The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Thu May 09 21:35:37 . Just One
Fotomat said:

Thu May 09 21:35:29 . Just One
~f*cKs with words~ said:

Thu May 09 21:35:21 . Just One
Bootz said:

Thu May 09 21:35:18 . Just One
Dreamweaver1 said:

Thu May 09 21:34:54 . South Town Night City RPG
Kristen Locke said:
You are charming, especially in relation to Haven. Anyone that makes Haven that happy has a charm to them, even if it's just by virtue of seeing someone she loves this happy. And you are charming, besides that too.

There's a sort of wonder and a sense of being unmoored as she watches you activate... whatever it is that you activated. A similar sense as you offer her that glass with a mechanical arm - a warm smile, though, for all she feels out of her depth. That, and she will take the drink and even sip it before setting it down.

"Hermana... that's sister, isn't it?" Her pronunciation closely imitates what you did, but without any of the understanding behind it. Then you're placing an iPod down, and she is fully stunned for a moment, before a surprised laugh bubbles up. She does pick it up to examine it, the way she handles it is like it's something deeply precious.

"I never owned one, but I certainly wanted one." Not something she ever expected to see again. "Thank you, Echo," the words are quiet, and there's the faintest sheen of tears in crystal blue eyes when they look up to find you again. "This is tremendously thoughtful and kind."

She's touched. Deeply.

A breath, just a little shaky as she refocuses herself. "Dogtown was the only avenue we were given, is my understanding of it. The difficulty is that MetaCorp has considerable investment in keeping us out, and considerable power in Night City, and Arasaka consider us terrorists, rather than an independent nation."

Haven Darling -

That is very considerate of you. It probably would be for the best if he didn't comment again, but only because it will reinforce what she already feels.

Adjusting is a word she knows well, and her expression indicates it. Her voice soft, "that makes two of us. The nice thing about my having played sleeping beauty so effectively is that I don't have an emotional connection to either name. And I am here to help you adjust, even if it's simply to having people outside of your found family."

It might help her, too, to have something to offer. Not that she says as much. But that's not why she offers, just a bonus.

"Good." A glimmer of amusement, "and I suppose if it's about Echo, come through me. I'm working on dissuading Irvine about how he treats him, but no idea if it will work, yet."

Oh, yes, that makes more sense. Well, 30 something would be nice, but so would 20 something, or 40 something. She's not picky. She's just lonely.

An apologetic glance as she sees the response you have to Paz's name. It was necessary for the context here.

"I'd appreciate an introduction, but even just sharing my contact information with them would be wonderful. I don't need you to be there in person, unless you think that's the only way they'd meet me. I can assure you that I mean them no harm, and my interest is to find things that might benefit us both. I imagine safety is a concern for them as well, so I'm happy to let them name the location - though I will need my escort. For safety, but also because I would be hopelessly lost otherwise." A quiet sigh. "There's so much information I just don't get, or see, these days. Something to do with the optical implants. It makes things difficult."

Her offer is all she says. You've had too many choices taken away from you, she gathers. She will not take this one away from you. She refuses.

"I want to know all about you, Haven, and your life. I'm curious by nature, and I care about you. But I'd rather give you the opportunity to share, if you ever want to." And because she is good at reading people, and she is learning - a wry curl o fher lips. "I'll even offer quid pro quo - if you share something, I will share something of similar weight, if that makes it easier. I'll tell you things, regardless, but... there are things that are difficult and painful for me to recount, too."

A sip of her drink, mulling that over. "I want to feel safe to move about the city without an escort. I want my independence back. If you can help me do that, I'd be very appreciative."

You're not wrong, that watching the pair of you is not easy right now. Little of it is filtering through to her expression, because she wants to ge to know you both. Truly. She's also just taking long moments to look around the room, drinking more of the martini.

Thu May 09 21:34:55 . Just One
~f*cKs with words~ said:

Thu May 09 21:34:28 . Just One
Daniel Guide said:

Thu May 09 21:34:13 . Just One
Fotomat said:

Thu May 09 21:34:03 . Just One
Dreamweaver1 said:

Thu May 09 21:33:55 . Just One
Bootz said:

Thu May 09 21:32:59 . Just One
~f*cKs with words~ said:
no (lol)

Thu May 09 21:32:01 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Shadeara said:

Shadeara has started a new game with the following players:

Thu May 09 21:31:59 . A Game of Words
Bootz said:


Thu May 09 21:31:48 . Just One
Fotomat said:

Thu May 09 21:31:38 . Dogtown — Night City RPG
MILLIE said:
"Mm? Oh just my pal Candyfloss," MILLIE dropped into the booth, leaning her shoulder into and against that outstretched arm, tilting her head like she just needed to see into those blacked out sclera from another angle that would reduce you, fit you into her field of view better.

"Hella gear, for a simple snatch job getting some electronics. Look…" hips twisted slightly, she crossed her legs and let that glossy neon heel catch the light, cast colored sparkles around the otherwise dim backroom.

From her bag, she withdrew a vaporizer and took a hit out of some mild, slow-acting sedative, lest the tactile understanding of her situation stun her into inaction. The click-hiss of the contained mist spilled its excess out of the corners of her lips into wisps of blue smoke that curled up past her eyes and into those matching neon bangs.

"…wasn't told to do nothin' except check ya out, see what's goin' on…" that little device, blue and pink, extended in your direction if you wanted a hit for yourself. "give you an 'out' if you're looking to exit this, uh… this whatever you're in. Exchange favors. Tit for Tat. Find some way to be mutually benefacted er whatever…"

As the droplets suffused her system, it began to calm that racing pulse that was coming to understand just how severely unarmed she was at the time. But perhaps that would be a point in her favor if all of that bristling gear was scanning for weapons on her.

Thu May 09 21:31:28 . Just One
Daniel Guide said:

Thu May 09 21:31:20 . Just One
Fotomat said:

Thu May 09 21:31:11 . Acro-verse
Primo said:



Thu May 09 21:30:55 . Just One
~f*cKs with words~ said:

Thu May 09 21:30:39 . Just One
Fotomat said:

[End of Transfer]

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