The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Fri May 10 02:25:09 . B&B&B&B Basement
Kitara said:
Hello Seven

Fri May 10 02:22:32 . B&B&B&B Basement
Seven said:
Hopes today will not be another dreary day like yesterday. She still needed that sunshine.

Fri May 10 02:18:39 . B&B&B&B Basement
Seven said:
Blazes it with her trusty Zippo. Because why the hell not?

"Smoke em if ya got em."

Said to no one.

Fri May 10 02:15:10 . B&B&B&B Basement
Seven said:
Yawns. Early morning today. Took her anxiety med early for bedtime because she simply couldn't be bothered anymore last night. Checks her supplies. One cigarette left. Spectacular.

Fri May 10 02:12:39 . B&B&B&B Basement
Seven said:
Comes in to scan the place with her Terminator Vision and, satisfied with what she sees, chats up her sister a little while prepping up and taking up her spot behind the bar.

Fri May 10 02:10:12 . The Britannia
Seven said:
Cleans and reorganizes everything so that the place is working at optimal capacity, then ducks back out again.

Fri May 10 02:05:06 . The Britannia
Seven said:
In the butt.

Fri May 10 02:02:53 . The Britannia
Seven said:
Pokes you.

Fri May 10 02:00:53 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
SilverDream said:

Fri May 10 01:58:19 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
SilverDream said:

SilverDream has started a new game with the following players:

Fri May 10 01:55:59 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
SilverDream said:

SilverDream has started a new game with the following players:

Fri May 10 01:55:52 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
SilverDream said:

Fri May 10 01:55:40 . The Britannia
kelleigh{J} said:

Fri May 10 01:53:46 . The Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:
I want her to
Stain me as well
To see her influences
In me ..

She is a deeply caring individual
Who will put herself
Aside for the people she cares about
I love that about her ...

I want to be the person
She does not set herself
Aside for
The person she can be selfish with
The person she can indulge herself in
And not let her fall
Too deep
Too fast ...
Who has her always ...

Fri May 10 01:51:25 . The Britannia
kelleigh{J} said:

Fri May 10 01:51:21 . Dogtown — Night City RPG
MILLIE said:
Of course, you made promises. MILLIE believed every word of it, too.

No sarcasm — For the short time she was with the Mox there were few problems with guys, even guys that were chromed out, guys that were big, who approached Lizzie's with a certain swagger. It was a character, as put-on as cologne, some externally motivated trait they wore out of expectation. They did it because that guy did it, and they were under the impression that that guy pulled better output.

Ape it, refine it, and then go tell everyone else you invented it, you were the first or whatever, and now everyone else is copying you or whatever.

There was a whole time among Lizzie's patronage and associated surrounding area where all the guys were trying to one-up each other's awkward posturing, elbows cocked out and a mean pucker to your lips like you smelled something rotten.

When the doors closed, though, it was all double entendre and indirect language near to the point of 'Aw, shucks', especially after being confronted by an opportunity, a… kinda need… for literally anything other than an answer of 'I'm horny'. Short-circuited people, really!

And it might have bought her the confused interval required for you to just put the damn Inhibitor on just to skip the conversation part of it.

"Now that's a good boy, and you know good boys get rewarded — kinda like how extraction companies that used to scour regrowth fields, once they were convinced to retool their operations to seafloor methane capture saw a twofold increase in production after international subsidies were factored in…" The skinsuit was patiently cindering away like glacial melt, and it might frustrate you to realize it was touch-activated the way she hoisted an index finger and then sliced down her middle to create an entirely new line from which the material shrunk away.

Okay Mike he's got the thing on, whenever you're ready, just watch your passthrough and don't hit me!

MILLIE shot the message off across the presumably very short distance from the bed to wherever EZ Mike was hiding, doing her best not to give the game away with something like a glance or hesitation. For all Ajax Apoc knows, this is about to happen.

Fri May 10 01:50:38 . The Britannia
kelleigh{J} said:

Fri May 10 01:46:37 . The Britannia
kelleigh{J} said:

Fri May 10 01:45:43 . Z2 Corkboard
Delilah said:

Fri May 10 01:45:02 . The Britannia
kelleigh{J} said:
Lingers here

[End of Transfer]

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