The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sun May 05 18:13:18 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
my one dr doesn't think I should keep away from people....but afer all the years just more comfortable at home

Sun May 05 18:13:11 . Barista Coffee Shop
Miss Cielle {JWolf} said:
oh so a lot of upcoming trips for you too!


Sun May 05 18:12:23 . Barista Coffee Shop
laurelynn {LA} said:
s long as you can and it makes you happy, that's all that matters. *Smiles*.

Sun May 05 18:12:13 . Femjail Redux
Alyssa Landers said:
Trust takes time to build, especially with our professions and especially under these trying circumstances. And, it takes two. The fact that you haven't moved your arm away, tells me all I need to know for now. That touch lingers, and then my thumb finds the palm of your hand, while my fingers ride the outside of your hand, from wrist to fingertips and back up again. It's an incredibly slow caress.

Digesting the threat of the lash and the use at the hands of callous degenerates, I listen as you tell me that you would break me with both, and therein lies some of the important information you lack. But, I'm not here to fatten my own file.

And then the new proposal. My initial thought is that you're fukking with me or being sarcastic, and I'm half expecting that gleam to hit your eyes where you mock me. But it doesn't seem to be forthcoming and we had to learn to trust each other, or we weren't going to get anywhere with making sure you and your assets were protected.

There's a long look between green and brown eyes before I reply.


I don't take the flask from you this time though, this time it's different. I wrap my free hand over yours and keep my gaze listed to yours, while I bring the flask up and take a sip.

Sun May 05 18:12:11 . South Town Night City RPG
Isree said:
But home first. They've gotta figure out how they're going to pay all this off.

Back onto the streets and back to the 'Leven

back to #r-tower11 to close it out

Sun May 05 18:11:52 . sofa Time
vaash said:
not sure it is a good enough trade-off from being more connected to people though

Sun May 05 18:11:50 . Barista Coffee Shop
laurelynn {LA} said:
We're doing Delaware the end of this month, Kentucky in July and Franklin NC in September. I gotta get back in that mine!! *Laughs*.

Sun May 05 18:11:16 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
that it does....when no one around an not going anywher helps keep flu aways

Sun May 05 18:10:21 . sofa Time
vaash said:
I think sometimes, being a bit of a social loner is what keeps me from getting colds and flus as often

Sun May 05 18:10:16 . Barista Coffee Shop
Miss Cielle {JWolf} said:
I hear you!

this Ggirl has a lot of people saying She is crazy to do 3 trips in less than a year, but we are in a place where we can do it.. so it seemed right...

Sun May 05 18:09:38 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
yes it does

Sun May 05 18:08:42 . sofa Time
vaash said:
me too. Sounds pretty miserable.

Sun May 05 18:07:47 . Barista Coffee Shop
laurelynn {LA} said:
*laughs*. Oh, that's funny. But pretty cool too.

I have a list of things I'm going to do this year, because I can. I'm going to take my bestie to Cedar Point in the fall. *Smiles*. Because I can. I haven't gone in years. There was no point.

Sun May 05 18:06:52 . The City Lighthouse
Victoria Laurent said:
Secluded Beach
(Thank you as well it's been a lot of fun, till next time)

Sun May 05 18:06:28 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
hope she keeps getting better

Sun May 05 18:05:38 . Barista Coffee Shop
Miss Cielle {JWolf} said:
well, her kids are grown, but like their mom and their cousin they are Disney fanatics


Sun May 05 18:05:22 . The City Lighthouse
Pachuco Wilson said:
Secluded Beach
"I am content. contentamente. Yes, it has been three days. Or two." grins. My patented smile. For new loves, and even occasionally the old.

"I will be busy this week. I have decided on a workspace. And I need to talk about the waters. And."

glancing at a certain container ship.

"There are things to supervise." Do I get my hands dirty? Only rarely.

"So." loosening the tiller rope after running the sail up.

"Think about a dock at your place. By the map there is that small stream out to the Ship Channel, si. This small boat or yours could easily motor up in there I would bet."

"But now." kissing on you. "We should go."

(gracias for the play, beautiful)

Sun May 05 18:05:15 . Barista Coffee Shop
laurelynn {LA} said:
They say "we're going to Disney" and the little excited faces. *Smiles*.

Sun May 05 18:04:43 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
oksss sleep well Jilly talk on the morrow

Sun May 05 18:04:40 . Femjail Redux
Pervert Cop said:
my trained powers of observation immediately pick up on the light touch on my arm, and the eyes
those windows to the soul unveiled themselves for a brief moment
the question is are we getting back on track, with perhaps something more?
or is this just another legal ploy by a clever lawyer?
I don't respond to your touch, but I don't reject it either, I keep an open mind for now

I know you fear the lash, you've openly admitted it
what you don't know that I do is you fear the use and degradation far more than 100 lashes
I could use a combination of the two to break you completely
but I don't like to waste talent

so how about I put you off limits to Staff, and make you as comfy as possible under such trying circumstances?
I'll settle for that at this point in time
I take the flask of promised vodka from magic pocket, take a small sip to seal our bargain, then pass it to you

[End of Transfer]

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