The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sat May 04 11:08:33 . The Rapist Lounge Shelter
beauty debased~ said:
the gravelly rasp.... its like
sandpaper to the senses.... it' excites...
and scrapes...
and rubs just enough that it gets the
blood pumping
without spilling it...

green gaze stares into darkened eyes....
perhaps soulless... perhaps not...

breath catching as that fist tightens in
long hair...


lower lip captured between white teeth
for a brief bite... then those lips are opened
shivers rising as deep growl vibrates against
soft, silky sink... there's decidedly more
pressure against your chest as your
teeth bare down and ride along my
tongue stroked throat...

there's a little taste of
fear... but you haven't got what
you came for....

not yet...

the whisper is

Dig deeper.....

Sat May 04 11:07:51 . Z2 Corkboard
Panurge said:
I hear you Pepin, Love Cherokee Purple, and geez, Better Boy is fantastic, we have about eight of those planted; probably my third favorite.

I'm glad birds eat more bugs than butterflies, seems a shame to snatch a flying flower from the sky.

Sat May 04 11:04:43 . Just One
Primo said:

Sat May 04 11:03:41 . Just One
plain katie said:

Sat May 04 11:03:08 . The Music Lounge
vaash said:
Song: Dog and Butterfly (live)
by Heart

Sat May 04 11:02:22 . The Rapist Lounge Shelter
NowonmaI said:

the gravelly rasp repeats itself, lips split open in a grim smile, as my eyes bore inexorably into yours

The windows to the soul, they call the eyes, but when there is no soul in me, what do they look into? The void surges upwards and pours out of me, thick and persistently viscous. My wrist feels the grasp of your hand, only to sense it fall away, as I tighten my grip even more

My prey

growled against your neck, I can feel the goosebumps on your skin, spreading like wildfire. Teeth scrape along the trail that my tongue has laid bare, as my nostrils inhale the delicious perfume that emanates from you... Fear, I seek your fear

Sat May 04 11:01:42 . Just One
Primo said:

Sat May 04 11:00:04 . Just One
plain katie said:

Sat May 04 10:57:24 . Just One
Primo said:

Sat May 04 10:55:05 . The Rapist Lounge Shelter
beauty debased~ said:

the eyes tell you everything you'll
ever need to know....
eyes are where you look to communicate...
fighters too, they watch the eyes....
animals... watch the eyes...

I'm no different.... I'm watching your eyes
just like you're watching mine...
reading what they offer...

as you incite the beginnings of
stirring up the
dust in the

ghosts are swirling out of
them... you can feel them...

pulled to you, out of my comfortable seat...
slender hands are wrapped tightly around your
wrist... half assisting in pulling me up..alleviating
some of the burn through my scalp with your
buried in long, dark hair...

there's a flush rising to high cheekbones
now... that heartrate is getting jacked
up... that fight or flight response is
revving up....

slender neck tastes of sweetness... the pulse
is rapid under your tongue... that pulse
knows you
from so
long ago......
a familiarity there.... nostrils flare slightly...
lips part....
making way for quicker breaths...

hands peel from your wrist... and bunch up
to the wall of your chest...
my mind mulling over just how much of
a fight I'm going to put up....

Is that what I am...........? Prey?

Sat May 04 10:55:01 . The Music Lounge
vaash said:
Song: Dog and Butterfly
by Heart

Sat May 04 10:54:46 . Z2 Corkboard
Pepin said:
Curious,I'm putting out a Cherokee Purple this season,along with Better Boy,which I know works well here.

I did not know until I Googled it,that many birds are economical and given a choice,will expend less energy to take ground bugs than go after butterflies.

Sat May 04 10:53:33 . The Dock
Primo said:
Sorry about that

Sat May 04 10:53:15 . Just One
plain katie said:

Sat May 04 10:52:07 . Breast Lovers Room
Bootz said:

Sat May 04 10:50:08 . Just One
Bryant said:

Sat May 04 10:48:06 . The Rapist Lounge Shelter
NowonmaI said:
almost gently, the left hand reaches out to grasp the cup of coffee. A solitary index finger traces the veins along back of your hand before it retracts and lowers the cup to the nearby table, the bottom imprinting on the film of dust that has gathered.

But my eyes have not left yours, nor has my grasp on your hair. If anything the grip has tightened, yanking on the roots and the scalp, propelling you upward from the comfortable confines of your seat and closer to me. My eyes slowly part the veil, starting to insist my gaze into your depths.


It could be construed as an invitation to prayer but it is a name that I call you, as I drag you forward, the muscles in my arms bunching up taut. I lean forward and... lick the pulse that is audibly flailing in your neck

Sat May 04 10:48:02 . Z2 Corkboard
Panurge said:

Sat May 04 10:47:31 . A place for girls who need a push... con
cynical said:
Nancy 35 is already in #r-jerkoff trying to con someone else...

Sat May 04 10:47:26 . The Masturbatorium
Nancy 35 said:
you sure gone

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