor please: Local lore speaks of an ancient trail commencing at Gra Dulra which shall guide seekers to a forest of great majesty and tranquility. It is whispered that a gate leading to a place of great awe and wonder lies at this trail's end.



Lady's Chamber

Son's Rest

Daughter's Rest

NPC Tools: (images are loaded and names match)


veronica is designated as room designer.

Thank you so very much!!

Example image link(s): The images have been uploaded to the room. The names of the images match the names of each view. For the NPC's the names and images also match.

Mon Jun 10 23:37:33 . Covell Canyon MainStreet & Surrounding A
Matthew Bowman said:
Main Street
He watches as you move and take hold of Reed pinning him to the wall, and when the other moves to the cell door he steps closer to it. Glancing from the one working on the door to you and back again.

A thought came to his mind something a certain special someone said to him once, and he pushed that thought aside for right now. When the door swung open and the man stepped out of the way. He stepped into the room

"You don't have to tell me twice."

He looked from the other man to you

"Then lets get out of here

Mon Jun 10 23:34:38 . transsexual picture gallery
jayne@gor said:
hello Mistress

Mon Jun 10 23:28:46 . transsexual picture gallery
Ms Eleanor said:

Mon Jun 10 23:28:19 . House of the White Wolf
sarabi{Stalker}@soi said:
Main Room
Once i return i find myself hurrying back to His room. The things i heard had to do with my past and i will have to inform Him. Soon enough the cloak and boots are removed, everything put away. Soon heads for rest because come morning His property shall make sure His breakfast is waiting for Him.

Mon Jun 10 23:27:45 . Night City RPG OOC
Brandon Vash said:
Say his name and he appears!

I believe in Brandon Vash.

Clap clap.

I believe in Brandon Vash.

He goes from Beware, to UL, to A&C

Night City, Everwhere, Dance Macabre and in between!

I believe in Brandon Vash.

I believe in Brandon Vash.

Mon Jun 10 23:27:36 . Night City RPG OOC
Echo Fenix said:
En español...


(I got nothing. Except insomnia.)

Mon Jun 10 23:25:13 . Night City RPG OOC
Echo Fenix said:


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