The Tower Of Babble...(babble) [Mail|SeeAll|Hot|Controls|Bot|]
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Thu May 09 19:15:17 . Reading Room
Panurge said:
The Reading Room
One of my favorite lines of poetry are from the wonderful TITAN Milton,

Sport that wrinkled Care derides and Laughter holding both his sides, Come and trip it as you go, on the light fantastic toe.

For a man with a merry heart and a foot fetish, those lines are GOLDEN.

Thu May 09 19:15:13 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
that is true....laughing so do skunks......

Thu May 09 19:15:02 . sofa Time
missy jo said:
brown bats..insect vacuuming

Thu May 09 19:14:36 . sofa Time
missy jo said:
I've seen em hanging in tree n they like cheap catfood

Thu May 09 19:14:30 . MD's Cigar Lounge and Bar
Connor Dromgoole said:
Never been, though when I was younger I did have so
Done convince me of the existence of something called ‘dropping bears’.

Supposedly koalas would throw themselves off cliffs at your face. I believed it for months before they admitted the truth.


I’ve only ever been to Switzerland for more than a day or two, though New Zealand would be nice and totally not for nerdy Lord of the Rings reasons

Thu May 09 19:14:14 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
possoums good...they eat ticks an other bad bugs

Thu May 09 19:13:43 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
laughin haven't seen one of those for years out here....but then didn't see praraire dogs either till the other day....

Thu May 09 19:13:33 . A Travel Road on Gor
**Somewhere south of Brundisium, on the Genesian Road**

~I can see Budo Wolf a ways off , on foot as well as he defends our Raiders and himself.. I know he'll have words for me later , because he was not in this plan .. As we were approaching and starting to ride by the caravan the Raiders lit the first bushes and combat ensued ..

My Raider and I kill the Guards near him and I offer a right hand to pull him off the ground , a big grin on my face and he says in his taharian tongue "You're crazy Boss !".. Then I run off and with a big GRUNT I shoulder slams one of the Guards over, along with his plains kaiila, and three of Blood Wolf's men kill him swiftly , giving out war cries of their own~

Thu May 09 19:13:16 . sofa Time
missy jo said:
they're cute
I like possums too..little red hands

Thu May 09 19:13:14 . The City Tavern
Victoria Laurent said:
She laughed when you pointed out what she said was French

"See what you do to me?"

it was hard to stop laughing at her own mistake.

"Ohhh you like to fight hmm? Well I can be spicy sometime, we can wrestle on the bed."

she whispered in your ear

Smiling she laughed

"I assure you I can replace it, don't do that to often though or it'll get costly"

she winked and squeezed giving you another kiss

Thu May 09 19:12:43 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
ohh for sure.....they be everywhere...

Thu May 09 19:12:09 . The 1920's
unc said:
You're welcome !

Yes it could perhaps reside here temporarily.. :)
I see the other room has closed for the time being

Thu May 09 19:12:03 . Blue Lucy's BBQ and Soul Food Restaurant
Mei Toshima said:
She thinks she got away with her ride comment when you talk about how giraffes and rhinos handle, but no. She sees that grin of yours, then your eyes on her while you explain the trick of being your size and riding anything without breaking its back.

Grip. Her lips part and she slow blinks. Just grab hold.. tight. And lean into it. Wouldn't want to get thrown off. Just then, the server pauses at the table to set down the waters you'd ordered and Mei leans back in her chair almost stiffly, her smile way too wide and eyes blinking an excess of innocence at the other woman until she walks away and you get a sidelong glance as Mei reaches for that water.

Suddenly parched, she sips while watching you. Finally, hushed, she murmurs, "I can't imagine someone your size often finds himself getting thrown around."

You pick up the thread about not dating and listens, sipping again and then setting her glass down. A little tap at the lemon wedge perched on the rim and it topples over and into her water. Taking up the straw, she pushes the lemon wedge down under the ice. You think she'd be chasing away guys, girls, mimes and she laughs, "I didn't say no one ever asks me out. I just don't usually agree. I have friends who recently go together and maybe it's making me think about it a little... like maybe I'm missing out a bit." Something she's not admitted to herself, really.

Quiet for a second, long enough that she looks up from stabbing that lemon wedge with her straw, those eyes settling on you. She laughs as you tease about if you ask a lot of women out, looking away as she shakes her head and smiles, taking in the patio as the tall space heaters come on, glowing and warming the area even as the evening chill climbs.

Her focus sweeps back to her unopened menu and you ask if it would be alright if you picked a few things to share and she blinks again, then her smile spreads wide, her shoulders relaxing as she nods and reaches out to nudge the menu away from her.

When you ask if she has allergies, that grin of hers somehow gets a little wider, "Camels, giraffes, and elephants give me hives."

Thu May 09 19:11:57 . sofa Time
missy jo said:

Thu May 09 19:11:32 . sofa Time
missy jo said:
lot to be Said to have nature on show closeby

birds, squirrel, possums, dear, geese, ducks, racoon groundhogs..we enjoy them all..

Thu May 09 19:11:25 . A Travel Road on Gor
syn{WB} said:
Keeping quiet and keeping out of view she stays behind the huge beast,her heart is pounding and its like thunder to shell of her ears but she can not help but feel that rush of adrenaline as she squats down and looks through the underside of the beast at the carnage happening before her, watching Master REDWOLF and the other Raiders swing their weapons with such precise movements and the orderly chaos that surrounds them is thrilling .The smoke is thick an syn sees a slave trying to run from one of the wagons , so darting around the edge of the bushes she makes her way to the only route the runaway can take and crouches down and as the girl makes her way thru syn sticks out her leg and watches the girl stumble and then jumps on her back and locks her arms around the girls neck and pulls her backwards till they both are on the ground, the girl kicking and wailing at syn to let her go but syn holds on for dear life until a raider comes and swoops the girl up by her hair , knowing she will fetch coin along the way and syn scurries back to from where she had come, dirt covering her face and hands .

Thu May 09 19:11:20 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
SizeFetishM said:

Thu May 09 19:10:34 . Reading Room
Panurge said:
The Reading Room
Dusting a favorite shelf in my neglected library; seeing the spines of old friends appear, remembering ideas, journeys, characters that strut their stuff across the pages.

Thu May 09 19:10:07 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
good place to a breesze in the trees....birds singing....

Thu May 09 19:10:02 . Modifications & Pain
Owen said:
looking in

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