The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Thu May 02 02:07:19 . Just One
unc said:

Thu May 02 01:55:01 . Six Sexy Words
MstrLance said:
Roughing? Straight to the penalty box!

Thu May 02 01:54:56 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vittoria said:

Thu May 02 01:54:35 . Just One
unc said:

Thu May 02 01:51:54 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vittoria said:

Vittoria has started a new game with the following players:

Thu May 02 01:50:10 . Night City Cork
IRIDIA said:
#r-tower11@soi IRIDIA visits Nobunaga to with boba and baozi to catch up on all that's been going on with the both of them since before the tumultuous events of the past month.

Thu May 02 01:48:59 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vittoria said:

Vittoria has started a new game with the following players:

Thu May 02 01:45:46 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vittoria said:

Vittoria has started a new game with the following players:

Thu May 02 01:45:01 . Z2 Corkboard
Delilah said:
Have a good time, but try not to exhaust yourself. Have to admit, that crown looks really heavy. Don't think I'd be able to wear it for long!

Thu May 02 01:42:44 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vittoria said:

Vittoria has started a new game with the following players:

Thu May 02 01:42:40 . Z2 Corkboard
~lil wild gurl said:

Thu May 02 01:41:44 . Z2 Corkboard
Delilah said:
Well, ya know what they say.....What goes around, comes around!

Thu May 02 01:39:57 . Z2 Corkboard
Delilah said:
Hope you had a really happy Beltane and May Day. Ours was at least blessed with a break in the rain during most of the daylight hours, and the little birds in the garden were certainly greeting it enthusiastically!

Thu May 02 01:39:42 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vittoria said:

Vittoria has started a new game with the following players:

Thu May 02 01:36:45 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vittoria said:

Vittoria has started a new game with the following players:

Thu May 02 01:36:39 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vittoria said:

Thu May 02 00:52:53 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
IRIDIA said:
Lower Floors
"Not gonna lie, Doug — I'm a little scared of finding out the truth. As it is right now, under this, like… f-false stability, at least I seem to be left to myself, so long as I do my part and not meddle…"

Not her proudest idea, that she can just try and avoid rocking her own boat.
Her fingers soothed back and forth over your knuckles without realizing it, a nervous fidget that corresponded to the confused smile-not-smile and overthinking bounce of her leg as she was seated there, behind the obscuring wall of all the well-meaning horror-camouflage of your subterranean den.

"The Life seems to drive each of us to certain lengths, man, and it's become so hard to trust myself on… uh… I don't know…" IRIDIA stammered. Mostly, she feared she could turn out to be just like Maul, or whatever her internal impression of him was. Give up on humanity, act on reflexes, justify anything

But that anchoring reassurance helped bring her back to Earth, from the objective/subjective affirmation you offered to the prayer — there were parts of Night City that still knew sentiment, maybe? SereniTEA, little sacred corners and idealogues. Unless the words were truly esoteric, maybe her systems might have made some flailing attempt to render translation, but it's likely she could make sense of it anyway.

"I appreciate that — it means an immense amount to hear someone else say I did what I could. It's… I'm just used to handling problems with definite, mathematical or logical answers, you know what I mean? We're Netters, like… how you feel about things doesn't matter in the informational ether, and then to have that suddenly be a matter of life or death, steer these consequences…" She offered our hands another squeeze, lifting slightly so that she could shuffle over and embrace you, though she wasn't sure if your ribs were still tender from the abuse so she wasn't squeezing too hard.

"Alright, let's start hacking together the metadata for Jackson's problem, building the libraries we're going to use for when we go after that MaxTac data crypt…"


Thu May 02 00:47:43 . VIP
cutesteph said:
Stopping by briefly before bedtime. Finding the place quiet once again. It seems to be quiet a lot lately.

Shedding her clothes in a neat pile by the door, as is customary, before sinking to all fours. Petite body pressing close to the cold floor as she slithers to the middle of the Room. Brushing away dirty blonde hair as she kneels up and looks around.

Thu May 02 00:35:55 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Nobunaga said:
Tower 11 Exterior
Massive amounts of guilt, all kinds of shit slamming against pretty much all of your friends except for maybe Eir... and that's just because Eir would have introduced Paz to new and exciting kinds of pain within five minutes of meeting her. Eir had some *very* good reasons to dislike Corpos of Paz's variety.

"I flatter you because you're worth it. Because I'd barely known you from before and STILL can't say I know you worth a damn. But what I know, I am willing to go to war for without a second thought and damn the consequences. I see someone who was able to see a man in an absolutely indescribable position and give what comfort she could. His armor was off something called the ADONIS program, and I've pinged a few bits and pieces researching Damocles. It was first gen tech, and it required some *stupidly* invasive neural links to function like it did. If he acted like an emotionless killing machine, then I'm absolutely not surprised. Conditioning, neural damage... Shiiit, it's a wonder he was able to conceive of an infatuation let alone act on it."

A few moments of silence before he closes his eyes and murmurs something in a language that sounds Oriental, but not Mandarin. You're familiar enough with those languages to guess it's probably Tibetan. And judging from the reverent town, it's some sort of prayer. A bit of an oxymoron, considering the spiritual wasteland that Night City currently is. But a prayer nonetheless. For the soul of a man who was crushed under on this turn of the wheel, but still had the capacity to love.

"You did what you could, and that's all anyone can ask. As far as the rest of it goes... Perry's good folks, with great taste in pizza. He's absolutely got the chops to deal with this. I'm no slouch when it comes to programming chrome, but I'm the interface guy and do not have his practice or access on cracking things that are locked down. Would you mind if I talked with him about this? I may have a few angles that he's not thinking of to approach stuff. Either way, I've got your back and the only way you're getting rid of me is to convince me that YOU want me gone, Jellyfish. Not the Doll Chip version of IRIDIA. You. Because if you're willing to help me kick the gate shut on my demons and wreck their shit in the process then I can't do any less to support you!"

Thu May 02 00:24:01 . The Music Lounge
MstrLance said:
Song: Sleepy Sea of Indigo and Blue
by Antje Duvekot

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