The Tower Of Babble...(babble)[Mail|SeeAll|Hot|Controls|Bot|]
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Sun May 12 08:38:31 . One more word...
~f*cKs with words~ said:

Sun May 12 08:38:12 . One more word...
Apollo said:

Sun May 12 08:37:34 . TASHA'S Lounge- LGBT and BDSM friendly
amberyl said:
hearing you and blushing a bit

hello and it has indeed

dipping my head softly

i do believe last time i saw you here you were showing me around downstairs

Sun May 12 08:36:44 . Neighborhood where adultery is practiced
donnna said:
sitting on the porch relaxing

Sun May 12 08:35:54 . TASHA'S Lounge- LGBT and BDSM friendly
Sofia Coppola said:
seeing you enter, smiling over
Hello amberyl, long time no see….
ordering a coffee, then settling down in a booth, giving you an inviting wink and nod of my head as I pull out a free chair for you, before settling down on my own

Sun May 12 08:35:02 . Acro-verse
~f*cKs with words~ said:



Sun May 12 08:32:55 . Six Sexy Words
~f*cKs with words~ said:
Thank you Johny
very, very sweet ((hugs))

Sun May 12 08:32:40 . pipers stables
Chester O'Brian said:
guessing I've just missed the pretty pony
moving down the walkway now, looking into the stalls at both sides

Sun May 12 08:32:27 . TASHA'S Lounge- LGBT and BDSM friendly
amberyl said:
Finds an empty seat for the time being

Sun May 12 08:32:27 . One more word...
~f*cKs with words~ said:

Sun May 12 08:31:57 . Just One
~f*cKs with words~ said:

Sun May 12 08:31:38 . Neighborhood where adultery is practiced
Visitor said:
sitting on the porch and relaxing.....

Sun May 12 08:30:06 . TASHA'S Lounge- LGBT and BDSM friendly
Sofia Coppola said:
walking in

Sun May 12 08:25:45 . Ranch Laoch Crua RPG of Covell Canyon
ZebediahCrowley said:
Family Room
Zebediah exchanged a brief glance with Blaze, silently conveying their shared sense of apprehension. Taking a deep breath, he turned back to Marshal Colton, his demeanor earnest and persistent.

"Thank you, Marshal,"

Zebediah replied, his voice steady despite the weight of the situation.

"I'll do whatever I can to assist with your investigation. I may not have witnessed everything that occurred, but I'll certainly provide any information I can."

He shifted slightly in his seat, his gaze reflecting a sense of determination as he prepared to cooperate fully with the authorities.

Though there was an undeniable tension in the room, Zebediah was committed to aiding the investigation and bringing closure to the unfortunate events that had transpired at the saloon. With a sense of purpose, he awaited further direction from Marshal Colton, prepared to assist in any way they could.

Sun May 12 08:21:11 . Jilly's Rattlesnake Radio
Sharko said:
Likes to make you laugh

Sun May 12 08:20:23 . pipers stables
Chester O'Brian said:
entering the stable after typing today's code into the keypad
Guessing I've heard something

Sun May 12 08:18:01 . Ranch Laoch Crua RPG of Covell Canyon
Marshal Colton McCallister said:
Family Room
Marshal Colton regarded Zebediah with a mixture of understanding and scrutiny, his expression unreadable as he listened to the rancher's account of the events. He could sense the sincerity in Zebediah's words, tempered with regret and unease.

"Thank you, Zebediah,"

Colton said, his tone measured yet empathetic.

"I appreciate your honesty in this matter."

He paused momentarily, letting the weight of Zebediah's confession linger in the air before continuing.

"It's clear that this was a regrettable situation," Colton remarked, his voice softened with a hint of sympathy. "But we'll need to get to the bottom of what happened that night."

Turning his attention to Blaze, he acknowledged her presence with a nod.

"Blaze," he said, addressing her directly. "If you have any information that could shed light on what occurred at the saloon, I'd appreciate your cooperation as well."

With that, Colton settled back slightly in his seat, his gaze shifting between Zebediah and Blaze as he awaited their responses.

Sun May 12 08:17:03 . graphics by v
Mairi said:
Thank you!
I've saved copies of these,

Sun May 12 08:16:45 . Jilly's Rattlesnake Radio
Jilly said:
Lol yes thats funny ☺☺☺ good one sharkie

Wolffe said:
Hugs backhand yes to cemetery to put roses on grave and to having beer.

[End of Transfer]

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