The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Mon May 06 23:56:03 . The State of Insanity
Soft Whispers said:
You here?

Mon May 06 23:53:38 . The State of Insanity
Soft Whispers said:

Mon May 06 23:53:13 . Z2 Corkboard
cait~ said:

Mon May 06 23:53:09 . Z2 Corkboard
Bad@ss said:

Mon May 06 23:48:43 . Dogtown — Night City RPG
MILLIE said:
   Heavy Hearts
Behind the rhythmic crash of the drumbeat crackle-snapped the almost on-beat report of the wire producing lively arcs and light-flashes surrounding the hilariously electrified dance floor.

MILLIE was reporting the details of a job that promised a whole ten grand, right?

"Gonk by the name of Ajax Apoc, right? Normally a skulljob would be kinda cheap, especially for a relative nobody, but this guy pissed off some Tygers and the gab around him is that he might be pre-psycho or summin…" she lounged under the haze of lingering smoke and perfumed whatever that was hanging in the air, lurching and flowing like the surf.

Why was she here? It was Monday, after all. MILLIE Mondays, right? No. Darryl and her were on the outs, and he was just going to deal with it.

…of course that might absolutely backfire if Darryl decides that not having her was an amenable arrangement, if it meant he was free to occupy the day with anyone else…

Let's nevermind that, the results of Monday's devious drummer denial won't be known until tomorrow, or whatever happens to filter through the Dogtown social rumor mill and get back to her, anyhow.

The day was spent doing BIZ. With Mikey.

"So there's, like… a pretty dece' chance he's gonna be overjuiced a bit, right? He hangs by Nox & Chrome. Gig is for a body, but we gotta puzzle how out to make sure he doesn't blow off both of our heads in the process. He seems heavier than your average gangoon…"

d;illie sunk a little in her seat, poor of posture as she tried to negotiate a drink to her lips, a neon blue affair that glowed under the special lights overhead.

Mon May 06 23:47:27 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Ppink said:

Ppink has started a new game with the following players:

Mon May 06 23:47:19 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Ppink said:

Mon May 06 23:42:41 . Z2 Corkboard
valentina said:
It would be difficult to lug around.

Mon May 06 23:38:21 . Just One
unc said:

Mon May 06 23:35:42 . valentina's dice room
valentina said:

valentina has started a new game with the following players:

Mon May 06 23:35:36 . valentina's dice room
valentina said:

Mon May 06 23:35:24 . Urban Legends OOC
Rosalie Knight said:
pats the alter ego on the head because it's late and I'm feeling weird

There there, we'll get it back.

Mon May 06 23:34:35 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Tyler Wells said:
So out

Mon May 06 23:29:56 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Tyler Wells said:

tylerwells has started a new game with the following players:

Mon May 06 23:29:45 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Tyler Wells said:
Coming in

Mon May 06 23:28:42 . Dogtown — Night City RPG
EZ Mike said:
   Heavy Hearts
It was Merc Monday— Heavy Hearts, social hub to the the degeneracy of Dogtown, was in full swing.

While this place was normally abustle with all manner of drinks and chems, Mondays were catered to the Mercenary crowd.

It was here our chapter begins. EZ Mike was at a small bar called Halfies, which seemed to be carved out in the shape of a shoebox, directly from the Cement foundations of the building it sat in the ground floor of. The door man was a burly-looking Gonk named Supreem, which was obviously a name he gave himself. But when you're that size and had muscles that big, you could call yourself whatever you wanted and nobody was going to say nothing.

Directly past Supreem, the room was cut lengthwise with a large roll of what looked like chickenwire. The wiring was snapped from wall to wall, angling at the end of the bartop to cut 90 degrees against the walking room. Behind it was the two bartenders serving up drinks, and past that, the stage where Kaleidoscopter, local technopunk duo, was playing music at a level that was almost certainly too loud for the area.

The snap and crackle of electricity danced across the humidity of dancing bodies and spilled drinks that happened to splatter and waft into the chickenwire, which was quite electric.

Mike loved Halfies.

"Two more!" He shouted, wiggling his forefinger and middle above him like a double-kick base drum.

He turned to the one next to him, And offered a grin, with his toothy grin, chipped biscupid giving him the appearance of a third upper-canine. The bruising around his eye from the overzealous Wall guard now a swimming mesh of purple and orange. But the swelling had gone down, and his eye was not completely bloodshot any more.

"So what'd Hatz say?"

Mon May 06 23:21:07 . Urban Legends OOC
Dick Grayson said:
Also rusty and out of practice on the play thing. But I feel like that will come back pretty easily.

Mon May 06 23:11:31 . Meet and greet!
Faith's property said:
slips to the floor and tries to sleep

Mon May 06 23:03:41 . Share your crushes with us!
Ppink said:
Bearing witness having been there before.

mail open

Mon May 06 23:02:00 . Urban Legends OOC
Dick Grayson said:
Ugh. I am so rusty and out of practice on this plotting thing.

[End of Transfer]

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