The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Tue Apr 30 18:56:02 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
DALLIANCE**\ ~ said:

DALLIANCE**\ ~ has started a new game with the following players:

Tue Apr 30 18:55:52 . Femjail Redux
Alyssa Landers said:
Oh. And just like that we go from smiling to frowning. Jesus you're moody. Half expecting you to take the flask back now, but then I don't expect any steaks and bouquets of roses in the next little bit.

I'm a realist. Perhaps that's what is offsetting to you. But we'll get that sorted out here in a jiffy too because you and I have these lines of communication open regardless of your shitty mood swings.

I listen to what you have to say. It's another threat, and I know it to be such but the threat you speak of doesn't come as any surprise to me, nor does it bring any fear to my eyes. It is what it is. It's a threat, that you will either one day dole out or you won't.

I'm a Lawyer. We don't do big emotions. Ever.

I take another pull on the flask since you didn't reneg on that. I weight what I have to say because I think you are completely misreading me and that could be attributed to the fact that you hate Lawyers and you're completely biased towards me even before I speak. I don't particularly like cops either, but I'm looking past that with you and trying to come to a place where we can help each other.

I think perhaps...... we're getting side tracked with biases? Green eyes are lifted and steady. No sarcasm, just two new pals having a chat.

I am just me. I'm a Defense Attorney who is now currently here for a reason I don't know but can only guess at. I thought you were being funny, truly, when posing the question, thus you actually garnered real laughter from me. I would have thought you'd have been pleased with that, but apparently not.

I'm not here to bust your balls PC. I thought we were getting off to a famous little start but apparently you and I are not reading each other properly, or we are misreading one another.

So, let's be clear. Where are you not "feeling the love back" yet? What is it that you think or feel that I'm doing or saying that isn't being perfectly forthright with you? I'm not understanding. Help me to understand if you would please.

Tue Apr 30 18:55:48 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
DALLIANCE**\ ~ said:

Tue Apr 30 18:53:45 . Miscellaneous Views Night City RPG
Peregrine P. Olveira said:
NC Outskirts
You continue to just be, like, so cool. The ease, the confidence, knowing what to order... mostly...

You ask about the optics, and he blushes faintly. "I, um, haven't actually had any of it. The scent is... off-putting?" A sheepish shrug of shoulders. "I'm mostly pretending to drink it."

Though now he's curious what his bio-monitor will say.

You ask about Briar, and he lights up, smile turning bright for a moment. "They're good. We're good, anyway. Things have been pretty great with her. The gang war, and uh, people harassing her about the bar asking about Calamity have been not fun for her. So far she and Fables are unscathed, otherwise. I'm mostly, uh, working to focusing on freelance and quitting the day job?" Yes, he sounds unsure, even when he knows he's put in his notice.

"How are you? How's Haven?" Unsaid is that you both feature heavily in the Paz bomb, and also, maybe a literal bomb at tower 11.

Tue Apr 30 18:53:27 . Six Sexy Words
Rafferty said:
he knows you love the stick

Tue Apr 30 18:52:43 . CAA: Create An Acronym
Rafferty said:

You Said Yes

Tue Apr 30 18:51:59 . The Masturbatorium
miss lissa said:

Tue Apr 30 18:51:56 . The Rapist Lounge Shelter
NowonmaI said:
Hiya maraschino. Ltns, damn how the years have flown by How's life these days?

Tue Apr 30 18:51:38 . The OOC Chat Room
Estelle said:
Slips in.

Tue Apr 30 18:50:29 . South Town Night City RPG
Jackson Ward said:
Only time is going to fix that for you. But he could still reassure you from time to time. No, and he doesn't really think you'll ever become one either.

"Servitude." This word is spoken with a bit of disgust, which he's unable to hide. "Are you free of this servitude?" It's almost like he doesn't hear anything else you say about what it can do.

You're not wrong in that those things it can do are pretty useful and some people have similar kinds of enhancements in their own bodies. It does sound like you have both pros and cons with this sort of mod inside of you.

He snaps his fingers when his message doesn't reach you with a purse of his lips. "Damn. I really am not used to someone being unconnected. Honestly, if you do nothing else I'd recommend at least getting connected to the network like everyone is at some point."

He regards you while we walk, taking a sip before responding. "I mean, if you have some kind of display back home I can send it to your home or something and you can look at it on a monitor.

It's .. I don't know .. just normal. And no, you have to manually bring it up. Like you're placing a mini screen in your field of view and navigating it to what you need. But most of it is intuitive, so it works for you even if you don't know how.

You can reject things, yes." he chuckles, glancing over at you.

"Sure if you're not interested in that, you can reject."

Tue Apr 30 18:48:51 . CAA: Create An Acronym
evadne@jag said:

Eagerly Fornicates Nightly

Tue Apr 30 18:48:08 . City of Turia Corkboard
Lavanya said:
Scroll received and delivered to the Administrators.

Tue Apr 30 18:46:37 . Miscellaneous Views Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
NC Outskirts
Echo makes eye contact with you and gives wave before sauntering up to the bar. Tapping on it with armored knuckles...

"A bottle of whatever you call the moonshine. Barn Burner?"

Actually, it was 'Barn Blazer'. But after the bartender corrects him, he hands over a pre-poured brown bottle of the drink to Echo. Who then makes his way over to you and sits down at your table/spool. Resting his ass a battered steel chair that looked like it had been used in a Rocket Lucha Deathmatch one too many times. He'll check for a Rey Mysterio Mk IV mask imprint on it later.

"Did it mess with your optics at all?" Echo points at your drink before he takes a swig from his own bottle. His spine stiffened at the kick and strength of it. But his bio-monitor is reading it as 'borderline toxic'. Should be fine.

"Anyway...que onda wey? How are things going with Bonita Briar?" Hopefully strong and intoxicating, just like his beverage.

Tue Apr 30 18:45:14 . The Rapist Lounge Shelter
marachino said:
blast from the past

Tue Apr 30 18:44:47 . Femjail Redux
Alyssa Landers said:

Tue Apr 30 18:42:27 . Tiny Tops
Artistic Embodiment said:
she looks fun!

Tue Apr 30 18:42:12 . Tiny Tops
Artistic Embodiment said:

Tue Apr 30 18:42:06 . Tiny Tops
Artistic Embodiment said:

Tue Apr 30 18:42:06 . The Rapist Lounge Shelter
NowonmaI said:
RIP OhYouKnow

Tue Apr 30 18:41:52 . Tiny Tops
Artistic Embodiment said:

[End of Transfer]

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